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About scubaman3d

  • Rank
    Former DayZ Art Lead

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    Orphans and Widows.

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    Grew up in the US, currently working for The Man.

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  1. scubaman3d

    New Derringer Shown!

    Yup - that was the major influence on my design :) I'm thinking about a couple of colors - a chromed one, this black one and maybe a hello kitty one :p
  2. scubaman3d

    The Repeater

    Its 357mag...already shoots in game. Just waiting for the animations/sounds to be made.
  3. This is precisely our current plan for the same reasons you just stated. The blase has something like divots in its barrel which allows for attachment of a saddle mount - a type of mount which cannot be used on any other of our guns. That means the only way to satisfy the 'realism' junkies is to create a specific Blaze scope which can't be used on any other weapon. Alternatively we introduce a generic 'scope' and then make people find the exact mount they need to attach to a given rifle and craft them together, which is a lot more work involving both the art and design team and has the end result of making it easier for there to be more leet snip0rs killing other players at long range - something we're not interested in encouraging at the moment. Its not something we'll permanently ignore - its just not a high priority right now.
  4. My personal opinion: one could argue that dayz takes place after the last events on the timeline relating to A2/OA, since it would seem odd that there is no mention anywhere among the campaigns or ANN reports of a society-crushing virus, which would put dayz in late 2013 at the earliest. AND I tend to view dayz as a parallel universe since I feel like having to incorporate a zombie apocalypse between the time of A2 and A3 feels a bit...cheese for the otherwise serious-feeling ArmA3.
  5. scubaman3d

    Silencers? Where are they?

    suppressors were strategically withdrawn from the loot tables pending support for their function.
  6. scubaman3d

    New CDF Gear Confirmed?

    Yep, I was thinking about the MASKA helmet, SMERSH vest, and balaclava when I said that. Flack jacket is another thing I've thought of but we have to see how to handle it first. I'm holding SVD until we get a working version of central loot since it would quickly become 'that gun every leet sniper wants'. Peter and I agree that sniper rifles are of the devil and need to be quite rare. We'll probably add an MMG like PKM for mounting on vehicles when the time comes.
  7. scubaman3d

    Fingerless Gloves/hobo gloves

    Funny we were just talking about this last week. Actually started planning it out as a feature but actually we remembered there's one problem. Some of you might remember when, if you wore gloves, and you were playing as a black person, your arms would turn white. We'd actually have the same problem with fingerless gloves at the moment - the fingers would always be white, so we'd need to get some programmer and designer time before we can pull it off the right way.
  8. scubaman3d

    Status Report: Week of 04 August 14

    N-nothing. :) Actually its because I'm visiting a remote studio we started working with and didn't write anything up for this week but we're going to update the status report probably today with new info.
  9. Still, most of the complaints I'm reading in this discussion boil down to the lack of wounding effects, not necessarily the lethality of the M4 (which I maintain, is not a one-shot stopper). We definitely want wounding effects.
  10. I started going through the guns and polishing things up a bit. The pistols, in particular, seem to have have a silly amount of dispersion. I was missing zombies with well aimed shots at ~25m. I calculated the MOA for one of the pistols to be ~300. About the M4 damage - current values were recommended by Gews. Feedback from Iraq and A-stan indicate that the average number of hits it took to instantly incapacitate an enemy was 7 from the M4. Hell if I can find the article now but yeah...I'm sure it could one-shot drop a woodchuck. Here's an article filled with quotes and anecdotes about the evolution of .223 into the 77gr bullets they are today and how they're performing in the field. Not the report I saw before but you'll get the idea. And keep in mind that most soldiers are issued the 62gr rounds. You can't want both realism and 1-shot drops from an M4. http://www.americanthinker.com/2004/08/the_last_big_lie_of_vietnam_ki.html
  11. Its almost like...the rifle is a work in progress and isn't ready to be released to experimental yet :) Caliber is changing. Art was told to make this in 5.56mm by design, but that was before design moved all 5.56 to crashsites so we decided this week to rebarrel the 527 in 7.62x39 and might later add a full-length 527 varmint in 5.56 sometime in the future. Sounds are being made atm, along with new reload animations.
  12. scubaman3d

    .380 ACP Coming To DayZ! [Torchia Reddit]

    You're exactly right - IMO that's precisely what we've done - we added a new, real life caliber, enhancing gameplay. People don't have to 100% agree with the rationale or the particular selected caliber. It was a comprimise so by definition, it means neither side got exactly what it wanted. Its massively pedantic at this point to say this somehow caters to the COD crowd and its gamey or whatever other nonsense. We added a real world caliber to go with real world weapons we just didn't pick the specific caliber some people wanted. To me that's a matter of simple preference, rather than principle. For those still harping on the 7.62 issue edit, I meant this:
  13. scubaman3d

    .380 ACP Coming To DayZ! [Torchia Reddit]

    Right it has to do with game design. To make it easier to understand which guns take which ammo we wanted a way to more easily distinguish them. Having 7.62x39, 7.62x51, and 7.62x54 sounds like nonsense to the average player. Likewise 9x17, 9x18, and 9x19...only a few people know the difference between them and which guns take which. If the stated design goal allows for a slight expansion of calibers but making sure they can be easily discriminated, then a compromise is to add 380Auto (9x17) since this is the same 'class' of ammo as 9mmM, and most guns which are chambered in 9mmM have a variant in 380Auto anyways. It remains authentic (not 100% realistic, I can agree, but authentic) and makes it easier for an average player to tell the difference in the ammo, plus it dilutes the ammo pool having the gameplay effect people are talking about. The only downside is the slight hit to 'realism' in our made-up zombie-infested game universe.
  14. scubaman3d

    .380 ACP Coming To DayZ! [Torchia Reddit]

    You didn't...read what I wrote, did you? :D
  15. scubaman3d

    .380 ACP Coming To DayZ! [Torchia Reddit]

    Just a general FYI: We're not against adding more calibers but the team feels strongly we should avoid confusion of casual players. This means we can achieve the same effect on gameplay that dilution of the ammo pool would accomplish without adding in more 7.62s, and more 9mm's. 380Auto has performance characteristics more similar to the 9mmM than 9mmP but has several advantages 1) avoids confusion 2) allow for the addition of many iconic firearms such as Makarov, RAK, PPK, MAC10, Scorpion 3) sets a precedent which might allow us to do the same with 7.62 (think .308 Win instead of 7.62x51).