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Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

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Id like to see the Crossbow in DayZ-SA.

A new awsome crossbow will be added as Rocket mentioned at Exp 2012 .

-> check this
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I don't think you know what DayZ is either, I'm fairly sure (not 100%) that Rocket said no skill trees. What you're describing is as close to a skill tree as you can get. Or maybe it is a skill tree if I read it another way, you can choose to put more points in mechanics at the cost of medical skills? Ridiculous. What if I was the medic in a team of two and I was shot? The other player can't give me blood because he doesn't know how.

Would make you and your friends more cooperativ, so as everybody else, cause you would have to be good with some other guys that you maby meet ingame. It would make the need for sociality bigger. I dont know what Rocket and if he had said something about skilltrees, but in my opinion, i postet everyting in () that wasnt so Threadrelated and wrode that it was only my personal opinion. At last it would make it more simulation like.

What, I can repair the engine of a chopper but I can't patch a bullet hole using some scrap? That's ridiculous.

What people need to remember, is this is just a game at the end of the day. Sometimes I can't have a group of more than two others with me at all times when I play, my friends have lives outside of this game. You shouldn't be penalised for having less people, the repair/medic system is good now. It needs to be less buggy at times, but it's good. As a solo player (if I chose to) I could run around and gather all the parts I need with a fairly large challenge and fix a vehicle, but in a group I can do the same but much faster and more safely. That's the advantage of playing in a group, but you're not at the same disadvantage I.E. You can't fix it at all, because you didn't pick the right skill.

I just hope to god Rocket doesn't listen to suggestions like these.

Please read exactly. Fixin with scrap metal was Mechanik1 in my little mindgame^^. I am most time a loner and friendly to, i got a RL on my own, but thank for informing me that you have one eigther XD. Gamemechanics have nothing to do with gametime you put in, got to do with features, noone tells you that it is meant to fix an car that fast or needing 20 hours for it, or needing you to bring a friend. Rigth now you can fix a car on your own in like 5 minutes. With something like that i have mentioned, one would scout it, bring information back to an bigger group that are now heading out and trying to get the Car for the group. It doesnt matter for the loner sniper Bandit, cause he snipes People out of Cars and steals it, and for friendlys would be a nice encouragement to work to getter, an so on build bigger forces.

Ok maintheme of my post was that i think that NPCs are to weak, when there are more of them and they actually can kill you everywhere most problems should be solved....but surly not all!

Edited by Axon0p62

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Hey thanks for adding the littlebird. Unfortunately, that particular bird is a bit useless. Could you add the one with the benches on it? I like to play medic and transport and that one would be more useful than the current one.

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I think implementing some of the Arma 2 wasteland elements would sort this whole "base/camp" deal. I personal like the thought of building an "army" in the apocalypse. It's something that would happen given a real apocalypse. Throw in the very rare bi plane of survivors/loot crash for chances at things that will not spawn in map... I don't know, just some random thoughts.

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As long as doors don't kill you, rocks don't kill you, falling 3 feet doesn't snap your legs, and zombies can't break your legs with a single hit, and lastly the inventory is managable and makes sense, I'm happy.

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Don't forget the rarespawn bastard swords at Devil's castle, Zub & Rog. Hell maybe throw in a rare skin spawn.. chainmail. :D

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Definatley ciggarettes, alchohol, stuff to have fun with, sometimes surviving becomes too easy, so to find stuff like this to play with might add more of a visceral effect to the survival. Clothes etc would be nice, since i hate having a buttload of clones :)

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I like the idea of a settlement where you grow your own food and have a place to be sheltered. You would have to scavenge for gear and guns, but that is a great idea. I also really like the idea of learning to do things faster, like bandaging yourself faster when you do it more.

Personally i disagree with this, that would imply that some players could get shot, and bandage up faster than someone else, that destroys the balance of the game. I believe that instead of making yourself bandage quicker the more you do it, they should just speed up and smooth out the current bandage a little bit more, for everyone.

The option to put your seatbelt on in vehicles would be awesome, get less damaged during crashes or something.

Edited by HenryWing

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I kinda agree on a skill based evolution system as soon as it's not a levelup system. Something like wurm online is doing, the more you do a certain thing the more experimented you become at it. But it should be capped. Let's say your character starts with a value of 1 at any given skill, and can raise it up to 10. Bandaging at lvl 1 will take like 8 seconds, while at lvl 10 you could do it in 4 seconds. Also there could be a chance to fail at bandaging, like at a value of 1 bandaging has 80% chances of success, and 100% success only comes at a value of 5.

Some ideas of skills you could grind that way :

- Bandaging

- Crafting

- Repairing/maintaining weapon

- Wood cutting

- Engineering (repairing vehicles)

- Body Strength (would slightly improve both wood cutting, melee attacks, maximum weight)

- Running (slightly improve your stamina)

- Something related to diseases (when you catch one disease you should be more resistant against this particular disease)

So it's not original but if done right I can see that system add some nice depth/authenticity/sense of progress to the game.

Oh and I think there should not be any "stat menu" implemented, I think of it more like a hidden feature.

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Listening to interview with Matt right now sounding great - Any plans/thoughts for medical masks (protect from disease)?

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I kinda agree on a skill based evolution system as soon as it's not a levelup system. Something like wurm online is doing, the more you do a certain thing the more experimented you become at it. But it should be capped. Let's say your character starts with a value of 1 at any given skill, and can raise it up to 10. Bandaging at lvl 1 will take like 8 seconds, while at lvl 10 you could do it in 4 seconds. Also there could be a chance to fail at bandaging, like at a value of 1 bandaging has 80% chances of success, and 100% success only comes at a value of 5.

Some ideas of skills you could grind that way :


There is a problem with that. I belive it was said, that debug monotor is gone because it caused the servers to crash. It was too much data to work with. Now, imagine every single player on server having 10 skills on lvls and the HIVE has to remember all those skills and lvls. I think, they might have a similiar problem with all those diseases. It is a lot of data. I think this will not happen. And I dont really think, it would be useful for gameplay. Do you need bandage skills? Go to hospital, sit on a medical box and bandage yourself for 10 minutes. I now you have lvl10 Bandaging. It sounds good, but it woudnt work.

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There is a problem with that. I belive it was said, that debug monotor is gone because it caused the servers to crash. It was too much data to work with. Now, imagine every single player on server having 10 skills on lvls and the HIVE has to remember all those skills and lvls. I think, they might have a similiar problem with all those diseases. It is a lot of data. I think this will not happen. And I dont really think, it would be useful for gameplay. Do you need bandage skills? Go to hospital, sit on a medical box and bandage yourself for 10 minutes. I now you have lvl10 Bandaging. It sounds good, but it woudnt work.

Well they also have weapon attachment and durability now, so the server has to remember durability and shit for all the possible item being dropped everywhere... But you're certainly right and I couldn't care less if we had no skill system in SA.

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Well they also have weapon attachment and durability now, so the server has to remember durability and shit for all the possible item being dropped everywhere... But you're certainly right and I couldn't care less if we had no skill system in SA.

Oh, I completely forgot about that. I hate durability. I hope they didnt make it annoying... Yeah, I am really curious how are they going to manage all this data...

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Oh, I completely forgot about that. I hate durability. I hope they didnt make it annoying... Yeah, I am really curious how are they going to manage all this data...

yup, hope they will make it realistic at least (if an AK or Glock jam after every 100 rounds it will be..disapointing)

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I think this thread is more of a quick idea library for idle DayZ modelers.

-Baseball caps(various colors). cosmetic or anti-sunstroke/dehydration preventative.

-Woollen hats, cosmetic or preventing heat loss.

-Ski-masks, bandanas, other clothing items that covers player identity, cosmetic or decrease humanity/reputation loss for murder.

-Sunglasses/shades. Atm it's part of character customization, possible world item instead.

Edited by Dallas

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i would like to see gun safe spawns in some of the smaller houses and towns, some would be unlocked/empty others would still be locked and you would have to find the key hidden somewhere in the house.

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I'd like to see a mortar in the upcoming standalone. Use it like in Far Cry 2 for example. Rounds should be very rare, but the range should be good.

Could be the slovenian MN-9 or a russian type.

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Skateboards & roller skates! Would be awesome with some melee weapons! :D

And of course skis, snowmobiles etc... (if there will be snowy areas)

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I could like to have a length of rope or strong wire that I can silently strangle people with.

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Skateboards & roller skates! Would be awesome with some melee weapons! :D

And of course skis, snowmobiles etc... (if there will be snowy areas)

Skis would be awesome on maps like Namalsk! Or maybe if there was a snowy Chernarus map.

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Skis would be awesome on maps like Namalsk! Or maybe if there was a snowy Chernarus map.

Until you reach the tree line and get Bono'd.

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Hellou. This might be already said... or maybe it's not doable. Nevertheless it can't be suggested often enough:

Both light and heavy machine guns are nicely done in Arma 2 OA, no question, but I often wish, that it

was possible to mount the bipod of a (L)MG on a structure just like a wall or a window board and similar things,

in order to be more flexible when choosing covered attacking positions.

Is that possible? Does someone know if it's a feature of Arma 3?

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