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20 words or less: Super-Low Humanity Detection

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Why not mix it with the possible no weapon thing? if you kill a surv with no weapon it goes insta to max. (cant get worse then dropping an unarmed civvie for no reason)

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I'm really against this KOS deathmatch, but it'll not fix the problem for itself.

Adding visual cues would make it better, but YES.

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YES. Also subtle texture changes if possible - rather than 'full on' bandit skins.

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It sounds hella cheesy. Skins were a good idea. Just make a "humanitarian skin" attainable when a certain level of humanity has been reached. Dont start people as if they are innocent.

Give us 3 different types of skins:

Bandit skin- murderous type (bad karma)

Survivor skin- just spawned (or medium range of Humanity level) (neutral)

Humanitarian skin- the team player, virtuous good-Samaritan. (good karma)

That was over 20 words boo-hoo. :)

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Still yes.

I love the people who want realism so they can shoot people without warning, but they are willing to, for instance, have the ability to run indefinitely.

This is still a Mod and a game. Please don't fool yourselves. If not, please go make a thread that asks for the ability to have a bowel movement, bladder and sleep indicator.

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so your grouped up with a team consisting of 2-10 or more ppl and half of them have low humanity, would you ever stop hearing your heart beat?

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Good idea, but needs something for high (positive) humanity too. Should not happen when "familiar" with someone.

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But would like additional cues. Also longer-term consequences for 'bad' players (carry percentage of low humanity to next life?)

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YES if...

proximity and length of contact were also factors. I doubt Rick (using the Bar Scene example) knew they were bad within a few seconds, even though he may have been immediatly suspicious. He certainly wouldn't have been sure of it from a couple hundred feet away. As the scene continued there were more and more cues that those guys where bad.

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maybe the bigger the group of people around you the more this effect becomes aparent

Greaet thing, I think. This will also encourage to cooperate.

Humanity is no longer a HUD item.

For me, this icon is a good reminder to behave humane. Not sure that it to be removed, but also not sure if it's so necessary to stay on the screen all the time.

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Humans are not perfect machines, personality and body language, plus paranoia, would help with identifying actual threats.

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Don't know, still seems sort of gamey to me. I think you should figure out yourself whether someone is trustworthy.

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Simple and unique solution. *Anything* that helps give people a chance for team play with people you don't know.

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20: Not realistic. Never been shot by someone where this would help. If that close, no longer an issue. Totally silly.

Longer: I'm sure you have the statistics to look at, so tell me honestly how often people are killed while standing 5m from someone... and add to that "Have been looking at each other the whole time".

Who is this meant to help or hinder? Lets say I'm a bandit... well if I'm a soloist, I'm not going to give a damn because there's no way I'll be within 5m of someone that I haven't already killed. If I group, so what again... the people I'm with know me, they won't care if I set their hearts a-flutter.

All this does is give people who PvP one less reason to trust others. What's the goal here? What problem are we sacrificing realism to fix?

If you want to turn bandit skins back on and play team-deathmatch, just do it. This is just a waste of your time.

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What it will be like:


That's actually pretty funny :D

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Make it Persistent, too. Instinct of telling whether someone's nice for high humanity would also be a good indicator.

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I did like the bandit skins....BUT after playing w/o the skins I prefer not knowing if someone is friendly or not. It gives the game a unique quality, with a constant sense of tension and unease....Adding a mechanic to work out if someone is friendly or not will take this away.

Its all a matter of chance, if 2 friendly players meet, great! If 2 bandits meet then....oh dear.

You should let the game play out they way it does. Its kinda like natural selection. Although I don't like seeing baby seals get torn apart by killer whales....its the way it has to be to keep the world regulated. :)

Long post sorry. :S

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Or, simply, when closeby (text or chat range?) to somebody who has VERY low humanity, you hear a heartbeat noise.

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