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20 words or less: Super-Low Humanity Detection

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Becoming a bandit isn't always your fault. A heartbeat would become annoying when playing with teammates who are bandits.

My god you people are blowing my mind, did you even read the OP at all or just instantly came here to say no? You wouldn't hear the heartbeat all the time. So what you are worried about, what you are describing, wouldn't happen, it wouldn't be a issue at all.

Again "Well it seems to me that you would only get the sound if you are staring / aiming at someone for a extended period of time, so unless you frequently "make out" or "stare longingly & lovingly into each others' eyes" it really shouldn't be a issue. "

You are going to have to be aiming at the person with your ironsights / crosshairs (if you are on a server with them enabled). Your not going to hear it all the time just because your near someone with really low humanity. It is going to happen when you are staring the person down trying to "feel them out" and deciding whether to trust them or not.

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Yes kind of,

Instead of trying to give survivors subtle ways to determine bandits, why not make it so the less humanity you have Survivors start to look like Zeds or Zeds look like survivors.

Makes playing as a bandit more risky while not easily giving away who is and isn't a bandit to survivors. Ultimately if your humanity is low enough, everything in the world would look like a noob survivor/zombie to you (either from a certain distance or entirely) causing for a larger risk shooting that prone zombie from 100 yards out thinking he was someone you could easily rob.

Sorry for the 20+

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but for this to happen, the "murder" system has to be revamped a bit. I have had 3 murders last game and those were all in self-defence. They shot at me, but they missed. I killed them with one shot after that and it was counted as a murder thus lowering my humanity.

Still, it's a genious idea!

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Too gamey. You want to reduce rampant murder, but this isn't the way. Instead, provide more incentive for cooperation.

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What I think should happen is breathing rate. When you are close to someone humane, your breathing is relaxed and steady. When you are close to someone inhumane, your breathing is a little faster and more frantic. Then, snipers should have controlled breathing rates so they can't tell and have a harder time picking their targets, unless they are an inhumane sniper.

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A subtle way to help people not get shot in an instant but not to over the top that its obvious

Haha love it!

As far as the whole steady breathing affecting snipers (yes I know there was general mentioning of players as a whole) this appears to be a fix centered around snipers. From my experience (and it's just that) most snipers are evil and they're aim would always be flawless.

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I actually registered just to post my approval. I really can't imagine a better way to go about this. Awesome idea, Rocket.

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Would prefer a witness/reputation system. Someone sees me murder someone and survives: I build a reputation as a killer. No witness' date=' no penalty.


I think this would work in addition to the heartbeat. Also, a way to identify players would have to be implemented, as well.

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It simulates body language & other cues. Realsims isn't always about exact simulation, it's about reasonable analogs.

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Yes for sure^^

But I think it should take some time to hear heart-beat while you have to keep looking at him.

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Most subtle and most frightening thing in this game.

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I gotta say I really like the heartbeat thing. It simulates you being scared shitless by the sight of someone who has the 1000 yard stare of a killer. I wasn't sure at first but it works well in practice. Especially when you have no weapon and you're just being mr. nice, and you're talking to a guy and you hear the heartbeat, you know he's going to kill you. So you play the game of 'I'm just going to disappear when this guy isn't looking'. Its great.

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YES, Although i also support the statement of the guy above (not his NO but teh other part)


Persistent identity through permanent name and appearance would attach long-term consequence to short-term decisions without necessitating outward indicators.

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Reasons have already been stated in the thread. It's subtle and quick, make sure it expires after each death/server change.

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no one will read this anymore.. but I personally liked the flying crows far above bandit heads much better.

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no one will read this anymore.. but I personally liked the flying crows far above bandit heads much better.

I read it and it was awesome, this must be patched in immediately.

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I was hiding in the belfry of a barn yesterday when a survivor with a makarov snuck in through the door. All I could hear was my character's heartbeat pounding while I lay there watching him and hoping he wouldn't think to look up. It was like something out of a horror movie.

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NO (kinda)

I am a PK miself. I like to PK. Its fun. I need to FEAR PERPETUAL consequences...

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Yeah, I like the idea of being able to quickly ID bandits Vs "co-op" players.

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Brilliant idea, but will require a lot of testing. I also disagree with the sound fading at a distance.

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what about random types of signs?

how about a random effects for each player?

blood on hands or clothing??

heart beat?

change in facial expressions?

clothing changes? or others suggested in others posts?

this would still keep the markers off "bad" people but still allow people to see some signs.

i like that you never can trust everyone but i would like to see something for the people that like to only kill others.

not to sure how hard it would be to add but like that i would have to look for more than just one thing.

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