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About Lillowh

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  1. Lillowh

    I disconnect to........

    This man speaks the truth. It's not that big of deal. If you actually have a good shot lined up, you'll be able to kill them before they can D/C anyway. Learn to shoot and stop trying to punish those of us who just want to leave the game without worrying about what might happen to my character when I can't control him.
  2. Lillowh

    Video Options

  3. Lillowh


    Lol. That's aweso...I mean... How dare those hackers! Ruining our fun like that!
  4. Lillowh

    ATV at Black Lake?

    You're pretty Gill-y. Trying to fish out a plea from the rest of us? Seems like the work of some child who's grades are below C-level...
  5. Lillowh

    Video Options

    Honestly I think the game looks much better with post processing off, don't care for the motion blur too much.
  6. Lillowh


    Because many of the people using the hacks are also using a GUID and CD-key Spoofer. BattleEye is not very good at it's job.
  7. Lillowh


    I don't think either side arguing about the game being broken or that it's an alpha realize that the hacking problem is not using an exploit that is exclusive to DayZ. What is happening is people are using a program to bypass the as-terrible-as-Punkbuster BattleEye security and gaining the ability to insert scripts into the server to do various things. This is not a problem that can be solved by the DayZ mod, this has to be solved by BIS, so bug them about it.
  8. Actually, I feel like being less visible but making more noise while prone than while crouched and more visible would add an interesting balance to the art of zombie avoidance. Like you only want to prone when about to be spotted to wait and hope the zombie doesn't see you as he passes by.
  9. I don't think either side arguing about the game being broken or that it's an alpha realize that the hacking problem is not using an exploit that is exclusive to DayZ. What is happening is people are using a program to bypass the as-terrible-as-Punkbuster BattleEye security and gaining the ability to insert scripts into the server to do various things. This is not a problem that can be solved by the DayZ mod, this has to be solved by BIS, so bug them about it.
  10. Lillowh

    Servers requiring beta 1.60

  11. Lillowh

    "White spots" highlighting zombies/players

    Fixed for ya ;D OT: Yeah, it's an ARMA feature I've always like since the FOV on the game is so small and even when adujusted is wonkey, unless you have mutliple monitors.
  12. Lillowh

    Anywhere I go, I cannot place a tent

    Same, seems tents are broken again.
  13. I'll do it for ya: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2728714 Have Fun ;D
  14. Lillowh


    I think the problem is you're not on a server with the update, because there's side chat, which a new server would not have. If it is a server for that build, it should not have side chat enabled anymore, so please report it.
  15. +1 Monkey swinging around a flashlight is all I see at night.