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DayZ Redux - DayZ purist focused custom DayZ Mod (Formerly DayZ DIAF)

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Chinook with ability to carry a vehicle or two would be really cool.

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Sounds great Vent.I agree that realism is a subject that needs attention as it can make or break a game quickly.Its probably a person to person division where some like realism and some like authentic.Look at flight sims out nowadays that you need to put in 3 days just to learn how to navigate.LOL most people cringe at that but a few people thrive and love it.

Good luck with this and I will email you for a spot to join if you let me. :lol:

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Chinook with ability to carry a vehicle or two would be really cool.

Ehhhh. I'm not really sure this is something I plan on doing. At least, not until I feel it has some merit in the context of the goal of my mod. That's starting to get way too sandboxy and "let's see what we can pack into DayZ with this industrial baler". There's few things I'll say "never" to, so I wouldn't write this off as a "never" thing. But, maybe it just needs a lot of brainstorming to come up with something that makes sense for it. I don't really subscribe to the concept of seeing how fast I can CTRL+C/CTRL+V objects from ArmA2 into DayZ.

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Ehhhh. I'm not really sure this is something I plan on doing. At least, not until I feel it has some merit in the context of the goal of my mod. That's starting to get way too sandboxy and "let's see what we can pack into DayZ with this industrial baler". There's few things I'll say "never" to, so I wouldn't write this off as a "never" thing. But, maybe it just needs a lot of brainstorming to come up with something that makes sense for it. I don't really subscribe to the concept of seeing how fast I can CTRL+C/CTRL+V objects from ArmA2 into DayZ.

Yeah, it would be a power vehicle, mainly used to drop off squad in a vehicle, or move base easily.

What do you think about boats? To me I never use them, they are slow and sadly(obviously) limited to the water, but maybe if they were faster it would be worth it, although I believe the PBX is fast, not sure never found one.

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Also, on one last note. I'm extremely eager about this next patch. You've made it out that this one is gonna be quite the game changer this time. We'll all the patches have, but this one I believe you've made out to be the biggest yet.

This is why I don't like talking so freely in this thread about my plans. You guys build up expectations for me to let down :P

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Just thinking out loud here, but you know the effect that happens when you're really down low on blood, when the screen is completely black and white and blurring in and out of vision, well how about a couple of new items that could also temporarily trigger this event to happen? One could be a short range pepper spray, say 2-3 meters, effects last a minute or two and the other, tear gas, obviously used like a smoke grenade and with the same useful range. Could be used as a way to disorientate your opponent to either help get your kill or to exact your escape to safety.

Could be interesting, and maybe not to difficult to implement using effects that are already in the code?

Just a thought.

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Hey Venthos us BSB lads have had a good night on your server even recruited a couple of randoms from your server.

We had some epic firefights oh Allie? that was me in the apartment building with my FN Fal and it was one of my 6 friends that shot you in the supermarket, just 10s before I got sprayed by an M4 through a window so didn't know if you were shouting friendly as a ruse or not, turns out we got the M4 guy 2mins after we killed you.

After that we found the chopper at Balota, had some insane battles with a sketchy guy called Sanjeet (always got into the gunner seat past 4 people without being spotted O.o) and his buddy (can't rem his name but I nailed him twice that day) got the chopper fixed filled it up with people and went looting military bases was epic fun.

Got a question regarding vehicles though, do you reset the vehicles on map ever?/often? noticed something you posted in an earlier post, on an unrelated note we saw a crazy amount of vehicles driving around today was never a quiet moment.

Highlight of my night was chloroforming a friend at Stary tents when he went to loot Stanag mags...actually that reminds me of a bug we found, seems that after chloroforming him there was a "debug duplicate" of his body about 100m's away, only some of us could see it but when we shot the body his character died maybe something for you to look into? We only had the opportunity to test it out once but will do some more field tests ourselves.

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We found 2 coyote backpacks in the military spawn today, at the same time. Niiiiice.... oh and that was our poorly hidden truck :blush:

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Whoevers tent was near Rog, thanks for the m1911! But I wasn't a total prick, I left you my makerov :)

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Got a question regarding vehicles though, do you reset the vehicles on map ever?/often? noticed something you posted in an earlier post, on an unrelated note we saw a crazy amount of vehicles driving around today was never a quiet moment.

Two runs of a slightly tweaked limits of the base Bliss private server vehicle spawn script a few days apart. Nothing too special. Redoing the vehicle spawn script is on my list of things to do so I can make sure the types of vehicles I want with the limits I want are spawned.

a bug we found, seems that after chloroforming him there was a "debug duplicate" of his body about 100m's away, only some of us could see it but when we shot the body his character died maybe something for you to look into? We only had the opportunity to test it out once but will do some more field tests ourselves.

It's highly unlikely that the chloroform itself contributed to this given the nature of how the mechanic works. It's far more likely to be related to logging in/out. I know in vanilla DayZ there's a bug that lets you dupe in that exact fashion, and I'm not sure I've fully addressed that in this mod. I'll need to be able to reliably repeat it. If you get more information, please let me know.


In other news, I am up far too late but I've made progress on the next patch. One of the big mechanics I wanted to adjust is working how I had hoped. The other is almost there and just needs some tweaking. These mechanics are not *exactly* where I want them finalized, but they're a step in the right direction and should at least provide a baseline for tweaking.

Expect the patch this evening (10/6) barring something going quite wrong.

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I'm with spuddy on the backpacks. I have found a 12 Slotter, but that is the biggest I've found, and I think I was extremely lucky finding it

because all of my buddys have failed to find anything bigger than an 8 slot, and that even took them quite some time to do so.

Also Spuddy, if you ran into a guy above Berenzino earlier today while you were driving a bus, We'll that would be me.

Thank you for not running me down, and giving me some AK mags. If you ever want to trade, or need help PM on here.

Also, on one last note. I'm extremely eager about this next patch. You've made it out that this one is gonna be quite the game changer this time. We'll all the patches have, but this one I believe you've made out to be the biggest yet.

Found an Alice in Balota air control tower. Didn't even play that much, so I guess I'm some lucky bastard. But don't get your hopes up guys! You won't see me. Found a ghillie as well. ^^

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Played a couple of days, my impressions so far:

counter alt/f4 - excellent!!

guns - too many, found an enfield & 2 double-barrel at one spot

ammo - too many, should be more scarce

beans, drinks, knives etc - could be a bit less, found 3 knives in Electro..

and finally, anyone can say a word in support of crosshairs? really, why?

a guy near Berezino tried to kill me with a handgun, was he hoping for a headshot? was he aiming with crosshairs? I wasn't moving, he hit me in shoulder, so I wasted him with 3 shots from a shotgun in the chest..

Edited by theanes

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Played a couple of days, my impressions so far:

counter alt/f4 - excellent!!

guns - too many, found an enfield & 2 double-barrel at one spot

ammo - too many, should be more scarce

beans, drinks, knives etc - could be a bit less, found 3 knives in Electro..

and finally, anyone can say a word in support of crosshairs? really, why?

Fully confirm, yesterday played the first time, had the same thought

add: IMHO,

weapons need spawn whis 0-2 mags or 0-1, and less ammo - ammunition is still not deficit, its bad.

How about a greater variety of clothing, as in "survivedayz" - Clone Wars tired =)

Not many vehicles is ok, How about more bicycles?

PLZ off crosshair.

And thx for ur work.

Edited by Toweleie23

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Ive hit up about 4 deer stands and they were all empty :(

If your the first to hit them since the server restarts I think you have to wait about 5 mins before anything spawns in (could be wrong), I've noticed this in vanilla dayz too. Just move close enough to spawn zombies in , then just slowly move up hopefully some loot spawns for you


@Venthos was just looking at the survivedayz thread and seen this vid posted in response to the removal of NVG's.

I watched it and it and IMHO it had some good ideas that I'd love to see incorporated into your mod, if you and the others that play think they're good too.

The first being lighting in the citys and towns at night time might encourage more night time play if people lack NVG's. I think the level of lighting in the vid is too much, but some street lights / house lights which run off of solar would be nice (explains why they're still working)

And number two which I think would make PvE so much more intensive. The chance of picking up an infection from zombies that land hits. Which if not treated with a special antidote will kill you. Maybe make the antidote a RARE drop at barracks or Heli crashes.

I think the chance of infection (which could be spread through groups?) and the rarity of the antidote would force people to be more cautious about agroing zombies. It would definitely force you think twice about shooting fellow survivors if there are a lot of zombies about.

Edited by Papa Duck

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Amazing server wish only if there were more players and what about adding the RPK? Also why do I get kicked everytime? Might be cause of too high ping if so it's so sad cause I am from Europe.

Edited by Soundblaster

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Please please please turn off the stupid ass death messages. This is the most ridiculous thing in any Arma Server... How the hell am I to know if when I shoot someone they actually die, and the rest of the server to know as well. Also, on a personal level, I don't want the rest of the server to know when I die. Just turn it off, it's a plus to the realism factor... clan wars be damned, I don't care if people want to know if their 600 meter sniper shot actually killed the guy or not, just turn it off. Sorry for the seeming rage, but it's just ridiculous.

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keep the crosshair, having third person is already unrealistic. looking forward to future updates :)

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Amazing server wish only if there were more players and what about adding the RPK? Also why do I get kicked everytime? Might be cause of too high ping if so it's so sad cause I am from Europe.

I get about 140 ping from the UK and it's ok.

Not sure what the ping kicker is set at for this server. What ping are you getting ?

I'de vote for crosshairs removed too.

DM's don't matter either way for me, on or off.

I use 3rd person for traveling and 1st person when in combat. Being stuck in 1st person all the time makes me feel sick. Even with head bobbing off. Only happens in Arma though.

Im fine with 1st person in other games.

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I'de vote for crosshairs removed too.

DM's don't matter either way for me, on or off.

I use 3rd person for traveling and 1st person when in combat. Being stuck in 1st person all the time makes me feel sick. Even with head bobbing off. Only happens in Arma though.

Im fine with 1st person in other games.

What 4L4N said.

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DayZ Redux v0.2.1

DayZ DIAF (Die in a Fire) has been renamed! To what I randomly named under suspicion of nobody being interested in the mod, it now has a proper name that communicates the intentions/goals of the mod. It's the same mod, just renamed as a result of this patch. Please note that those who had played DayZ DIAF will need to make sure they setup/reference the new mod directory "@DayZRedux" instead of the old "@DayZ_DIAF"


* RELEASE v0.2.1 (

[FIX] Fixed me breaking "refueling" in 0.2.0. Woops!

* RELEASE v0.2.0 *

[NEW] DayZ Die in a Fire Edition has now gone with a more serious title given people seem to actually like the mod. It is now dubbed "DayZ Redux" in honor of the mod's goals.

[NEW] Combat Status icon introduced to indicate combat status. Combat Status text indicator will eventually be removed entirely.

[FIX] "Unload patient" action no longer permanently sticks in the action menu (Untested fix. Please confirm)

[NEW] Zombies will still spawn even if you're on/in a vehicle.

[NEW] Zombie spawn mechanics heavily modified. *MORE DETAILS BELOW*

[NEW] Heli Crashes spawn mechanics revamped entirely. *MORE DETAILS BELOW*

[FIX] Heli Crash smoke is *actually* removed now (I confirmed it this time :D)

[NEW] Reduced amount of possible loot piles per heli crash. (This will be watched closely for loot table and/or loot pile tweaking)

[NEW] Ghillie and Camo no longer spawns at Residential. Moved to military/barracks instead (still spawns at heli crash).

[NEW] GPS removed from Military spawn, remains at Barracks and Heli crash

[NEW] "Assorted" loot piles will have 1 less item per pile. Weapons/etc. are unaffected

[NEW] M240/M249 belts no longer spawn outside of with the gun itself.

[NEW] M9 SD/ MP5 SD added to Heli Crash. Just like snipers/LMGs, ammo only spawns with the gun itself.

[NEW] Loot spawning system moved server-side and spawning algorithm redone. *MORE DETAILS BELOW*

[ Zombies Mechanics ]

Most folks, when modding DayZ, immediately take to the "Dial the zombie spawning to 11" approach and quickly run into mass lag/desync issues. I've taken a different approach. The avenue taken hopefully will make it SEEM like the towns are much more congested and busy while you're in the town itself, but the actual number of zombies will remain virtually unchanged. Please please report back your assessment of this new mechanic. It is stage one in what I plan to be a two stage process to make zombies matter more and less able to run around town balls out.

[ Heli Crash Mechanics ]

No longer do heli crashes spawn immediately on server up, allowing those who can login at that time to scoop up the loot. Instead, heli crashes are now completely randomized over the life of the server (as configured by me). Heli crashes are intentionally spawned in such a random fashion that no singular point in time is more advantageous than another to go look for them. You could look for a heli crash and have one spawn at a place you just visited 5 minutes ago. The only way to catch all the heli crashes now is if you scan the entire region 24/7. This should allow more variety of people to find them and no singular person to be able to farm them all unless they dedicate their entire 24 hour day to scanning for them.

[ Loot Spawn Mechanics ]

Loot spawning is now exclusively handled server-side. No longer do players handle the spawning mechanism. I will *NOT* explain the intricacies of the mechanic to minimize people "gaming" the system. However, loot now spawns 24/7 regardless of players being near a town or not. There are still anti-farm mechanics involved to prevent someone from sitting on a building. "Cycling" loot is significantly less effective than moving on to a new house. Less frequently looted locations have a higher chance of containing more loot. In other words, it is more effective to "loot a town" and move on to another town than it is to stay in town and try and farm respawns.

Please note due to the nature of loot being completely redone, it may be too rare or too frequently spawning. Only so much testing can be done alone on a test box and checking only a few towns over the course of 30-60 minutes. PLEASE REPORT BACK ANY FEEDBACK.



Edited by Venthos
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That patch notes look pretty sweet Venthos, like the direction your taking DayZ this is the direction Rocket should have taken DayZ in the first place imo.

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Of all timing, it seems the datacenter where I host the download for this is experiencing some issues. Downloads seem to be pretty darn slow. Hopefully it'll get fixed soon.

Alright I think all is well.


Forgot to mention more changes.


Waypoints disabled


Added 4 vehicle types. They're rare though!

HMMWV_Ambulance (2-seater medical vehicle)

GAZ_Vodnik_MedEvac (basically a Ural grade truck that's amphibious)

Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1 (Same as the other bikes, just looks different)

VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1 (Same as the GAZ, just looks pretty bad ass)

Edited by Venthos

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