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20 words or less: Super-Low Humanity Detection

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ponyfa...n missing the point, surprise surprise

because it's possible to respawn, the way people interact is going to be completely different than if they had one life, and you need to balance that out by introducing some kind of mechanic that lets you guess at a player's intentions by looking at them.

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YES, go for it.

Also make the threatening feature permanent, possibly being reduced extremely slowly through time. It would create extreme tension and would alleviate the fragfest happening lately.

Push the sound concept, too many games are playable without the aural dimension. This needs to change.

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YES but with qualifications:

1. Make it a player initiated task - middle-mouse and select study person when they're in your LOS. This would help stopping players getting insta-scanned as it should require an element of study. Also this would remove the effect happening all the time when you're in a group which would be irritating. Should also lower the incidence of hiding players getting tagged by accident where the computer picks you up but the player doesn't see you.

2. Short range - humans need to be pretty close to pick up on the visual cues that give us that on-edge feeling.

3. Blood transfusions shouldn't help raise humanity or we'll just end up with bandit groups shooting each other in the foot and transfusing themselves back to normal humanity. Only not murdering for a while raises humanity.

4. Applies only to your character's life - clean slate once you're killed and start over.

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This won't solve banditry anyways, and it will punish people for a legitimate playstyle. Give people more stuff like vehicles, high end things that are harder without teamwork.

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This is awesome, add it, those who say NO are probably butt hurt they can't be sneaky bandits no more.

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We need something to compensate for the respawns. Might as well trial it. Worst that can happen is it gets reworked or removed.


The more than 20 words bit:

Bandit spots me at around 200m... I'm dead.

I spot bandit at <100m... I might be able to work out it's a bandit before I'm dead.

(Distances for example only)

I fail to see how this would be an issue. If you don't want to get noticed because you like to shoot me for my beans. Pay attention and don't let me get close enough to work out that your not friendly. If I tell you to stand and let me get close? That sounds like a free hard-to-miss oportunity to shoot me while I close in.

Also, Names are not permanent. Your can change between any profile you have in Arma II and your character is still the same in DayZ. So it is not hard for people to change names to avoid reputations at this point in time. Hell, I do it frequently.


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because it's possible to respawn, the way people interact is going to be completely different than if they had one life, and you need to balance that out by introducing some kind of mechanic that lets you guess at a player's intentions by looking at them.

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We need something to compensate for the respawns. Might as well trial it. Worst that can happen is it gets reworked or removed.


The more than 20 words bit:

Bandit spots me at around 200m... I'm dead.

I spot bandit at <100m... I might be able to work out it's a bandit before I'm dead.

(Distances for example only)

I fail to see how this would be an issue. If you don't want to get noticed because you like to shoot me for my beans. Pay attention and don't let me get close enough to work out that your not friendly. If I tell you to stand and let me get close? That sounds like a free hard-to-miss oportunity to shoot me while I close in.

Also' date=' Names are not permanent. Your can change between any profile you have in Arma II and your character is still the same in DayZ. So it is not hard for people to change names to avoid reputations at this point in time. Hell, I do it frequently.



Nice 20 words.


Cool idea. People will be able to identify other players by what THEY have done. It would promote more teamwork.

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A lot of the bandits who say that it won't stop them from sniping people are missing the point. it's not trying to stop that. it is stopping them from feigning friendship with survivors before they can murder them.

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This does not address the issue, simply a symptom. More incentive for grouping/friendly play is needed

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You won't hear my heartbeat over my gunfire, visual-aura (instinct long-life requirement) is a survivor's only chance.

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The only problem I see with this is that for me, all sounds in the game are at a single loudness, and are not in the correct spatial location.

The digital headphones work fine in every single other game. Only ArmaII engine exhibits this problem.

Other than that, it could work...

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No ' date=' playing with friends would mean sound playing 100% of the time , hence NO


So if it was a user initiated action as opposed to a passive ability it would be ok then?

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I am such an asshole and so arrogant, that I think, that ZedsDeadBaby's point at the very start of the thread, (post #2) combined with some of my own thoughts (sorry for dickishness), would at the least in some way, make this whole thing an almost non-issue.


Persistent identity through permanent name and appearance would attach long-term consequence to short-term decisions without necessitating outward indicators.




Not necessarily original ideas, but good ones.

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It makes survivor's life a bit easier while not beeing as silly as skin system.The visual representation via scars and blood stains would be better but it'll do.


Heartbeat should start after 2-3 seconds of tracking someone to prevent exploiting this system.The only question is : should the heartbeat start if you track someone via sniper riffle or binoculars across a great distance?I see it like this : you see a person better when using binoculars,thus a distance should not decrease sound of the heart beating.

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Should be more subtle than in your face audio. I actually preferred the crows idea I read elsewhere. Make crow circle higher than 20 foot though? Crow waiting for kill to eat eyeballs and having awareness to read the signs = better mechanic

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I'm not a fan of the heartbeat sound but it's a start in the proper direction. I'd prefer a visual representation via an intermittent idle animation. Watching someone for any length of time from a distance is what all players should do, if you're paying attention you might notice it. Perhaps an altered run or walk stance. Something subtle, not glaring. Something that will take attention to detail to notice.

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Should be more subtle than in your face audio. I actually preferred the crows idea I read elsewhere. Make crow circle higher than 20 foot though? Crow waiting for kill to eat eyeballs and having awareness to read the signs = better mechanic

The problem with the Crows idea is that won't it give away the player's location by simply looking for Crows in the air?

I believe the Heart beat is the first step and I expect it will be tweaked as testing continues.

YES to Heartbeat

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The crow thing is pretty lame, no offence. Might as well stick a neon billboard and have a helictopter flying over the player with a loudspeaker roaring "BANDIT!"

As for visual representation like scars, blood, or dirty clothing I have to say no. I think that's pretty silly that if you shoot someone in the room next to you in self defense you'll be covered in blood and your face will look like you stepped on a landmine. If you want visual representation go back to bandit skins and players skins, if not play fair!


I like the heartbeat idea, but keep it moderate. There are some players out there with such bad humanity that if I put my mouse over them my speakers would explode and my eardrums would shatter within a matter of seconds.

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Not a heartbeat. FLIES buzzing louder with each murder, Stench of Death follows you, persistently through re-spans, reversible over time.

Bonus: Rare "deodorant/shower" item temporarily masks it.

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This mod is still in alpha, you shouldnt be afraid to add or change things. This could potentially work out, we'll not know if you dont try.

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BUT add a delay before triggering the effect. That way you can't scan your area and just run through!

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