[email protected] 43 Posted October 7, 2012 So you aren't actually releasing your own mod, you're just using @rmod and various scripts from armaholic?I know bumping up the zombie count is as easy as depbo'ing the dayz_code and changing the max figure from 40, but changing that hardly makes you a programmer or the creator of your own mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlyrage 4 Posted October 7, 2012 No, it isn't nessesary to make our own mod and yet it's just scripting. The rest of my time is spent doing programming in C++, Python and C# in networking and Game Dev in non dayz related projects. We actually didn't use @rmod since they didn't do anything special, by using our own mod folder we change certain config options. We have changed options that we would like on our server.Other scripts that we developed are currently being moved from lingor, which should be in soon once I have time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_seacucumber 81 Posted October 8, 2012 Also if you were to read the post and the video, changing the zombie count was not even close to the only thing we changed. Besides if you are realsing changes that can be made in the mission folder what is the point in releasing your own modifications? No offense intentened but I believe you may be misinformed in this matter.Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Starkiller24444 0 Posted October 8, 2012 Nice server. good challenge after spending so long on normal servers...nice refresher for veteran dayz players...will be coming back Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
illusion_cz 0 Posted October 8, 2012 (edited) I hope mods can see this thread bcs I really hope such a stuff as putting bike into the vehicle and using heli to carry vehicles will be great to see in standalone... Edited October 8, 2012 by Illusion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_seacucumber 81 Posted October 8, 2012 I hope mods can see this thread bcs I really hope such a stuff as putting bike into the vehicle and using heli to carry vehicles will be great to see in standalone...I highly doubt they will look at it, but yes to see it in the stand alone would be amazing and to add it should be that hard *winkwink*.Though we are still always working on the mod to add new weapons, scripts and vechials currently to the distaste of the other admins I am working on making an authentic look spawns such as havings AK varients instead of the M variets of weapons and changing the model of the heli crash but this is all hush hush ;)We shall see how that works Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlyrage 4 Posted October 8, 2012 Here is some of the things we are concidering on.Work In Progress:-Attachable/Removable flashlight/scope to different types of guns.-Press G in a car and open up your gear instantly.-Removing Wheels from cars ( To fix another car/steal a players wheel when they stop for fuel)-Getting out of a car near a town won't despawn the loot-Zombies can attack cars / damage windscreen glass but not extreme damage.-New Base Building/Construction System Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
firebear 11 Posted October 8, 2012 (edited) maybe you should give credits to the guys who made these scritps you've added.like tow, load in, electrical grid, etc. you havent made any of them.same goes for the shit you're going to add, i know for a fact you wont be the one who made these scripts:-New Base Building/Construction System-Attachable/Removable flashlight/scope to different types of guns. Edited October 8, 2012 by firebear Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlyrage 4 Posted October 8, 2012 Actually the two systems that I'm currently working on are being coded from scratch so I don't understand exactly what you mean. I find it disappointing that you would just assume so.Credit given for the arma 2 bi wiki and AEG example code and R3F Projects (which has been integrated into heaps of other missions without issue). All the other modifications are coded from scratch. We have merely moved our code from a mission file format to a addon that allows us to edit config files which cannot be done otherwise.This thread is a discussion of our server and required installation method not a tutorial on how to script in arma 2 or a credits list. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lost-in-the-wind 2 Posted October 9, 2012 Oh cool you guys are adding attachable flash light to guns, that will be sweet! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted October 9, 2012 How about making zombies run (or at least move faster than they do now) indoors?I also think you should have to find a can opener before you can eat any tinned food. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_seacucumber 81 Posted October 9, 2012 Firstly we will be adding the torches to guns as soon as our programmer has completed the work as for zombies running inside that is more difficult because that is the arma engine though we shall increase there speed soon :) with the can opene that is a fantastic idea and we at now considering should see it around soonish thanks for that :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LuckyTrident73 8 Posted October 9, 2012 Pretty cool, I'll definitely check this out. Always looking for new experiences. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkrooLoose (DayZ) 143 Posted October 9, 2012 (edited) I don't see the can opener as adding any authenticity to the game.These days the vast majority of canned foods have pull-tab tops. And even if they didn't and an opener were necessary, if someone did want to add that much detail (needing a can opener) for the mod, then it'd only be right to be able to bust open the can with the hatchet or hunting knife. Or to be able to pick the apples off the trees in the orchards or drink water from the ponds without a canteen. And we can go on and on and on.It's a neat idea, but it just doesn't seem practical. Resources could be better spent on implementing better fixes / ideas.As in, if zombies are going to be made able to run indoors, then really them glitching through walls should be fixed first. Not to mention that closing a door should also be able to keep them out. Edited October 9, 2012 by OFC_Bill Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlyrage 4 Posted October 9, 2012 I think the reason why rocket didnt make them run inside is because the AI Pathfinding doesn't work out too well indoors. Which might not be fixable without source code (standalone)... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_seacucumber 81 Posted October 9, 2012 I don't see the can opener as adding any authenticity to the game.These days the vast majority of canned foods have pull-tab tops. And even if they didn't and an opener were necessary, if someone did want to add that much detail (needing a can opener) for the mod, then it'd only be right to be able to bust open the can with the hatchet or hunting knife. Or to be able to pick the apples off the trees in the orchards or drink water from the ponds without a canteen. And we can go on and on and on.It's a neat idea, but it just doesn't seem practical. Resources could be better spent on implementing better fixes / ideas.As in, if zombies are going to be made able to run indoors, then really them glitching through walls should be fixed first. Not to mention that closing a door should also be able to keep them out.I completely see where you are coming from Mr.Bill though they why I see it our server is being built up on the little things that we can grab from the community and implement them into the game the ideas that you are suggesting such as drinking from ponds and as such are all doable they are not out of our reach and they are things that the community wants so we are striving to fur fill the wants at this point in time. Though we do fully realise what dayz needs such as zombies running in doors and limbs flying off and much much much more gore. Though these things are out of control, our dev team is tiny and dealing with things that the main company cannot change is out of our reach...for the time binging.Though as always thank you for the remarks these are really helping us to move forward with the project.CheersTGJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted October 9, 2012 I think little things that add a little authenticity to the experience are vital. Drinking directly from a pond or lake, picking apples and pumpkins included.OK, so a can opener may not seem a big deal but have you ever really tried to open a can without one? Not all cans have pull tabs. Grab an axe, place a tin of beans on the ground and give it a whack - tell me what happens? Tin openers, like boxes of matches would definitely be one of the first things someone should grab. Have you seen Mad Max 2 - he has a can opener on his tool belt. Vital!To be honest i would also like it only be possible to fix vehicles if you had a toolbox. Please explain how you could change a tyre, fix an engine and install a rotor blade without one? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlyrage 4 Posted October 9, 2012 (edited) To be honest i would also like it only be possible to fix vehicles if you had a toolbox. Please explain how you could change a tyre, fix an engine and install a rotor blade without one?Exactly, we're adding all these suggestions to a list and working though them one by one. I completely agree with the idea of requiring the player to have a toolbox to fix cars. This will be in the next update that ill release tommrow. Also fixed the problem with players consuming items without actually having them eg pressing eat food then dropping etc. Drinking from a lake directly would be a good idea, however i'll have to see what i'm going to use for the animations etc.Updater:Just letting everyone know if you have problems with the updater (Out Of Date/File In Use) there was a bug with the previous updater. This can be solved by deleting your old DayZ.exe and downloading a new copy from the main thread. This will solve any future problems with updating.Also currently thatguyjames is adding more lighting/objects to the map and adding new weapons to the loot tables.@thatguyjames: You have a problem with the updater link when you click on it, it will lead to a screenshot of the updater instead of the actual download url, see if you can fix this in the main thread.~Matthew Edited October 9, 2012 by Deathlyrage Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkrooLoose (DayZ) 143 Posted October 9, 2012 @DemonPlease don't be offended by my previous post as I meant no ill intention. My apologizes if it came across wrong. It was late at night for me.I do agree that the little details do add to the immersion. I just meant at this point in time, adding the need for a can opener would be moot as there are more, bigger details which could be addressed. Although, I don't see why it couldn't be made so as a Toolbox is needed to open cans. Change the description on the toolbox to read as "Contains hardware necessary for constructing, deconstructing, repairing, and basic survival needs."Have it so as a toolbox is necessary to repair vehicles or remove parts from them; repair and keep weapons in working order (if weapons are made to slowly degrade with use); boil water from a well or pond and open canned food; repair cracked whiskey bottles (duct tape) so they could hold fuel and make them in to molotov cocktails. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted October 9, 2012 @DemonPlease don't be offended by my previous post as I meant no ill intention. My apologizes if it came across wrong. It was late at night for me.I do agree that the little details do add to the immersion. I just meant at this point in time, adding the need for a can opener would be moot as there are more, bigger details which could be addressed. Although, I don't see why it couldn't be made so as a Toolbox is needed to open cans. Change the description on the toolbox to read as "Contains hardware necessary for constructing, deconstructing, repairing, and basic survival needs."Have it so as a toolbox is necessary to repair vehicles or remove parts from them; repair and keep weapons in working order (if weapons are made to slowly degrade with use); boil water from a well or pond and open canned food; repair cracked whiskey bottles (duct tape) so they could hold fuel and make them in to molotov cocktails.No offence taken.To be honest there are lots of little things you could add to DayZ which arent really necessary, can openers included. For instance how do we get all these vehicles to work? Do we hotwire them? Why cant we jump? Why on earth does morphine fix broken bones - it should be for pain relief not curing? I like the Molotov idea - i would love to light up a group of zombies and it would put to use a useless item such as the empty whisky bottles we find everywhere.I agree that there are bigger issues to fix, modify and i think this @Alderon mod could do just that. I suppose we all want the same thing, a fully immersive, authentic experience and the more things that add to this the better.I dunno, i just love the idea of someone starving, finding a can of beans and then not being able to open the tin. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_seacucumber 81 Posted October 9, 2012 No offence taken.To be honest there are lots of little things you could add to DayZ which arent really necessary, can openers included. For instance how do we get all these vehicles to work? Do we hotwire them? Why cant we jump? Why on earth does morphine fix broken bones - it should be for pain relief not curing? I like the Molotov idea - i would love to light up a group of zombies and it would put to use a useless item such as the empty whisky bottles we find everywhere.I agree that there are bigger issues to fix, modify and i think this @Alderon mod could do just that. I suppose we all want the same thing, a fully immersive, authentic experience and the more things that add to this the better.I dunno, i just love the idea of someone starving, finding a can of beans and then not being able to open the tin. All these are ideas in thier own right are fantastic, this includes such things as jumping which we are looking into intergrating with more advance movments such as cover system. Providing an authentic game as possible is what we are always trying to archive and in the future we hope to make it happen. As with poeple acusing us of using other peoples scripts, much of it is from other people you are right though we also are writing our own code and also devving our own map changes such as more military sercret bases and lights added in more towns. Not to mention the changes in the loot table that took HOURS of work for somthing very simple.Sorry spelling on my phone Cheers TGJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_seacucumber 81 Posted October 10, 2012 If you are having problems joining the server make sure you update with your updater..oh just a hint we put in new zombies sounds :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted October 10, 2012 Does the server have an actual name? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted October 11, 2012 (edited) try tactical infiltration teamwas the previous nameedit : seems to be off for me Edited October 11, 2012 by possum77 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlyrage 4 Posted October 11, 2012 try tactical infiltration teamwas the previous nameedit : seems to be off for meHi, Currently our provider is having issues with the ISP but we should be back online asap.~Matthew Share this post Link to post Share on other sites