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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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Not currently an option, but ill speak with the guys at vilayer and see if there is any alternative things I can do. To me tho, it seems silly to make the server go in to darkness at midnight when theres still 40-50 players on, its a fast way to make people leave in the peak time. Looking at our figures on game tracker, we start picking up players mainly from 2pm, so GMT-8 we suit this as at 2pm it would begin the daylight.

GMT-8 would be the biggest offset, I wouldn't set the time back any more than this.

Panda what if you set manually every morning at 8:00 GMT - 6:30 ingame time (dawn time in Cherorussia) and then set at 15:00 GMT - 6:30 ingame again. After about 12 hours (at 03:00 GMT) night is coming. So we get real dark time only from 03:00-08:00 GMT. All we need is person (not forgetful) who will switch time zone twice every day.

Looking at our figures on game tracker, we start picking up players mainly from 2pm

12-13:00 GMT is time when we get daylight usualy, hence most of players start joining at 14:00.

Edited by Котовский

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Can only change the timezone once every 24 hours. Maybe this has changed recently ill lokk knto it. Good idea kitty :o

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Can only change the timezone once every 24 hours. Maybe this has changed recently ill lokk knto it. Good idea kitty :o

Chuck Norris could round house kick the planet back a few hours? Will that help? I also heard when he does pushups, hes actually pushing the world down.... What an amazing person...

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Hey people just a quick question, part from [KOS] what other teams/squads do we have on the server ?

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KOS (kids on Steroids) and RSB (red sheep bleeding) r the only groups who use a tag.

The rest is stealthy :P

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Hey people just a quick question, part from [KOS] what other teams/squads do we have on the server ?

Me and 5 others play together but refrain from using a tag.

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sd much fun shooting bambis (unarmed) in cherno with a sniper... go fuck urself idiots!

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KOS (kids on Steroids) and RSB (red sheep bleeding) r the only groups who use a tag.

The rest is stealthy :P

We ain't sheep!!!!

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IGN: Soffu

Location: Sweden

GUID: 83c7679aa17cb3502b7e010c0bc552cc

My buddy:

IGN: nifco

Location: Sweden

GUID: 9fcd58942627972d19fce15032b2caa7

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sd much fun shooting bambis (unarmed) in cherno with a sniper... go fuck urself idiots!

Weasel watch the insults please... no need for such language!

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Blooomin weasels. Think ill have weasel for my meal tonight. Maybe spit roasted weasel, cooked over an open fire, with herbs and spices..... mmmmmm

Edited by -Panda
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Weasel it is not really smart to offer help to unknown person and discribe your position. Dayz is wrong game for care bears. :)

I killed that bandit reported by you but got shot from his friend.

Edited by Котовский

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KOS (kids on Steroids) and RSB (red sheep bleeding) r the only groups who use a tag.

The rest is stealthy :P

It's Kops On Steroids FYI Edited by -Daniel-

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And no offence but why is everybody such a little girl when it comes to nightime? Personally I would like the server to go to gmt -4 or somthing because then we can play as a squad at night for once! This is just my opinion btw

Edited by -Daniel-
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And no offence but why is everybody such a little girl when it comes to nightime? Personally I would like the server to go to gmt -4 or somthing because then we can play a a squad at night for once! This is just my opinion btw

Pink fancy text is not the one, trying to read that against a white background is nye impossible haha.... Also you called people little girls but use pink text....

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haha is it pink looks white to me :) and aint the background black? Edited by -Daniel-

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