Turkey1911 4 Posted January 16, 2013 Degradable weapon parts.all weapons that are found in the game have been fought with to the death or been laying at the mercy of the weather outside so i would suggest that finding a fully funktional weapon should be extremly rare, when you find a gun it would have a fraktured stock, broken/bent barrel or jammed firing mechanism, or broken/worn out firing pin.Say if you found a M4 thats missing a firing pin and you would have found earlyer another M4 that you would have scavenged for intakt parts (one of these parts beeing a firing pin) you would be able to repair the other M4 by installing the missing part, However as it would be extremly hard to get a working gun as it would need you to find multiple weapons of the same kind i propose the following thing:Say you would find a m16 or hk416 instead of a m4, parts are fairly similar but might require a littel tweaking soadd a gunsmits building with stationary manuals and workbences and tools(you could see these items moore like movie props to make it feel moore realistick that a random survivor is able to fix military grade weapons or civilian guns) into cities where there player is able to adjust a part to fit into another gun this at the cost of the modded part not beeing as good as a original part, another possibility create a npc that makes these modificatons to the player.Also this would give the player a possibility of creating any gun they would like, ie AK fire mechanism with a svd barrel creating a hybridgun thats accuracy would be greater then that of a ak and its reliability similar of an ak, taking the best parts of both combined weapons, to this weapon you could add a silencer that would be found in different calibers, .22 .9mm 556, etc. then you could find say a bipod from a random loot or another gun and then you would start to have a silenced battlerifle w/snipersight&bipod&silencer with great reliability due to the mechanism of the ak.Also you could make a gun with the caliber 556 (for zombi killin')and make a switch barrel ex: 7,62x54R (for bandit spankin') that goes onto the same weapon stock, then the player would be able to use two kinds of ammunition instead of one and as a single barrel weights less and takes less room then a entire gun it would be moore appealing to carrry around a second barrel that could be switched out.Again this would make it possible to reduce ammunition spawns as you can use moore kinds of ammo.I'm all for a challenge, but this is overkill to the absolute maximum. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ovation 52 Posted January 16, 2013 (edited) little things i would like Example, Picking up bricks to throw, air rifles from a kids room, even small rock throwing for distraction purposes, Pitchfork, horse shoe, kitchen knife throwing, i would even like it if weapons if not cleaned can "small chance" backfire..little items to spice up situation for the low gear survivor Edited January 16, 2013 by Ovation 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heizenberg 8 Posted January 16, 2013 (edited) I didn't read to see if this was already said, but makeshift weapons (good for a shot or two before breaking) could be doable. Elektro looted to heck and back? Find a piece of piping, a few rifle rounds, some rubber band, and a nail (or metal object) to strike the cap and fire the round. Edit: Or just strike it with a hammer.The same could be done for a small shotgun. Obviously this would be terribly ineffective but it could be useful. One bullet is better than none! Edited January 16, 2013 by Heizenberg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Axon0p62 11 Posted January 16, 2013 I am thinking ideas are generally good but overkilling the thema a bit. In my opinion i would see devs work on other things than Skis or the posibility to build an oneshotgun, who surly noone ever will use. I sugest leave all wapons as they are an only make ammonition really really rare. Everybody in the apocalypse should wear a Gun, but having the ammo for fireing is an complete other question.To the point of Wapon maintance. i am obviosly pro to this, so i really like the idea of desintegrating or in battle jaming weapons but, some people think a little rain an mud will kill a weapon fast. Thats not true, what makes the guns life hard is to use(fire) it. You can actually take an AK47 direkt out of muddy wather where it was for days and you still should be able to unload your clip with rigth away. This Weapon is so simple build that you dont eaven need real maintance tools. If its dirty take a Shoelace some kitchenoil and clean the shaft, weapon is ready to use again.In my country (Austria) there are many weapons in the ground the rivers and woods and so on, they are few today but when you are lucky and have a metaldedector you will maby be able to find some old russian, american or german rifles or pistoles, and when you are a little more lucky that gun will still be able to fire.I am for momemade guns like a potatogun, a selfbuild Airgun eaven an higthpower Airgun would be nice (~240-400 Joule, sportairguns have about 7 joule). Bows would be nice, and you could make the ammo for them yourself from wood you can gather from forrests. The skinning knife as actual weapon with the ability to instantkill from behind with mouswheeloption, as long as you got the Knive in Hand. A wooden stick that you can get from any tree with the ability to throw it. Human excrement in a Bottle, you dont see smoke but has the same effekt on Zets like a Smokegrenade. Zombiefakestance, give the ability to cover yourself with zombieblood and stuff, and makes your animations change to Zet animation so that players and zombies (as long as you stay in your camo with slow movement and so) will take you just for an other Zombie if they dont look really close or are really near. An Harpune would be nice to, makes sounds like an normal gun but you can get back the Bolts when you are able to find them again. Gasmask and poisongas would be nice for sectioncontroll to. Nailgun bad aiming but ammo like a machinegun on a Belt. Slingshot. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cerbo Knight 48 Posted January 16, 2013 (edited) I am thinking ideas are generally good but overkilling the thema a bit. In my opinion i would see devs work on other things than Skis or the posibility to build an oneshotgun, who surly noone ever will use. I sugest leave all wapons as they are an only make ammonition really really rare. Everybody in the apocalypse should wear a Gun, but having the ammo for fireing is an complete other question.To the point of Wapon maintance. i am obviosly pro to this, so i really like the idea of desintegrating or in battle jaming weapons but, some people think a little rain an mud will kill a weapon fast. Thats not true, what makes the guns life hard is to use(fire) it. You can actually take an AK47 direkt out of muddy wather where it was for days and you still should be able to unload your clip with rigth away. This Weapon is so simple build that you dont eaven need real maintance tools. If its dirty take a Shoelace some kitchenoil and clean the shaft, weapon is ready to use again.In my country (Austria) there are many weapons in the ground the rivers and woods and so on, they are few today but when you are lucky and have a metaldedector you will maby be able to find some old russian, american or german rifles or pistoles, and when you are a little more lucky that gun will still be able to fire.I am for momemade guns like a potatogun, a selfbuild Airgun eaven an higthpower Airgun would be nice (~240-400 Joule, sportairguns have about 7 joule). Bows would be nice, and you could make the ammo for them yourself from wood you can gather from forrests. The skinning knife as actual weapon with the ability to instantkill from behind with mouswheeloption, as long as you got the Knive in Hand. A wooden stick that you can get from any tree with the ability to throw it. Human excrement in a Bottle, you dont see smoke but has the same effekt on Zets like a Smokegrenade. Zombiefakestance, give the ability to cover yourself with zombieblood and stuff, and makes your animations change to Zet animation so that players and zombies (as long as you stay in your camo with slow movement and so) will take you just for an other Zombie if they dont look really close or are really near. An Harpune would be nice to, makes sounds like an normal gun but you can get back the Bolts when you are able to find them again. Gasmask and poisongas would be nice for sectioncontroll to. Nailgun bad aiming but ammo like a machinegun on a Belt. Slingshot.And you say other ideas are overkill? Jesus. Rocket's trying to build a game, not a hardcore survival mod.If people like you made DayZ how you want it to be, nobody would buy it. It would be the most wasted potential ever.You need to make the game acessable, but able to become harder. Not just incredibly hard from the get go. People can always mod the game (much like DayZ +) or maybe Rocket can introduce a super hardcore game mode for you guys to play on where you only have spoons as weapons and everyone is ultra hero's because there are no bandits.Please, get real. Less than half of the suggestions in this thread will ever go much past planning stages, so there's basically no chance for the hardcore suggestions.Also, you don't want a home made single fire shotgun but you're okay with an airgun? Or a potato gun?? Seriously, some of the ideas in there were nice (skinning knife, bow) but others are ridiculous. Edited January 16, 2013 by Cerbo Knight Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted January 16, 2013 Would it be possible to equip axes and crowbars as secondary weapons? I'd actually carry one round then as a weapon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
misterwit 118 Posted January 16, 2013 I want to be able to get Riot control gear from police stations. Tear gas, flash bangs, and shotgun beanbags. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted January 17, 2013 what i would love to see is the tactical use of fire in any kind whatsoever.smoke out enemies or build temporary barrieres, there are seemingly endless possibilities! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IkaikaKekai 1957 Posted January 17, 2013 what i would love to see is the tactical use of fire in any kind whatsoever.smoke out enemies or build temporary barrieres, there are seemingly endless possibilities!I would like this as well, but make it a double edged sword/flamethrower.Say if you set up a campfire/firewall outside of town, the zombies will walk in it and catch fire, SLOWLY dying (like maybe 5 mins for a 'full health' zombie or whatever they're calling it). A zombie on fire could catch other zombies/players on fire (player on fire would take much more damage than a zombie, literally have to drop and roll or be near water, zombie bumping into other zombies have chance of spreading fire, chance of catching on fire when attacked). Could be a good way to clear out a section of a town at night, however any/most loot on zombies would be lost/destroyed by the fire (bullets explode, cans of food become charred, possibly still usable, flares/painkillers/ect burn up). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
misterwit 118 Posted January 18, 2013 M79 breech loading grenade launcher with choice of buckshot and HE shells.The gun is basically a rehashed battle rifle stock with a giant metal tube latched to it. About as durable of a weapon as you can get, and it doesn't get much cooler. I always bemoaned how M203's are cool and all in Day Z, but without a dedicated platform to shoot from you're basically just lobbing bombs around to scare people, and the M4A1 HWS's sights are ugly as sin to use (no visibility).I dunno, sneaking is great and all but sooner or later someone will find a way to get by in the game by more than the skin on their teeth and say to themselves "You know, I've got 7 hours of game time before I run out of beans and water, and that guy over there's got a GPS and a cigarette lighter that I want but don't feel like trading for." And that's right about the time when the game will succeed or fail to that person based on how much fun they can have putting other people and themselves in danger. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Axon0p62 11 Posted January 18, 2013 And you say other ideas are overkill? Jesus. Rocket's trying to build a game, not a hardcore survival mod.If people like you made DayZ how you want it to be, nobody would buy it. It would be the most wasted potential ever.You need to make the game acessable, but able to become harder. Not just incredibly hard from the get go. People can always mod the game (much like DayZ +) or maybe Rocket can introduce a super hardcore game mode for you guys to play on where you only have spoons as weapons and everyone is ultra hero's because there are no bandits.Please, get real. Less than half of the suggestions in this thread will ever go much past planning stages, so there's basically no chance for the hardcore suggestions.Also, you don't want a home made single fire shotgun but you're okay with an airgun? Or a potato gun?? Seriously, some of the ideas in there were nice (skinning knife, bow) but others are ridiculous.I kind of really dont getting your point? By overkille i meaned to much new coding for weapons that will not used much if anyhow. Airguns are pretty common today, pls look in the internet to get yourself an idea of how much airsoftsportguns are out there(maby you are german? than Airsoftgun means Luftdruckgewehr), that can be modded really easy to more poweroutput. I dont understand what is a superhardcoremode when you not got like ten DMR mags in your backback but only one or two. I am not against Bandits, that is one of the feature that makes the game great and a heros become througth them a real Hero, so no problem with sniping Bandits and a backbag full of ammunition, as long as he deserves from scavenging or by robbing it. Are you allrigth man? You are quiet aggressiv without making any further prozess to the topic so whats your point? That a Game isnt "easy" dont means it isnt accesable, never mentioned that it should be less accesable or something so? As you can see on other Games(like Dark Souls), Hardcoregamemode is quiet in comming rigth now. If you whant a game that is easyer to get in serach for something else. Like Arma2/Arma3 there you dont got to think about survival aspects, but here in a survivalgame you should! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Victim187 23 Posted January 20, 2013 I think the biggest over all flaw in dayz the mod or the stand alone is that there is very little end game. Which is fine by me, but what is not fine by me is that you make your own end game, say stockpiling weapons for example and there is absolutely NO way to keep them safe. Vehicles can be spotted from miles away and either stolen or blown up and tents are no better. I understood there was talk of underground bases, in my opinion the stand alone must implement something like. If all else fails some kind of small inventory system like WarZ, which I'd be loath to see as it would ruin immersion.Since I mostly play by myself and when I do play, it's only maybe a couple of times a week but for quite long periods of time then it is absolutely impossible for me to protect my gear. The gear that I spend alot of time and effort collecting so that I can reduce down time after getting killed. Which I don't think is a bad thing...But every bloody time I make a camp, it get's raided or utterly destroyed. Which makes the entire process of collecting extra loot completely pointless.I'll admit that it's made me quite bitter to the dayz mod and I've taken the gloves off now. If I don't get to enjoy my end game then no one else on the server I play on are going to enjoy theirs. Every single person I see from now on is going to be sent packing to the "you are dead" screen. Absolutely no exceptions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Axon0p62 11 Posted January 20, 2013 (edited) I think the biggest over all flaw in dayz the mod or the stand alone is that there is very little end game. Which is fine by me, but what is not fine by me is that you make your own end game, say stockpiling weapons for example and there is absolutely NO way to keep them safe. Vehicles can be spotted from miles away and either stolen or blown up and tents are no better. I understood there was talk of underground bases, in my opinion the stand alone must implement something like. If all else fails some kind of small inventory system like WarZ, which I'd be loath to see as it would ruin immersion.Since I mostly play by myself and when I do play, it's only maybe a couple of times a week but for quite long periods of time then it is absolutely impossible for me to protect my gear. The gear that I spend alot of time and effort collecting so that I can reduce down time after getting killed. Which I don't think is a bad thing...But every bloody time I make a camp, it get's raided or utterly destroyed. Which makes the entire process of collecting extra loot completely pointless.I'll admit that it's made me quite bitter to the dayz mod and I've taken the gloves off now. If I don't get to enjoy my end game then no one else on the server I play on are going to enjoy theirs. Every single person I see from now on is going to be sent packing to the "you are dead" screen. Absolutely no exceptions.Try make a camp in the Badlands (Areas far behind Bopeba Dam/Airfield/Balcklake) You have to go for a while to get there but your stuff is absolutly safe for weeks or months. Try build more than only one camp sp if one gets robbed, you still have an other, dont make your camps to big (only 2 to 3 tents). You can survive in the Badlands too, since there are spawning no Zets but Animals for meat do and there is plenty of freshwater you can fill in Waterbottles. Only thing negativ is, its just freeking boring out there, but that is it what makes it save(dont place cars next to your tents since they can be spotted by the Heli so easy[Vehiclecompass]). Edited January 20, 2013 by Axon0p62 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dulix11 731 Posted January 20, 2013 I would like to be able to use your fists as melee weapons. It should be very weak but at least do something instead of having to look around for a hatchet. It should take like 10 hits to do minor damage.I also think it would be cool to make bomb traps, as rocket said there would be some kind of crafting system in the SA, you put a empty bean can, a grenade and some rope together to make a tripwire mine. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
harakiri87 5 Posted January 20, 2013 Its been suggested before for sure, but to make it even more realistic, a sniper scope system like red orchestra's would be cool. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
devildog85858585 0 Posted January 21, 2013 (edited) With military grade rifles make them spawn in military places, and lower grade (but somtimes just as powerful) civilian rifles in most other places. With the rare military grade rifle in very very few civilian places. Edited January 21, 2013 by Sureshoot22 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
indalcecio 23 Posted January 21, 2013 I think an electricity system similar to a highly simplified version of the "wire mod" for Garrys Mod would be really cool. It would be really cut down and basic, but as they make it so that NVGs, thermals, GPS, etc. has limited battery life, that gave me a few ideas.Maybe you could have devices like flood lights or motion lights (to protect your base), radios (not sure but obviously there's a ton of ways you could implement that), water pumps/filtration/desalination (filter dirty water that might have parasites, or desalinate seawater), maybe even an electric golf cart lol (OK, that one probably doesn't fit so well).So you could have all these devices, but you'd have to find power for them. Those big generator trailers could provide a ton of power but be noisy and drink lots and lots of fuel. Portable generators could take less fuel and provide less power, and solar panels could be salvaged from certain types of areas, totally quiet and require zero fuel but only provide a trickle of power. Maybe windmills could be utilized somehow if you find one built into the map. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jackwhitter 22 Posted January 21, 2013 When changing magazines during reload, you should drop your current magazine onto the ground as is standard practice. if it still has ammo in it, then you would need to look down and select pick up to put it back into your inventory. if magazines could be reloaded (or HAD to be reloaded), then this would make keeping up with your magazines more important if you were not under heavy fire and on the run. magazines are one of the most important components to a magazine fed weapon. forcing people to keep up with magazines would make weapons like the revolver, enfield, and winchester more attractive, especially for the survivor. a carton of lose ammo would take up less space and weight than an equivalent number of full magazines. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
misterwit 118 Posted January 23, 2013 (edited) When changing magazines during reload, you should drop your current magazine onto the ground as is standard practice. if it still has ammo in it, then you would need to look down and select pick up to put it back into your inventory.if magazines could be reloaded (or HAD to be reloaded), then this would make keeping up with your magazines more important if you were not under heavy fire and on the run. magazines are one of the most important components to a magazine fed weapon. forcing people to keep up with magazines would make weapons like the revolver, enfield, and winchester more attractive, especially for the survivor. a carton of lose ammo would take up less space and weight than an equivalent number of full magazines.Dropping magazines may be standard practice, but you should be able to choose. I can't think of a time where I needed the extra reload speed so badly that I was willing to drop my magazine to save my life. It's not like survivors are spetznaz or navy seals or anything, they won't know the importance of reload speed over magazine recycling. Also, magazines are easily replaced in the real world here because there are still people alive to make them. If you didn't know the next time you'd ever see a compatible magazine again in your LIFE, you probably would hold on to it. Edited January 23, 2013 by misterwit 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-AT- Goose 4 Posted January 24, 2013 Hats, Rocket. Hats hats hats. Make Valve cry at the amount of hats. But seriously, I'd like seeing cowboy hats. Putting one on and taking off the tac vest of the Hero skin [and the gloves, and the thigh holster] is pretty much how I dress, so it'd be sweet to have that level of customization. Its a big thing to alot of us to customize the crap out of your character in a game like this. [if there were more games like this.] 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nomadic Nut 70 Posted January 25, 2013 I would like to see traps such as,Traps: Tripwire Mine (Made from Grenade, Wire, Wood) IED type explosives (Made from Fertilizer, Car Batteries, Black powder, Etc.) Swinging Log Trap (You know like in the movies) (Made from a lot of Rope and Wood maybe able to add spikes using Scrap Metal)Non lethal traps: Trip Wire to Flood Light (Made From Trip Wire and a Flood light) Used to scare people from your camp and or alert you to their presence Net Trap (Made from Rope, Wood, Netting) Used to capture a player who steps on a pressure plate made from Wood, Leaving it up to the owner of the trap or the first to come along to decide their fate, if no one comes along they will need to die of starvation, dehydration, or if the captured person owns a Hunting Knife can cut his/her self free.Just some random thoughts i had on traps i would make in a post apocalyptic world thanks for taking the time to read this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siegfried 20 Posted January 25, 2013 I think you should be able to do silent takedowns from behind someone. These would be in a way similar to the knife takedowns from battlefield 3 but maybe involve strangling or something like that. It would make "backstabbing" or betrayal much more interesting. I know nothing like this will come anytime soon, but it would be a nice feature to implement sometime after the stable release. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PracticalTactical 164 Posted January 25, 2013 Its been suggested before for sure, but to make it even more realistic, a sniper scope system like red orchestra's would be cool.YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted January 25, 2013 (edited) We should have an Obrez in DayZ Standalone. As you can see it's basically a sawn-off Mosin-Nagant (although I've seen sawn off Lee-Enfields as well).This example has been sawn off ridiculously close to the muzzle. It probably had a massive muzzle flash, a punch-you-in-the-face concussive wave and extremely low performance. I can't even believe how closely they've cut it in the above example, it's almost as bad as having no barrel at all.This is probably a more typical example: Edited January 25, 2013 by Gews 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites