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20 words or less: Super-Low Humanity Detection

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However' date=' the way humanity is assigned needs to be addressed.

You should receive humanity for killing those with low humanity, and lose lots of humanity for killing those with high humanity.

I'm unsure what players should start with for humanity.



I disagree with this just because I don't want something artificial displaying someone's humanity. Why would a bandit have a louder heartbeast IRL?

It's not about the bandit having a heart beat' date=' it's your own heartbeat increasing because you are getting anxious and filled with adrenaline.


Still doesn't make sense to me. How would you know the guy was a bandit IRL? Changes nothing.

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removes players from the realism/escapism of the mod , will not solve deathmatch problem.

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- Ergo' date=' you don't know your humanity level directly, i.e. [i']you don't know how others will perceive you.

YES (to this and other suggestions). This is, IMO, a good way to mimic the subtle body language signs you might get from someone in a real life encounter.

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Rocket' date='

YES, but please consider my derivative of your proposed system:

Going to break the 20 word rule to explain: The strength of the heartbeat sound should be based on the simple difference between the other guys humanity and your own. You should get nervous only with players worse than yourself.

Here's the effect of doing that. If you have high humanity, you would be very "intuitive" about whether someone is a murderer or not. as you become a serial murderer, your ability to detect murderers diminishes because there are fewer murderers worse than yourself so your conscience is becoming compromised. Your character probably don't care at that point. This also allows groups of bandits to hang out without hearing each others heartbeats (unless one is significantly worse than the rest). I like that idea that the ones with higher humanity are more aware of low humanity players. Please consider this modification to your plan. i think it would work well.


I like this as well, and was thinking the same thing. I do feel, however that if there is an indication that someone is worse, you should get an indication that they are better too.

Also, I think that killing zombies should be the only way back from a low humanity, it should take lots of zombies, and it should only bring you as high as a starting character.

Killing someone with a higher humanity than you should quickly lower your humanity.

Killing someone with a lower humanity than you should raise your humanity. This might cause stress among the bandit camps too as there should be. Chaotic evil is rarely groups well.

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Too subtle. If someone has low humanity (or is a bandit) theyre going to kill you way before you get that close.

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low humanity people should have more of a scowling expression, or maniacal, since murder either makes you angry/sad, or you're crazy (hence maniacal expression)

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It's a very interesting approach, I like it. It's worth a try. Experiment till you feel it's perfect.

It's not like it can't be reverted if it's bad. Once again, worth a try.

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Reminds me of the Amnesia monster mechanic. Loved that. The bandits-dont-hear-bandits suggestion from post 581 is probably necessary.

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I group with bandits and I don't want to hear that every time I look at them.

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But only so long as you need full low humanity. If you'd killed someone in self defense and received low humanity it wouldn't be a good way of judging a player.

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Humanity is too black and white. It's too easy to become 'evil' when it was about survival, rather than malice. That system has to be fixed before any indicators are put in place.

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But I feel one stipulation: Increase the range of the heart beats if the opposite play (suspect in question) has a sniper rifle

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Hell no! Rocket i thought you were going to hold on the "no gamey stuff" principle.

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As long as it is only when looking directly at a person and not ambient in an area (like looking at character pops up nametags).

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I'm profoundly deaf with a cochlear. I rather take visual over acoustic clues. Besides, will the heartbeat override other sounds?

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It's a neat idea and definitely worth trying.

SUGGESTION: I always thought it would be a good deterrent to PKing if at low humanity you couldn't get blood transfusions, or give them to other players unless the recipient had high humanity. Might not be the most realistic solution but it would be a good deterrent, IMO.

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Small hints of blood on their hands too, from looting the bodies of the people they kill.

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The mere possibility of a murderer with 10+ kills remaining calm when approaching another survivor is slim, unless the murderer in fact had a psychological disorder.

The mechanic could however be improved by subtracting a larger amount of humanity if the victims were to be killed within a shorter time space. So that players, whom just happened to run into survivors with bad intent, is given a lesser punishment.

I'm a bandit myself and I would not mind this, but still think that the above mechanic should be implemented into the humanity system to more accurately (Not accurately, but more.) portray a potential serial killer, rather than an unlucky survivor.

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But make their clothes grimey, bloody, hands dirty, ugly yellow teeth, etc. as well. I liked a previous posters idea for different character animations/behaviors for lower humanity too.

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