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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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I think multiple people need to go home, they're all drunk !!

Yeah I have a date with my bed Edited by -Daniel-

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Guess what guys? thanks to the fact that the server has exploded, literally, I have got the entire of season 3 recorded and edited! so, here it is, epsiode one! drop a sub and a like if you enjoy this video

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Guys have you got lags when over 40 players online? I mean lags like you try to eat/fill bottle/pick up something/bandage but it takes 1-5 secs?

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yeah...these lags show up before the whl turns up... now there r back.

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Hey, I would like to get whitelisted :)

Name: Jurtje

Location: The Netherlands

GUID: e17ea09920421fd700f60495a87778af

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Can I get whitelisted please? ^^

Name: Zion

Location: North Wales

GUID: 5620f2f14e371c1468e182bc197f1e3b

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Woser. I've been playing this server 2 days, and all I can say is brutal. I've been killed 4 times trying to get my kit together, encountered two friendly guys. When I first spawned in today I was on top of the hospital in electro, school boy error I know. There was a bandit there, killed me in a few seconds.

In spite of all the deaths, this is a quality server, hardcore DayZ.

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Guys have you got lags when over 40 players online? I mean lags like you try to eat/fill bottle/pick up something/bandage but it takes 1-5 secs?

Same problem here

Maybe the server should be kept on like max 70 or 64

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Name: Exciter

From: Belgium

GUID: 86ae2a67f058cb025360fe2362b2ba6f

Edited by Exciter
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I also think the server should be on like 60-64, many players including me have encountered delays in shots to register e.t.c. Have never had any kind of lag when the server had a player count between 50-60.

// Nanoton


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Woser. I've been playing this server 2 days, and all I can say is brutal. I've been killed 4 times trying to get my kit together, encountered two friendly guys. When I first spawned in today I was on top of the hospital in electro, school boy error I know. There was a bandit there, killed me in a few seconds.

In spite of all the deaths, this is a quality server, hardcore DayZ.

Top stuff mate, and good words, glad youre enjoying your time :)

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I also think the server should be on like 60-64, many players including me have encountered delays in shots to register e.t.c. Have never had any kind of lag when the server had a player count between 50-60.

// Nanoton


I havent experienced any lag at all, my game runs fast and no lagg in the menu system. The server is restarted every 3 hours to keep the resources fresh, and even up to the 3 hr mark we're barely going over 20% load.

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i dont lag either, its just when i shoot people, bullets take 1-3 seconds to register, allowing the person to shoot back, it may just be the player lagging or arma itself that add to this time but its annoying, before 80 limit it wasnt as bad maybe got 1.5 second lag at the worst point.

i dont think u should drop limit, maybe limit ping on players to <100-150 just my thoughts

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My team mate and I are looking forward to giving your server a try :)

Name: [KwG] Terezi

Location: Greece

GUID: c31412cc5096c626b33ea17dade65eaa

Name: [KwG] Bufla

Location: Serbia

GUID: d4db2a31fb11ecf17eda0ad6698ce6f2


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It is not my computer that is lagging its the interaction between players that is. Exactly like Delta Ryan wrote. Never got any lag when the player count has been lower, got a good internet connection with around 30 ping.

// Nanoton :)

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i dont lag either, its just when i shoot people, bullets take 1-3 seconds to register, allowing the person to shoot back, it may just be the player lagging or arma itself that add to this time but its annoying, before 80 limit it wasnt as bad maybe got 1.5 second lag at the worst point.

i dont think u should drop limit, maybe limit ping on players to <100-150 just my thoughts

Good suggestion mate, but pretty much everyone is already under 100ms ping, its really only the USA players who have over 100ms, and theyre only just over 100ms, still playable with minimal lagg,


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It is not my computer that is lagging its the interaction between players that is. Exactly like Delta Ryan wrote. Never got any lag when the player count has been lower, got a good internet connection with around 30 ping.

// Nanoton :)

Been looking at latencys and player ratios on the server, and the ping barely ups when approaching the 60+ player mark, and the server usage gets to about 20%. I have had no issues with the reported problems, but we shall look into it further, there may of been an issue with log size to large, but that wouldnt cause the issues you are having, keep posting in here when your having the issues, and we shall try to gather as much info as we can! Good gaming guys!

Edited by mindofdave
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