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20 words or less: Super-Low Humanity Detection

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I don't believe we as survivors are wise enough (are we?) to know these subtle little things. Rick was trained this way, no? I mean if I met say Ted Bundy. Would I have known he raped and murdered many women and would do it again in any way? I don't believe I would have.

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Not as explicit as the others, depends on some skill of the observer. Great idea.

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YES (ish)

If its a subtle beat, and its only for super (SUPER!) close, have it just a radius.



Before folks cry: UNREALISTIC! Do remember what Rocket said: "It is an attempt to model the subtle ways you perceive how people are and what they have done."

Unless you are socially deficient, people "Just know" who to avoid, and who is friendly. We are social beings and process this stuff quite well. Trust me, you can tell the difference between good sounds, and bad sounds. Some breathing makes you uncomfortable, certain coughs make you twinge.


That being said, I think Zedsdeadbaby has the right and superior idea, and would be a better alternative:

"Persistent identity through permanent name and appearance would attach long-term consequence to short-term decisions without necessitating outward, artificial indicators."

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Personally, I'd like to see other ways low humanity could pan out, but this looks promising.

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If someone is standing within "heartbeat range" chances are he wont kill you anyway. (Whats the point in standing 5m from your victim?)

It would totaly suck if you decide to team-up with someone just to get shot because they heard your heart :huh:

What will happen is ppl will just go. "Stay there, Let me check your heartbeat" and thats retarded.

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Yes to the heartbeat idea but I'd still like to have some kind of visible humanity stat for my own character.

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If someone is standing within "heartbeat range" chances are he wont kill you anyway. (Whats the point in standing 5m from your victim?)

It would totaly suck if you decide to team-up with someone just to get shot because they heard your heart :huh:

This is it - to put some FEAR into those who have killed lots of people. They won't see their humanity, so they wonder... (can they tell I'm a killer??!)

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This is insane. Please don't do this.

Why not? If everybody now automagically can hear their heart beat faster whenever they look at a bad guy' date=' the bad guys are going to be shot, which everybody else is not. My idea simply gives the bad guy a fighting chance.

I couldn't recommend my hair going up on the back of my neck, so this seems logical to me.

He's being sarcastic and generally unhelpful in an otherwise generally civilized thread.

Actually, I was being serious, for the reasons above. If you don't like the idea, don't take it. It's certainly your prerogative.

Edit: Wow. I feel pretty bad that you would think that my idea was some kind of troll post. I spent a good deal of time to try and NOT come off as an ass in under 20 words. I guess I didn't do a good enough job. 20 words though. That's pretty tough.

I see the point you are trying to make, and I'm not trying to sound like a dick, but that suggestion is just absurd. Being able to detect people all around you? Come on... The heartbeat thing is line of sight. It is a very practical way to simulate something that can't be implemented. Gut feeling. We all have it.

Banditry is a way of life that some people choose, and that's fine. But being a bandit should be no walk in the park. It should be HARDER to be a bandit/murderer than not. Why? Because other non-bandit characters spend a great deal of time finding loot, etc. Bandits can just kill them and bam, all that work goes out the window and the bandit now has great loot. And that's fine, that is a great part of this game. But I think it should come with some disadvantages that non-bandits do not have. The heartbeat system is a subtle way of doing this.

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Yes, but only if the humanity rating system is drastically increased: I.E., you need to have killed five or six survivors. None of this murder one guy and be a bandit for 12 in game days stuff.

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This would probably increase the success rate for teaming up with other players. Especially the ones who are not just spawned.

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It would be rather easy to spot people that way, maybe a value and not a sound?

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What will prevent ppl from just going

"Stay there, Let me check your heartbeat" ?

I beleve it will just be a test everyone will do when they meet someone.

If loud heartbeat -> Kill

If !loud heartbeat -> Team

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Bandit Skin , Enuff said thats the reason i went into killing people its the easiest way to regonize people

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This is subtle, and leaves much room for further development/complexity.

Maybe too much, but if someone is aiming at you, you hear *very faint* heartbeat. Or AOE instead of LOS, to simulate 'uncomfortable feeling of being watched' or 'something isn't right here'.

Edit: With the first suggestion, then you can't tell someone is a bandit until they're aiming at you. So it's not just a quick 6th sense you know they're bad kinda thing.

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Would get annoying standing next to bandit friends. Prefer some kind of visual choice for survivor to show as friendly - white flag atop backpack?

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Would get annoying standing next to bandit friends. Prefer some kind of visual choice for survivor to show as friendly - white flag atop backpack?

Maybe you just cant hear/see the signs if you are bandit and your "friends" are bandits.

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This is it - to put some FEAR into those who have killed lots of people. They won't see their humanity' date=' so they wonder... (can they tell I'm a killer??!)[/quote']

Most will know, so my question would be is there a percentage chance that the other person won't hear the heartbeat? If you made it a chance-based system, with a chance that the bad guy 'fools' the other guy, then it may simulate life a bit better. If not, then you are probably still dooming the bad guy to a death sentence.

Hopefully, my comments don't come off as being disrespectful or rude, as I am trying to provide some constructive commentary.

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Banditry is a way of life that some people choose' date=' and that's fine. But being a bandit should be no walk in the park. It should be HARDER to be a bandit/murderer than not. Why? Because other non-bandit characters spend a great deal of time finding loot, etc. Bandits can just kill them and bam, all that work goes out the window and the bandit now has great loot. And that's fine, that is a great part of this game. But I think it should come with some disadvantages that non-bandits do not have.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think people are trying to come up with ways that don't involve direct advantage/disadvantage lists. In real life, banditry would be the easiest way out, at least in theory. The only real incentive to not bandit would be because of one's own mortality.

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Doesn't harm gameplay, incentivizes perceptivity, introduces a moral economy without making it take over interpersonal dynamics. Also, it's atmospheric.

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If you are able to hear this from a fair distance and it doesn't take an insanely low humanity.

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YES (again)

It's subtle and great. Can they tell I'm a bandit? Was that a heartbeat I just heard? A great, great idea.

BUT this is all punishment for bandits: we need REWARDS for non-bandits as well.

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