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20 words or less: Super-Low Humanity Detection

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You'd naturally feel fear if you were sitting next to a murderer.

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I can roughly tell how good a person is by the way the move and look, and I'm usually right. Heartbeat for bad bandits, sigh of relief for good samaritans.


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It's effectively an incentive for more cooperative play, which is a good thing. Would this be restricted to profile?

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Seems too situational. Requires a really bad guy ( who probably has amazing gear by then and much to lose ) to be near you, AND letting you take a good look at him.

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I'm a bandit, Yes to this, But need option to turn it off for bandit groups who move together. could get annoying.

i like the idea tho

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What if I don't care about their humanity? Sound FX would quickly get irritating if I grouped with them.

I think this is a legitimate concern. If say 3 bandits are driving in a car or sitting around a tent or camp fire or whatever' date=' you might not want to constantly hear the audio cue.


This could be fixed in a fairly simple and realistic manner; as you spend time with players with low humanity, you lose the ability to tell the humanity rating of others (your character gets used to being with low-humanity players and starts seeing it as normal). Dying or spending a long time out of their company would make it slowly return.

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Edit: YES

Rocket, I'm really liking all these discussion threads your making but I'm really hating the 20 words or less thing, I really can't conform to this silly twitterish sized replies.

I say Yes to testing / trying this idea but a lot of thoughts come up on how to implement this and how it will work.

Will you be hearing your own heartbeat when looking at a Bandit? That would make sense as you would be nervous looking at them while your having your "gut" feeling, deciding whether to trust them or not.

Or would you be hearing the bandit's heartbeat? That would work too as I'm sure it could relate somewhat to this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpHRWn9fmII hah

So either way you go with that would work fine I guess as long as you make it so you have to be looking / aiming right at the person to hear it.

Then we need to test / tweak to get a appropriate distance for this to work from, because you obviously don't want people able to hear / detect people through scopes and Binocs across large distances, the person would need to be fairly close I would assume, but you also don't want it to be too short of a distance considering guns are ranged weapons after all.

The heartbeat should be Higher / Louder the more murders you have, ie lower humanity, and get Lower / Softer as you gain humanity and "work it off" so to speak. Distance from the person shouldn't effect the sound of it, would get way too confusing that way.

Killing zombies & bandits, bandaging people, giving blood / morphine / pain killers / antibiotics should all increase your humanity, also sharing a fire with someone without killing them should raise it over time, etc (can add a lot more to that, just spit balling)

I also agree with this suggestion: Persistent identity through permanent name and appearance would attach long-term consequence to short-term decisions "

I like this suggestion too but I'm on the fence about it because it could potentially be abused: "reset humanity with every new spawn"

because your not suppose to be the same person right? I mean you died. And you may want to change your ways, team up with someone on your next life.

I also like the suggestion of having a chance to not hear the heartbeat.

But the chance of you hearing it or not should be based off of two things, the person you looking at's humanity (ie the lower their humanity the greater the chance of you hearing the hearbeat)

and also be based off of how long YOUR character has been alive (ie you get better at feeling people out, so the longer your alive the greater the chance of you hearing the heartbeat).

Sorry again Rocket, I get carried away in good discussion.

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If murderer executed someone within hand reach he should get blood spatters on face,clothing until he swims/wash them off.

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I'm a bandit' date=' Yes to this, But need option to turn it off for bandit groups who move together. could get annoying.

i like the idea tho


This, I like the idea, but if could get very annoying anytime I played with a group of friends.

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I would also suggest adding a directional mic as a lootable item. Would be perfect for this, as well as trying to determine if someone is creeping in that house...

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So many Yes-Voters seem to think that bandits will let them get even remotely close enough to look at them or check them for things like "blood splatter". Good luck finding such a polite ( and stupid ) bandit ;)

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Worth a try, though outside the realm of 'realistic' a tad. We need SOMETHING to emulate that subtlety. Doesnt' help with snipers.

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This along with some other things I have seen suggested (% chance for items to be damaged and therefore disappear from loot on corpse on being shot) will help the anti-banditry.

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What's the point? Bandits will kill you too quickly and usually from too far away for this to be any use what so ever.

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I'd rather a visual than an audio Que if any at all on a person's humanity.

Oh an if there is cannibalism later on, I HOPE there is a way to tell something is wrong with that bastard.

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Worth a try, A visual one may be better. Scars/Blood stained face or something of that nature.

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-With no other system to ID friends (hardcore servers), people may game this feature

-Ensure little penalty to killing heartbeat ID'd bandits (what good does it do otherwise)

(Can bandits hear other bandits' heartbeats?)

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But will have the same shortcomings as the bandit skins. Self defense kills counting as murders=low humanity.

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