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DayZ Redux - DayZ purist focused custom DayZ Mod (Formerly DayZ DIAF)

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Damn you guy near NE airfield in the middle of the night! You messed me and my friend up and made me crash the van! Twice! *shakes fist*

You really shouldn't chuck like 5 flares around the hangers. I was watching you guys for like 15min lol, you both walked within 5m of me when you were walking back to your van by the gravel road ^_^ I was pissed I got a body shot shot on your mate, he slighty moved as I shot... lucky bastard. Was contemplating calling friendly but I didn't want to risk all my gear.

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I apologize to those of you who have PMd me questions or asked me questions in the thread that I haven't responded to yet. Yesterday I was working on the next patch most of the evening, and honestly my PM box fills up by the end of the day unless I mass-deletes things so I may inadvertently delete a PM that I otherwise had been trying to hold aside for a later response. Please don't take offense if you don't get a response, if I don't respond in 24 hours you may want to just poke me with a stick again.

Chopper Fuel:

I like the concept in making it riskier to fuel up a chopper, but this would either involve making a new "jerry can" type item or otherwise a new mechanic (which may not be a bad idea, of course) since the engine wouldn't allow for me to signify what "type" of fuel is in a jerry can or the like. It's a possibility that some mechanic is introduced for making fuel more risky to obtain all around, especially helis. I like the idea of that, but there's some other stuff I want to get to first and I'd have to flesh out a proper mechanic for it before I moved forward with it.

Gamma Lock:

I wish it were possible, and already looked into the possibility. The engine doesn't support a means of locking a client's gamma. This makes me sad, as I agree I would love to see more people hanging around at night using chem lights/flares/etc. I had a blast the other night running around elektro with that knowing how risky it was. I could, of course, force moonless nights in which turning up gamma does almost nothing to help. But, it makes it that much harder to see even with chem/flares. I'd like to add some sort of incentive for playing when it's dark out, but I don't think I'll be able to force people to play legitimately and not jam their gamma up. That makes me sad :(

Tweaked Server Options (3rd Person, Waypoints, Crosshairs, etc.)

Turning off waypoints will likely happen pretty soon. Perhaps crosshairs. I'd be up for a server without 3rd person as well, but I would have to always maintain a server with 3rd person on because I know how many people will refuse to play without it. I'd need to have multiple servers up and going (which means this first one has to get a steady 30-35ish population first) before I consider having a dedicated 1st person server. This also brings me too...

Multiple servers

I've had a few people step forward about launching additional servers with the mod, most commonly a desire to have a EU server. If/when a 2nd server is turned up, it will be a EU server and mimic the same settings as the current US server. As it stands, this will be something that I will be running myself and paying for myself as a result.

It may sound arrogant of me, but I am distrusting of the greater part of the server admin community from vanilla DayZ. A lot of them are self-entitled admins who think the fact they pay money for their server gives them the right to destroy the quality of the game experience for others. Part of solving the gameplay problems in vanilla DayZ on public hives isn't just bug/exploit fixes and curbing hackers, it's stopping self-entitled abusive admins from treating their experience and their clique's experience above that of the server populace.

If this mod becomes popular, I'll really have no choice but to involve some outside help (as I can't pay for tons of servers out of pocket) but I have no idea how I'm going to find trustworthy admins who [1] will run a server properly, putting the experience of the server community above their own -and- [2] not turn around and leak the server code to the public. I guess at some point I'll have to cross that bridge and hope for the best that I can find some trustworthy people. First thing is first, though, in releasing more patches and seeing whether or not the mod gets popular enough to where this is something I legitimately even have to consider.

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Bong Squad will find you.... and we will destroy you B) Btw, real cunt move destroying all our shit, I wouldn't have even done that. I would have preferred it if you had taken everything because at least then we have a chance of actually finding it again and fucking you up, I would expect you to do the same.

We will see each other soon.

TLDR: You're a cunt

Hello, thanks for the harassing language, looked really mature, already shows what kind of person you are. I destroyed your camp because having vehicles is pretty much useless. When there's choppers on the server there's not really a point in hiding stuff because you'll lose it over night anyway. Don't get attached to your vehicles so much next time before insulting me. Thanks for showing me that it actually was the right thing to destroy your badly hidden camp.


P.S Don't worry I'm not hating on the squad. I like Shift because he atleast replied in a normal way.

Edited by remkoe

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When there's choppers on the server there's not really a point in hiding stuff because you'll lose it over night anyway.

Yeah. I'm really conflicted on that. I love choppers and the concept of squads using it for transportation/ops. But it sucks how it basically allows a single person to [1] farm all heli crashes in minutes [2] discover 100% of camps in short order.

I'll have to look into something that tries to address that, but a short term thing might be to just make sure I'm spawning helis much less frequently than vehicles. So, once a heli is destroyed it will be a while before it comes back, but ground vehicles will spawn somewhat more frequently. We'll see. There's so much that I'd like to address in DayZ that it's a shame, really, due to time constraints. There's only so much time and everything takes a decent amount of it.

Anyone know how effective something like this is with hiding vehicles? Is it really just for show or would it help? I could see adding something like this into the mod if it would help.


Edited by Venthos

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@Venthos Could you setup a donation account on PayPal, then we would be able to support the project :)

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Hey man, love your server. I've been playing there with my friends for the past 3 days and I can officially call it home. A few suggestions I wanna throw in :

1. Improve scoreboard mechanic

  • 1pt per zombie kills, 2pts for headshots
  • 50pts per survivor kills
  • 0pts per heroe kills (?)
  • 100 pts per bandit kills
  • 5 pts per hour alive

2. Bicycle tires

  • A new item, takes 2 slots (instead of the usual 6 for car wheels). It would balance out the fact that bikes are easy to break and got no room for backup wheels (oh and maybe add a little more spawn points for bikes :P)

3. GPS waypoints

  • I have no idea if this can be achieved at all but it would be neat if waypoints were allowed with the use of a GPS (credits theRasak)

4. Death messages

  • This is probably a matter of personal tastes by I find it nice to have to go and study the body to get a kill confirmation. To me, death messages remove a bit of immersion.
  • On a side note, if its possible to customize the default study body message, adding a hint of how much time the dead body has been there for would be great. Nothing too precise but give a way for players to know if the corpse has been there for 5 minutes or more like 12 hours.

5. Zombies and stuff.

  • Maybe make military zombies stronger, hit you for harder, more bleed proc etc. Anything that makes it more difficult to loot high reward area.
  • Add randomness to zombies, some faster/stronger, some weaker. This would make zombies a little more scarier IMO.

Thats it for now, do whatever you want with my ideas. I know you are really busy right now and probably have higher priorities on your list. Thanks and good job again for your great work!

Edited by FrankMawn
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Anyone know how effective something like this is with hiding vehicles? Is it really just for show or would it help? I could see adding something like this into the mod if it would help.


I would definitely want to see that in your mod :P

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Well, you wanted the high-end weapons to be hard to come by Vent, I guess you've succeeded, went to the two barracks at NWAF + ATC Tower and hangers, Stary military tents and also a crashed heli I came across. The only weapon I found was a AKS-74U, nothing else of any worth or use at all.

Not complaining like, I enjoy the search for the good stuff, makes it all the sweeter when you do come across something worthwhile.

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This would be a very cool feature to use in the mod but then again it will probably cause problems, especially with the lighting. An example would be the camping tents. Sometimes camping tents show up VERY bright on my screen before they're actually rendered. If i see a tent from far away it's very easy to spot. This might happen with this camo net too (?) even though I'm not 100% sure about it.

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Hello, thanks for the harassing language, looked really mature, already shows what kind of person you are. I destroyed your camp because having vehicles is pretty much useless. When there's choppers on the server there's not really a point in hiding stuff because you'll lose it over night anyway. Don't get attached to your vehicles so much next time before insulting me. Thanks for showing me that it actually was the right thing to destroy your badly hidden camp.


P.S Don't worry I'm not hating on the squad. I like Shift because he atleast replied in a normal way.

It is not up to you to decide whether or not vehicles are useless and that is a pathetic way to justify what you did. As for the use of language, there really is no other word that I could have used to describe you, I can think of a few others but I think you would like those even less. Also, learn how to fucking fly before you try to steal someone's chopper (which we spent 6hrs fixing). Sorry for getting so over attached with my vehicles, you obviously seem to have a lot more luck with finding choppers etc, you probably just steal them from others who have spent hours repairing them.

Still, I understand it is a game and eventually I will lose what I have collected. It just pisses me off in the way that you do it, even going as far to post on these forums the locations of where you did it (that "Base" by the way was only for the night as I had to log off and the rest of the Squad were too lazy to move everything with out me).

Changing the topic now: Are there NVG's & Ghillie's? They seem to be the only two items I have not yet obtained and I was just curious if they do exist or not.

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Well, you wanted the high-end weapons to be hard to come by Vent, I guess you've succeeded, went to the two barracks at NWAF + ATC Tower and hangers, Stary military tents and also a crashed heli I came across. The only weapon I found was a AKS-74U, nothing else of any worth or use at all.

Not complaining like, I enjoy the search for the good stuff, makes it all the sweeter when you do come across something worthwhile.

Yeah, I want good guns to be something you don't just swoop up. I'm not even sure yet that I'm pleased with the current rarity. Of alive survivors.. there are:

2x M24

1x CZ550

2x M249

0x M240

2x Mk 48


2x M16A4 ACOG

4x M4A1 HOLO

7x M4A3 CCO

8x M4A1 CCO

That is out of 105 living survivors.

In tents/vehicles...

0x M24

0x CZ550

1x M249

0x M240

0x Mk 48


2x M16A4 ACOG

1x M4A1 HOLO

2x M4A3 CCO

1x M4A1 CCO

I may even still make the above guns a bit more rare. I want you to shit your pants in excitement if you kill somebody and get one of the above guns or find one, and I want you to rage with anger if you end up dying and losing one such gun. The other guns (AKs, M4A1, M16A2) are the guns I want to be the guns you more commonly roll around with, but still need to put some effort into finding.

Almost forgot the tools.

2x NVGoggles

9x Range Finders.

In tents/vehicles...

1x NVGoggles

1x Rangefinder

The NVG/RF were spawning a bit too frequently up until 0.1.2 in my opinion, so that may explain the plentiful rangefinders.

For skins...

2x Ghillie unworn suits in inventories

4x people wearing Ghillies

1x Camo unworn suits in inventories

3x people wearing Camo

Edited by Venthos
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Blimey! and all I've held out that little lot is a M4A1 CCO for about 5 minutes in the barracks at NWAF until someone else walked in and a shootout took place in which we exchanged shots and both died.

I'm not very lucky it seems, it's hard work being a lone wolf, although I've only died once so far.

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Also the GPS seems to be a bit too common, found 3x (!) on a dead survivor by a heli crash yesterday and i had another one the day before which i also found from a guy.

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I should clarify that I don't think an M4A1 CCO is as "pants shitting" worthy as the other guns there and what not. The ratio I'm seeing is about right (M4A1 CCO and M4A3 CCO being more common than the others listed). But I just hated how everyone in Vanilla DayZ is able to get any gun they want in not too long of a time period. Everyone has NVG as well meaning you are at a severe disadvantage if you were without them.

With this mod, I want that crap to be rare. I *want* you to get attached to your loot so that you act smart in towns/traveling and don't act reckless because "Who cares I have 5 more in my tent anyway". I want you to form loathing hatred for other survivors and start squad wars because they took your NVGoogles ;) I want it to be more lucrative to go after the guy who took your stuff than to just go farm it again. I really think something that will help DayZ Mod is making being "geared" something that is notably difficult to achieve. Significantly more so than it is in vanilla DayZ at least. To me, that pushes "End Game" further down the ladder. It's no longer "Get Geared -> Kill Everyone/farm the coast newspawns". It's "Try and get geared -> Someone kills you/raids your camp -> you seek revenge on those people". This fits in line with my desire to still let people play however they want to play, but make it more enticing to play in a way that I feel is probably more fun for everyone (which usually means very frustrating and difficult).

I won't treat it lightly, but I have no qualms with modifying/removing existing loot on survivors/tents/vehicles if something gets out of control. I'm very happy with the 3x NVGoggles per 105 survivors. It's a statistic like that which makes me hope more people will be playing at night.

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Also the GPS seems to be a bit too common, found 3x (!) on a dead survivor by a heli crash yesterday and i had another one the day before which i also found from a guy.

I'm undecided on this. Looks like 4x in tents/vehicles, 12x on survivors. With me planning to remove waypoints in short order, I don't want the GPS to be quite as rare as NVG/RF. But, yeah, I don't want it common either. GPS is the only tool of NVG/RF/GPS that has a chance to spawn at regular military loot piles (it's the same way in vanilla DayZ). Perhaps just removing that alone may be sufficient, making it barracks/heli crash only.

How often do you restart the server btw?

It's presently set to restart every 12 hours. Noon and Midnight game time. It will be adjusted as needed to maintain performance. I just hate restarting it more than needed and having anyone with a heli able to farm the best loot in the game in short order.

Edited by Venthos

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I'm undecided on this. Looks like 4x in tents/vehicles, 12x on survivors. With me planning to remove waypoints in short order, I don't want the GPS to be quite as rare as NVG/RF. But, yeah, I don't want it common either. GPS is the only tool of NVG/RF/GPS that has a chance to spawn at regular military loot piles (it's the same way in vanilla DayZ). Perhaps just removing that alone may be sufficient, making it barracks/heli crash only.

It's presently set to restart every 12 hours. Noon and Midnight game time. It will be adjusted as needed to maintain performance. I just hate restarting it more than needed and having anyone with a heli able to farm the best loot in the game in short order.

Yeah, I'd say barracks and heli crash only would make sense for the GPS, try it and see how it pans out, not like I'll ever find one anyway.

Fair enough with the restarts.

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@Venthos Could you setup a donation account on PayPal, then we would be able to support the project :)

This. This right here. I am more than willing to throw my hard earned money at you to support this! :)

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Also, learn how to fucking fly before you try to steal someone's chopper (which we spent 6hrs fixing).

Where did that come from? I didn't take any of your choppers and your own squad crashed the Huey. How am I supposed to "learn to fly"? I actually outsped the other chopper like 5 times and getting out of range from it. Please tell me where you get this from. I have no hard times with flying and I have no idea why you're saying I'm bad at flying. If I were, I would've crashed my chopper by now.

Why can't I say that I find vehicles not THAT important when there's choppers on the server? Why are you telling me I'm not allowed to judge about, because it's clearly my own opinion. If you find vehicles the best thing there is then sure, I don't mind. It's just my opinion

Also, yes I stole the chopper that I have right now. Am I not allowed to? It's YOUR choice you spend hours and hours on repairing a chopper. YOU take the risk of getting it stolen, I'm not. You don't have to blame me for destroying your camp even though you are the one who's taking the risk. If it bothers you so much, then why start with it in the first place?

If you don't know how to describe me for what I did and just insult me for it, it obviously bothers you too much. Which then again makes me happy for what I did : )

Also the GPS seems to be a bit too common, found 3x (!) on a dead survivor by a heli crash yesterday and i had another one the day before which i also found from a guy.

Yes, that was my buddy. He had 3 GPSes on him because we were about to log off. It's safer to keep it on your character than store it in a vehicle/tent which could get raided over night. We found two at 1 heli crash site and had the 3rd one from a guy that died in a chopper crash earlier (R.I.P Shift). I don't think they're too common, we were just lucky finding them.

Edited by remkoe

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Just wondering... What do you plan to do about the rare gun ammo? For example: I have an m24, my mate has the other one(according to your post earlier these are the only 2 in the whole server currently). We have 5 bullets left total for the two of us(we found 2 mags each but sadly due to us both dying about an hour ago in a chopper crash have lost 3 clips :o and now we only have 1 mag left.) Considering how rare this gun is, and that ammo only drops with the gun. How the hell are the people that actually have these guns expected to find ammo? Currently the only way for us to get more ammo is to hit every chopper straight after a restart, which in turn means no one else on this server is going to get this gun. I have no problems doing this and will be doing this, but I just think its unfair that the whole server gets to miss out on an awesome gun just because 2 people have to hoard all the ammo because its just that bloody rare.

I personally think the only way to resolve this is to allow the mag's to spawn at military buildings or at downed choppers by themselves. Definitely don't make them as common as they are in the normal mod though.

Or maybe you are trying to completely remove the end game sniping element from this game, which would be different and have many positive effects but also take out a core part of end game content and player skill from the game.

Really interested to know what everyone else thinks about this, and if they have any other ideas that could help.

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It's designed to make you do exactly what you're doing. If you *really* want to use the M24 consistently, you're going to have to spend all of your time trying to find M24s at heli crashes. Potentially, you may only get a single mag when you find another M24. The M24 isn't intended to be a 'primary' weapon in this mod, but something you have in your pack and take out when the situation requires it (per your own discretion).

Heli Crash logic will not stay the same in the future. It won't be "server restarted, everyone go for it!". Heli crashes will not be up on server restart and will randomly spawn throughout the server's life. I am also going to reduce them. I'm thinking 3 of them. For example, it may be like this..

*Server Restart*

2 hours in, 1 heli crash randomly spawns with loot (and loot will never respawn at it)

3 hours in, another 1 heli crash spawns on the map

9 hours in, another 1 heli crash spawns on the map

12 hours in, *Server restart*. Rinse repeat with again totally random timing.

So if you are going to scour the map 24/7 for M24s, then you fully deserve whatever M24 ammo and other spoils that you find. I have no problems if you snipe the hell out everyone and they complain about "that damn sniper' if you're having to invest that level of effort in accruing ammo. That's the design.

I don't aim to remove sniping, I just aim to make it something that is a specialized role and not something people spray off rounds like it's makarov ammo (like it is in vanilla DayZ).

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