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About yazar8

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    Bean King

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    Genetics and Bioinformatics student.

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  1. yazar8

    0.62 is coming to stable today.

    It's pretty obligatory that will happen. Because tents and vehicles would get penetrated by the newly replaced trees.
  2. yazar8

    Reposted Reddit Findings! (Scripts)

    What is the exact name of this scripting language? Is it Enfusion script?
  3. yazar8

    How old are you?

    21, Turkey, 1200 hours played. I usually play friendly and do not engage PVP stuff. I am a hermit, I try to collect all rare items in my camp. I raid camps and loot military bases to reach my end goal. I avoid players and only engage with friends that I trust or people from the forums that are trustworthy. I probably won't kill a player even if I have the upperhand unless they pose a threat to me.
  4. yazar8

    Trading Post

    Don't need it anymore man! Thank you though! Mookie might want it though better ask him :P
  5. yazar8

    Absence of formal sidechat in DayZ SA is a pain.

    Survival game or not, it should be an option on private hives anyway.
  6. yazar8

    CLE still a mess

    OP is right with that a single room can be full with ridicilously high amount of items. But guns are meant to be rare.
  7. yazar8

    Individual Hand Slots

    Like Skyrim, basically. It would be great.
  8. yazar8

    Open Fields "OVERHAUL"

    The fields of DayZ are so dull and boring, Chernarus is a poor country with lots of agricultural villages but there's not a single crops field that I can see. It is absolutely boring and there should be more variety with the fields. Swamp areas would be so good to see, but I can't come up with a proper place to make a swamp at. I really hate the huge fields between Vybor and Green mountain, it's plan dull, no trees, no forests, no crops, nothing. It's just boring. I do like the area between Novaya Petrovka and Grishno however again there's not so much variety. Also Stary-Novy-Altar areas are really dull. There should be more variety between these areas, Lopatino as well that came to my mind just now. Hopefully, we'll see changes when they add the new environment stuff. Currently Chernarus is like a huge desert that has a few green trees here and there. The forests are just boring with repetitive pine trees, nothing in the scenery to say "wow" when you are travelling in the forests.
  9. yazar8

    Absence of formal sidechat in DayZ SA is a pain.

    Oh come on, can we just put all the excuses aside with the sidechat and mod? Don't compare SA with the mod please, they aren't the same. I don't understand why the sidechat is still not a thing, maybe it would be nice if it were a server toggleable feature you know. Server admins are able to disable the crosshair ON PUBLIC SERVERS. But they can't enable sidechat? Bollocks, it should be added, and fast. On a serious note, servers that are full RP or any private server would perfectly benefit from this, should be default open on experimental servers at the first place. Public servers should have it as well, but disabled by default imho.
  10. yazar8

    Irishjake's Ambush Survival Tips

    Using a decoy is smart, never saw someone else doing that. Good tip.
  11. yazar8

    This plugin too much

    In the poem, the poet is complaining that there are too many male clothing and there should be more female clothing.
  12. With this speed if the dev team split up we would have a real apocalypse happen before this game gets released, HELL NO
  13. yazar8

    Way to check if voice is working?

    Interesting, they did react when I talked to them like you did. Maybe that zombie used to be a deaf person.
  14. yazar8

    Way to check if voice is working?

    This is already a thing, test it yourself.
  15. yazar8

    New forum format/style

    Woot I can actually see my old trades! YAY I think I can't edit my siggy though.