stellarfirefly 2 Posted October 11, 2012 It's actually kind of a silly viewpoint. So if someone sells Linux hosting services, they cannot advertise that they are providing Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu, and Suse because then they would be branding themselves with names associated with free release software? Stating that "if you use us for hosting, then here's the maps that we can provide" sounds like fair use to me.What they should not have done is sign the map in such a way that the version downloaded through DZC is not playable on unsigned versions of the map. As mentioned, there is nothing illegal about doing so because no modifications were made to the content itself, but it still is a bad move because it hurts the community. The idea behind it was sound, but the implementation was poor. If they are in fact coordinating with Ice to resolve the issue, then that sounds like a reasonable attempt at fixing things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmashT 10907 Posted October 11, 2012 (edited) So now the community is in arms and there is a risk of us, the comsumers / the players losing maps we love and enjoy?I don't think that's a real risk, the original map creator was actually very supportive of the DayZ port available to anyone that wanted to host it. Edited October 11, 2012 by smasht_AU 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leadon77 94 Posted October 11, 2012 So now the community is in arms and there is a risk of us, the comsumers / the players losing maps we love and enjoy?not the whole community it looks like 3 people in the community the rest of us are fine with DayZ Commander. I have no concern for Vilayer one way or another but I do like the easy downloads for the other maps so I hope they can get something worked out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PersonalJ 5 Posted October 11, 2012 Josh, you don't realize how powerful your software is, Vilayer would be nothing without the support you're given them and they know it, they've made so much money off the back of what you've created, why do you think they are giving you the free hosting, it's the least they could do after all.They know the money is in the lazy, less PC savvy casual player and so have exploited your software as a means to get to them.You think you are helping the community? You are infact harming it beyond belief by stifling the creation of these great mods by allowing this company to steal others ideas as there own.I can't and will not support this until you make it right.Modders are free to make whatever they please, our implementations of new feature does nothing to stifle the works of others. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Audio Rejectz 144 Posted October 11, 2012 Our serverside files have a large amount of proprietary code, if you need to full control over maps such as this I would advise you to make it yourself.The thing is, when asked if they could by the code, and they were told the code contains proprietary information of BIS and selling it would be illegal, then in theory selling the netcode provided by the servers should be illegal to Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PersonalJ 5 Posted October 11, 2012 The thing is, when asked if they could by the code, and they were told the code contains proprietary information of BIS and selling it would be illegal, then in theory selling the netcode provided by the servers should be illegal toWe do not sell server-side code. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dotjosh 363 Posted October 11, 2012 Honestly, I would assume that BI's agreement wouldn't let you re-copyright anything created for Arma2. That said, I am trying to get in contact with the original MAP creator to try and open a discussion and resolve this. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michaelvoodoo25 3120 Posted October 11, 2012 Still it is an ugly situation to have, I have played Panthera and enjoyed it and waited to play it. I honestly think it will be a map that sticks well to the DayZ formula, I didnt hear about it from anywhere but DayZ Commander, Bashing a tool for DayZ is a bad thing to do. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RedNome 443 Posted October 11, 2012 Honestly, I would assume that BI's agreement wouldn't let you re-copyright anything created for Arma2. That said, I am trying to get in contact with the original MAP creator to try and open a discussion and resolve this.So you're basically only worried about the potential legal issues here and none of the moral issues raised? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Timberwolf (DayZ) 118 Posted October 11, 2012 Well timberwolf...So you are saying that all the servers out there running MODS for ARMA2 are somehow stealing content from someone?Wow... you need to get busy man... there are hundreds of MODs... and thousands upon thousands of Servers that have been rented by gaming communities on many many different server providers running these maps and mods.... See ya in about a year when ya get done going and bashing all of those hosting companies.I can, as we speak, download dozens of ARMA mods, buy a hosting server, put all the mods in my server and make it public and there is ABSOLUTELY no problem with that. Why? Because it's private use. That's the aim off most free models, maps, mods, sounds, etc and what they are meant for. Now, if a company itself is using said mods for their own benefit without the author's consent it's a whole different story.And once again I don't see you defending your actions, I only see you trying to point other people wrongdoings as if that makes what Vilayer does right.With that post you just proved that you really don't grasp what we are talking about here. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PersonalJ 5 Posted October 11, 2012 I can, as we speak, download dozens of ARMA mods, buy a hosting server, put all the mods in my server and make it public and there is ABSOLUTELY no problem with that. Why? Because it's private use. That's the aim off most free models, maps, mods, sounds, etc and what they are meant for. Now, if a company itself is using said mods for their own benefit without the author's consent it's a whole different story.And once again I don't see you defending your actions, I only see you trying to point other people wrongdoings as if that makes what Vilayer does right.With that post you just proved that you really don't grasp what we are talking about here.It is actually industry standard practice for game service providers to have one click installs of map packs and server plugins. These are generally advertised features as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Audio Rejectz 144 Posted October 11, 2012 Timerwolf, its because Leadcatcher cant defend what he did. It became public he stole MrSherenai's code and passed it off as his own, now he's just been an idot. Wouldn't give him the time of day mate 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dotjosh 363 Posted October 11, 2012 So you're basically only worried about the potential legal issues here and none of the moral issues raised?There are two sentences in my response. I want to talk to the original MAP creator directly and get this resolved. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 614 Posted October 11, 2012 Dotjosh Hey I want to thank you for your time and effort into the DayZ community. Your product has been a huge help to many. I do not (and I am sure many others don't either) feel you are in the wrong here. I will continue to use and suggest your product. I just wonder how many of these people raging at you ever hit the donate tab?As for the Vilayer defenders, what they are doing is questionable, and deserve some back lash. Any Map they are using and adding the DayZ script to should give credit to the original creator. That being said I don't think the original creator is entitled to much more then credit for this being his creation. Although if he objects to it being massively available to the masses then pull it/them down, let them collect dust in the unused bin.As for the Vilayer haters, what do you suggest Vilayer do here? Since their servers are what the customer are paying for, do they just not offer any maps? (Besides the original) The person who rents the space should be the one to install any of the "other" maps? If so you effectively killed the mass appeal of any given map. Vilayer does the work for their customers here, and offers "us" more options of play. The admins buy the server space and Vilayer adds which ever map they have available to it.I'd hate to think that custom maps would be restricted to just 2 or 3 of each. Que times etc. would hurt DayZ also... so what is the solution here? Does Vilayer just quit offering map options?I am not arguing either for or against here. I actually enjoy playing some of the other maps and fear this brew ha ha may hurt the availability of hosting companies map options. Although as I started out with ,none of this should be focused at DayZ Commander or Josh. He made a great program and gives many people without the knowledge an easy option. He isn't getting rich from it, he isn't an evil genius laughing manically in the background at screwing over the authors of maps... cut the guy some slack! 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michaelvoodoo25 3120 Posted October 11, 2012 (edited) So you're basically only worried about the potential legal issues here and none of the moral issues raised?DayZ Commander is a great tool for DayZ, It should not be removed. the end.Let the map makers and hosters chat amongst themselves and we (the rest of us not involved) can leave well alone.If you want morals, I suggest you leave DayZ alone as I'm sure you have a Moral view on killing animated players in a virtual engine. Morals is such a misnomer these dayz. Edited October 11, 2012 by Michaelvoodoo25 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Timberwolf (DayZ) 118 Posted October 11, 2012 It is actually industry standard practice for game service providers to have one click installs of map packs and server plugins. These are generally advertised features as well.As long as they have the rights to do it what is the problem here? If only Vilayer asked for the rights to use the map to the author we would not even be having this discussion. They just needed to ask. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmashT 10907 Posted October 11, 2012 (edited) Dotjosh Hey I want to thank you for your time and effort into the DayZ community. Your product has been a huge help to many. I do not (and I am sure many others don't either) feel you are in the wrong here. I will continue to use and suggest your product. I just wonder how many of these people raging at you ever hit the donate tab?As for the Vilayer defenders, what they are doing is questionable, and deserve some back lash. Any Map they are using and adding the DayZ script to should give credit to the original creator. That being said I don't think the original creator is entitled to much more then credit for this being his creation. Although if he objects to it being massively available to the masses then pull it/them down, let them collect dust in the unused bin.As for the Vilayer haters, what do you suggest Vilayer do here? Since their servers are what the customer are paying for, do they just not offer any maps? (Besides the original) The person who rents the space should be the one to install any of the "other" maps? If so you effectively killed the mass appeal of any given map. Vilayer does the work for their customers here, and offers "us" more options of play. The admins buy the server space and Vilayer adds which ever map they have available to it.I'd hate to think that custom maps would be restricted to just 2 or 3 of each. Que times etc. would hurt DayZ also... so what is the solution here? Does Vilayer just quit offering map options?I am not arguing either for or against here. I actually enjoy playing some of the other maps and fear this brew ha ha may hurt the availability of hosting companies map options. Although as I started out with ,none of this should be focused at DayZ Commander or Josh. He made a great program and gives many people without the knowledge an easy option. He isn't getting rich from it, he isn't an evil genius laughing manically in the background at screwing over the authors of maps... cut the guy some slack!Could they not offer the same version that is already publicly available for every other server and that the original creator has openly supported? Edited October 11, 2012 by smasht_AU 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leadon77 94 Posted October 11, 2012 So many people are quick to judge a free tool. Contact Vilayer with your problems not DAYZ COMMANDER not his fault he did what any one else would have done by providing a clickable link to download the maps. Which in turn made them more accessable. Get off his back about it. He's done NOTHING WRONG! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Audio Rejectz 144 Posted October 11, 2012 (edited) He will get the door shut in his face because he has no legal grounds sorry I love how people talk.. If you did he would be doing it instead of talking about itAnyone else think this uK_Mac guy is a complete tool, spamming topics with his constant tripe. One thing gets said about Vilayer and he's like an abusive little kidAs i quoted beforeThe thing is, when asked if they could by the code, and they were told the code contains proprietary information of BIS and selling it would be illegal, then in theory selling the netcode provided by the servers should be illegal to Edited October 11, 2012 by Audio Rejectz 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 614 Posted October 11, 2012 Could they not offer the same version that is already publicly available for every other server and that the original creator has openly supported? sense would think that would be the best option. But here on the interwebz that is one thing in short order!! ;) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Audio Rejectz 144 Posted October 11, 2012 Common sense would think that would be the best option. But here on the interwebz that is one thing in short order!! ;)The reason they did not use the existing Panthera mod that was release free WITH SERVER CODE before theres, was it wouldnt be exclusive to there servers like there version is 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrunkPunk 159 Posted October 11, 2012 Honestly, I would assume that BI's agreement wouldn't let you re-copyright anything created for Arma2. That said, I am trying to get in contact with the original MAP creator to try and open a discussion and resolve this.Bingo. You nailed it. This is why I didn't bother defending my position earlier to Mr. Knows Everything About Copyrights. As far as I can gather, the big moral issue is the fact that the vilayer download doesn't work with the regular one. Well, let me say something about that. The reason why I went to commander in the first place is because so many servers list themselves as using certain versions of the original DayZ mod (lingor, too), but are modified in such a way that the version they boast does not work. This may no longer be the case, or it may not be as widespread of an issue, but I know it's very present with Lingor. If all Vilayer is doing is ensuring CONSISTENCY, then what is the issue here? Both methods of obtaining the files still exist, therefore both versions of the map are usable. Yeah, they boast the other maps as a feature of their server hosting. Why would they do that, I wonder? Maybe the plethora of DayZ server hosters that will flat out deny you the ability to host said server? I know that's the only reason I ever found vilayer to begin with.Now maybe the issue is they didn't want anyone else to play Panthera in DayZ. If that's the case... well, too late now. I can find the download for the mod everywhere, so that's no longer an option. If I'm wrong on all accounts, then I guess I just don't understand the moral issues here. Is the original map maker expecting to get paid for this? Perhaps that's it. Who the hell knows. From what I've gathered, half the people whining in here don't even know. So lets stop trying to ruin the fun of the people actively enjoying and appreciating this mans creations (who would have otherwise never heard of the guy, much less cared about anything he ever created) and focus on a positive solution rather than be the reddit soap opera of the day. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michaelvoodoo25 3120 Posted October 11, 2012 The only one spamming useless comments are you costantly defending vilayer for some unknown reason and +1 every post that's on vilayer side.Go on little man, the vilayer pay check is about to happen soon!Can I have a cheque from Rocket and DayZcommander? I accept beans. I plan on purchasing the SA and also have donated to DayZ Commander. (Both progs' are worthy of my money) In addition I am responsible for +50 sales of Arma 2 based on the back of DayZ mod!! (Please don't give me your beans)From what I gather the cheque may not be coming if the "talks" don't go to plan, It should go to the map maker if he wants it based on any commercial basis. It was his time and effort to produce great maps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 614 Posted October 11, 2012 The reason they did not use the existing Panthera mod that was release free WITH SERVER CODE before theres, was it wouldnt be exclusive to there servers like there version isLike I said it is a dirty tactic and they deserve the backlash, I am ignorant to a lot of what was said here. To me it's all Majik and pixie dust with some 011011110110111001100101011100110010000001100001011011100110010000100000011110100110010101110010011011110111001100101100001000000110111001100101011101100110010101110010001000000111010001110111011011110111001100100000011011110111001000100000011101000110100001110010011001010110010101110011 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Audio Rejectz 144 Posted October 11, 2012 Bingo. You nailed it. This is why I didn't bother defending my position earlier to Mr. Knows Everything About Copyrights.As far as I can gather, the big moral issue is the fact that the vilayer download doesn't work with the regular one. Well, let me say something about that. The reason why I went to commander in the first place is because so many servers list themselves as using certain versions of the original DayZ mod (lingor, too), but are modified in such a way that the version they boast does not work. This may no longer be the case, or it may not be as widespread of an issue, but I know it's very present with Lingor. If all Vilayer is doing is ensuring CONSISTENCY, then what is the issue here? Both methods of obtaining the files still exist, therefore both versions of the map are usable. Yeah, they boast the other maps as a feature of their server hosting. Why would they do that, I wonder? Maybe the plethora of DayZ server hosters that will flat out deny you the ability to host said server? I know that's the only reason I ever found vilayer to begin with.Now maybe the issue is they didn't want anyone else to play Panthera in DayZ. If that's the case... well, too late now. I can find the download for the mod everywhere, so that's no longer an option. If I'm wrong on all accounts, then I guess I just don't understand the moral issues here. Is the original map maker expecting to get paid for this? Perhaps that's it. Who the hell knows. From what I've gathered, half the people whining in here don't even know. So lets stop trying to ruin the fun of the people actively enjoying and appreciating this mans creations (who would have otherwise never heard of the guy, much less cared about anything he ever created) and focus on a positive solution rather than be the reddit soap opera of the day.The big moral issue is DayZ Panthera was released free to the public weeks before the release of the Vilayer version. But instead of using that, they took the code and released there own version, ensureing that everyone had to play on only there servers.If they used the version that was released first on Tunggle, there version would be compatible with all the other private hives.Your getting boring now 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites