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About svisketyggeren

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    Bean King

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  1. svisketyggeren

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    Nobody cares man, just play the game whether is called alpha, beta or christmas pudding....
  2. svisketyggeren

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    End game is when u reach the end of the game, uve done almost everything u can do in the game. Concept is not that hard to understand. In dayz u reach end game when ur geared up, got a full belly, have explored the map, maybe even built a base of some kind. Again not that hard to understand this concept. Peoples problem with the end game concept in a game like Dayz probaly stems from the fact that its not 100% clear when u reach end game, the definition of end game will always have to be defined in a broad sense. But there is a end game....just like there is a....bambie game.
  3. svisketyggeren

    Reviews starting to come out

    Dayz dosent need reviews. Everybody knows what Dayz is about. And therein lies the success of Dayz. Some like the game, some dont....at any given time Dayz will always have the max potential players playing the game simply because everyone knows what Dayz is. Reviews are just redundant in this case. And some reviewers opinion isnt more important than the opinion of any Dayz hater or fanboy anywhere in the world. And honestly, its nice to see some of u ppl got burned by the early access. Let it be a lesson. Hopefully u guys wont clutter up the next early access game.
  4. svisketyggeren

    My head torch experience is so classic DayZ..

    Head torches are simple objects in the real world, therfore they must be equally simple in a game....nice logic
  5. svisketyggeren

    It's Been 6 Years

    So are we...of posts like urs. Because its just really hard to understand why u would feel the need to write this when u know it dosent make a difference, u know u could just play another game meanwhile, u know 6 years to make a game is normal.... To me....its just showing weakness when u write a post like this. Weakness because u cant seem to fill ur life with anything else besides waiting for Dayz, and weakness because u think ppl should feel sorry for u.
  6. svisketyggeren

    Throwing tied-up people from helicopters

    There should be a option to tickle tied up ppl too....to extract secret KGB information, and stuff like that
  7. svisketyggeren

    Return of the Long Range Scope?

    Gews...everything u said is wrong. I joined before u, so I would know this.
  8. U dont need to do anything to revive the game...its being revived continually with each patch. Boot up the game, make a character, pick a server...play. Really not that hard
  9. svisketyggeren

    I know, but be patient.

    I not sure why u even bother making this post. Every game forum is full of non constructive complaining and frustration. It will always be. Dayz forum isnt special in that regard.
  10. svisketyggeren

    This is geting silly

    Yea I get it, ur life revolves around Dayz and u spend ur days waiting for Dayz.... I imagine u spend most of ur time in a basement, waiting in a chair in front of a computer with only Dayz installed on it. How about go outside and talk to girls...or if thats to scary, install another game. I think u will be pleasantly surprised that there is more to life besides waiting for Dayz. And yes, I agree with the headline...this its getting very silly indeed.
  11. svisketyggeren

    Just checking in..

    lol, dramaqueen bait
  12. svisketyggeren

    Brian Hicks

    Is this the thread about Brian Hicks, yes hes at my place now...chained to a sofa in a basement under a basement, under another basement. Hes making a game for me, he will be out when hes done. His internet privileges has be revoked when he stole a cookie I accidentally dropped when I was down feeding him with old bread and murky water.
  13. svisketyggeren

    Thinking about buying, but steam reviews

    There is no reason to wait for beta or whatever. There are so many videos of Dayz on youtube that u have plenty of information about how its like to play the game. Steam reviews dont mean jack shit, most of the reviews are written by dramaqueen teenagers that have a love/hate relationship with everything in life. Watch youtube clips, it will give u enough information to make ur own judgement. Asking somebody else if u will like Dayz dosent make any sense really.
  14. svisketyggeren

    After Long break i understand why nobody plays DayZ.

    Well "nobody plays dayz" is just wrong, but it exemplifies the emotional attitude most young gamers have. Its either black or white, good or bad....nothing inbetween. And generally thats how young people are in their mind. Then u grow up and realize there is a middle ground. Put these kids togheter with a open alpha devlopment of a game, and u get regular shit storms every week. Drama all the way, devlopment is taking to long, they sold us out, Dayz suck, im never going back etc... The public image of Dayz has taken a toll because of this open alpha. A closed alpha would have been better for everyone. And the irony of it all is that in the end of this open alpha, u probaly only have left the core dayz players that would have been sufficient for a closed alpha in the first place.
  15. svisketyggeren

    After 5 years, I am leaving the DayZ community.

    OP has played Dayz and ARMA for 6400 hours. There is 8760 hours in a year for comparison. Maybe its time to play something else and aknowledge that Dayz hasnt really changed for the worse, but u are simply fed up with same old game... By all means, everyone is entitled to their own opinions...but saying Dayz changed for the worse is just objectively wrong to say. I myself dont play Dayz atm, but its not because the game has gone bad or something. I play on and off, keep the game fresh. Many of the people on the forum here should try it...