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Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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Name: Willis Location: United States Guid:15579f0ce63eb217d262abfaef1d2377 I just recently got a computer capable of running DayZ, I have been waiting numerous months for this. however my first stab at DayZ was plagued by hackers. I had just gotten my first Lee Enfield. I was so excited, it was my first real weapon I thought I could do some damage with. But about 15 minutes later a hacker tried crashing a Heli into me. I was able to dodge it , then he came back 2 minutes later with another heli (this is when I realized he was a hacker) that time he didn't miss. So ended long awaited first play of DayZ. As you can probably guess. I want a fun, hacker-free enviorment. Your server seems to offer just that. I want to apply for Chernarus #2 *I apologize for the somewhat derpy layout of this post. I can't seem to get it to work correctly.

Edited by Willis96
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Fine gentlemen in charge of UK10,

Is it normal for waypoints not to function correctly? By waypoint, I mean when I have a map and compass, I can shift+leftclick a spot on the map, a dot will appear, and normally I will see a directional arrow and distance when I return to third/first person view. I tried this yesterday to no avail, and am just curious why!


makes navigating way too easy ;)

And if you are a pro navigator like me then you dont even need a map and compass to find your way around :D Edited by -Daniel-
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And if you are a pro navigator like me then you dont even need a map and compass to find your way around :D

you only need powerlines running from city to city B)

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I´d like to add to whitelist my m8 (not member of LAMA team)

Name: ondra

Location: Czech republic

GUID: a5d412fc7de566d9afe15f4936492d9a

Thx. :)

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- Name: Servus

- Location: UK

- GUID: 80b22f11e2fe5d1b684d6cfcf5f6f58f

- Totally want to play with a few friends that are on here.

- Chernarus 1!

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Name Spirit Waffles

- Location United States

- GUID 136a938f7d544085d629b8e35c193f5a

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 - I heard the community was great and i would liek to be a part of it :P

- Which server you are applying for, Chernarus #1, or Chernarus #2 - Is it possible to be able to be accepted to both? If not put me down for either. Thanks
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you only need powerlines running from city to city B)

Nope I just look at a tree and think "oh yeah this is were I am" :P
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Name: Tedi

Location: Spain

GUID: dfe55b5d2045ef02d30031c8b2352412

I have friends on your server, they invited me

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Name: Matt

Location: Czech Republic

GUID: 6887D6797F83ABDD86518B30A9E869F2

Two of my friend are already playing on your servere and I would be really glad to join them, thanks. I would like to apply for Chernarus 2...

Edited by Mates
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And if you are a pro navigator like me then you dont even need a map and compass to find your way around :D

To be honest, I was so surprised by my own abilities when I found the barn north of Kamorovo all on my own, starting out in some obscure play north of Balota. A bit too much time in DayZ.

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My brother have shared my account but now wants to join the fun with his own acc !

Name: 2little2care

Location: Sweden

GUID: d563b80025e95e8fe522e6115b2ad575

applying for cher # 1

Reason: wanna play with me and my friends :)

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Is there an all-encompassing guide to the differences of the private hive vs. regular server, outside of "Extra Stuff, etc." in the title?

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Is there an all-encompassing guide to the differences of the private hive vs. regular server, outside of "Extra Stuff, etc." in the title?

Not quite sure what you mean? All our details are stated on page 1.

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- Name

- Location
Netherlands moergestel

- GUID : debafaccae478739f577971efe827983

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 : i would love to join cause i got a few friends in GZG clanleader is a good friend of mine and ofcourse no hackers god damn done with them

- Which server you are applying for, Chernarus #1, or Chernarus #2 : both
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To the guy with an axe that i shot at NW airfield, im sorry. But if you run around a corner with a axe in hand straight into a very stressed out survivor... you will have a bad day :D Again, Im sorry :)

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time to post a random post on here!

(again) :D

Wop Wop Wop

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Nick : burneR

Location: Portugal

GUID: be395917e9d2c65f2ba4123e4b273e96

I wanna play in a safe server without hacker, and some friends recomended this server

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Nick : burneR

Location: Portugal

GUID: be395917e9d2c65f2ba4123e4b273e96

I wanna play in a safe server without hacker, and some friends recomended this server

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Nick : burneR

Location: Portugal

GUID: be395917e9d2c65f2ba4123e4b273e96


I wanna play in a safe server without hacker, and some friends recomended this server

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Not quite sure what you mean? All our details are stated on page 1.

I remember when I used to play on Chernarus #1 and, for example, people said NVGs were not on the server. I realize there's a list of 'new stuff at Heli Crash sites' along with extra vehicles/helis/etc, I'm just curious if there's a list somewhere of things that are and are not on the server. I just ask because I consider NVGs to be my unicorn, and I would like to know if my dreams are slightly dashed.

Also, to N r G and Smegga, good times last night!

Edited by Scales

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When will server be going back to normal time?

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Episode two is up, 24ish minutes long, with some fun little firefights and MrBarrigntons true colours revealed :P lol jk, love ya

Like, commnet, etc, etc

Just caught this. Makes me look mean:P

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