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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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No DLC is required...... I suggest you ditch Six Launcher and use DayZ Commander ! Its much better and much easier :)

Ok great! Thanks for your help.

I did get back on. Got shot for not knowing how to surrender when being held up :D

Second attempt saw me get ravaged by a zombie and bleed to death several minutes later.

Fun stuff.

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Panda, once you've given me your beans I'm whitelisted, correct? For some reason I still cannot join the server.

I'm sorry, I missed typed a number.

GUID - 59432525e4be106cac92974e56e50fb6

Edited by gamble21
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Would like add to white list please





Sorry mistype on code:


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Whats up internets! Tommorow at 2 MindofDave podcast will be recording with special guests, Panda and sneekygreenman! So get any of your questions, doesnt have to be about Dayz, into the facebook page, http://m.facebook.com/MindOfDave?id=124931434333701&refsrc=http%3A%2F%2Fen-gb.facebook.com%2FMindOfDave&_rdr

Or email direct to the show, podcast@mindofdave.com for a chance to be

Mentioned on the shower and have your questions answered! Thanks too all that have submitted already!


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yo guys, itsa me sneeky :D ok, im sorta not quite awake so this might not make much sense, but can we eat panda in a weasel sauce? 0.o with a topping of tocki tocki seeds?

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yo guys, itsa me sneeky :D ok, im sorta not quite awake so this might not make much sense, but can we eat panda in a weasel sauce? 0.o with a topping of tocki tocki seeds?

I would trade you some mountain dew for that!

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yo guys, itsa me sneeky :D ok, im sorta not quite awake so this might not make much sense, but can we eat panda in a weasel sauce? 0.o with a topping of tocki tocki seeds?

omnomnom :D

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Hi everybody!

Been playing now for couple of days and i must say that this is the best server i'v ever played :) So big thanks to panda and everyone else who made this possible.

Some ppl have been complaining abou too few cars, I don't agree with them because when i played on 100+ and 200+ vechile servers they tend to get so unbalnced because of vechile hording and weapon stashing in them, thoug somebody suggested more bikes and i think a little more bikes could be fine (loot cannot be stored in them) :)

Keep up the good work!

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Hi everybody!

Been playing now for couple of days and i must say that this is the best server i'v ever played :) So big thanks to panda and everyone else who made this possible.

Some ppl have been complaining abou too few cars, I don't agree with them because when i played on 100+ and 200+ vechile servers they tend to get so unbalnced because of vechile

hording and weapon stashing in them, thoug somebody suggested more bikes and i think a little more bikes could be fine (loot cannot be stored in them) :)

Keep up the good work!

Haha theres something very swedish about riding bikes in Dayz, always a pleasure to find one under a tree!

Thanks for the positive feedback! Glad your enjoying the server.

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Dear Panda,

We would now like to announce our new SSD server series for shared game hosting within Europe and New York. We will be migrating our current European and New York game server clients to this new hardware offering unto 40% performance improvements on both network connectivity of the location as well as increased memory on the nodes.

This upgrade is something we are performing over the next few days and you will be informed when your service has been migrated. New IP's will be allocated to your game server due to the migration so we are recommending that clients provide a domain based DNS address for their game servers to allow easy migration for their clients.

During the migration you may experience some downtime and your game service may be listed as 'unknown' within the ACP layer. When your game service has been migrated you will see the new ip within the ACP layer

If you have any issues or queries don't hesitate to get in touch

Kind Regards

ViLayer LTD

Edited by -Panda

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An awesome upgrade coming on our server, moving to an SSD :D Faster loading, reduced lag :)


Edited by -Panda
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Panda, restart at 9:00 didn't work and WL joining messages don't work as well.

Ill look in to the restarts (again).

WL Joining messages are disabled.

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Next I'll be removing the WL kick messages, but atm i can only disable the entire message including to the player. I want it to display to play only, not to server.

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Next I'll be removing the WL kick messages, but atm i can only disable the entire message including to the player. I want it to display to play only, not to server.

that would be epic, all the red makes it hard to see the restart warnings.

top server panda, appreciate all the hard work :thumbsup:

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My brother has just bought ARMA 2 Combined Operations so he can play DayZ too :thumbsup: and would like to join the server, his details are below:

Name: Ryan

Location: Wales

GUID: 35d0a30d45f02812e7f277fef881a0b7

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KOS (kids on Steroids) and RSB (red sheep bleeding) r the only groups who use a tag.

The rest is stealthy :P

thanks weasel

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Restart messages working!!!!!!!!!!!

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Edited by -Daniel-
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