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[DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

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20 out of 100 people are female-zombie lovers, how comes I haven't met any?

Why not 2 out of 10?

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Anyway of doing something truly useful with that information?

Say making a spare backup copy of the database.

Then search for evidence of hacking.

Surely the best and brightest can come up with some ideas for good search criteria.

Such as what players kill people with weapons not actually available legitimately.

Surely some people will stand out like a flashing light while others will simply rate a watchlist.

Sure some legitimate players will find weapons left by hackers.

But they're not going to have routine access to it.

It's okay if we run for hours and you suddenly stab me in the back for some camouflage clothes I picked up and proceed to dance around screaming you idiot while you respectfully teabag by dead corpse.

But kill me legitimately for God's sake, I deserve that much!!!

Edited by BigEdMan

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20 out of 100 people are female-zombie lovers, how comes I haven't met any?

You're better off not knowing if they are female.

Remember the old unreal torment naked female skins?

You run around a corner and some idiot takes a second to think "oh I see tits" while you proceed to no scope them in the face.

It would be like that here.

When your looking through your sniper scope going "hey Frankie that's lady down by the fire department" her husband/boyfriend/girlfriend/small fuzzy animal (don't judge) will probably be blowing your head off!

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You're better off not knowing if they are female.

Remember the old unreal torment naked female skins?

You run around a corner and some idiot takes a second to think "oh I see tits" while you proceed to no scope them in the face.

It would be like that here.

When your looking through your sniper scope going "hey Frankie that's lady down by the fire department" her husband/boyfriend/girlfriend/small fuzzy animal (don't judge) will probably be blowing your head off!

Female Zombies would be like male zombies NPCs, i think i dont get your point? Female Playerchars are available since i play this game, so.....

I never thougth about the charakterskins in ut. Gamestyle was Deathmach, or teamdeathmach, so there isnt much to ask bysides friend or foe(In DM everyone is a foe in TDM not teammembers are). DayZ is diffrent in this point, you got to chose for your self if you are hostile or friendly and that lady down the firestation maby really is a female noob in her first gaminghours, or a guy likes to see a female a** shaking on his screen. You cant knew befor, its like saying all americans are creatonists only cause a couple are, or in my chase all austrians are nazis only cause the majority of my ancestors where.(Just a comparison, dont take that to seriosly.)

@Cibiksebak: New Zombieskins will be implanted after time, there is much noise around cause of female zombies, so i think rocket wont overhear that wish from the community.

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To the person who wants to play this game on a MAC....... really? you want to play on a overpriced things that cant even run dayz.. lol !! gooooooood god to people who just buy logos.......

I play DayZ on a MacBook Pro and have no issues whatsoever. I was looking at buying a gaming laptop so the Alienware series was an interest. Too bad Microsoft machines cannot handle the power inside them and melt down. Literally. My Mac runs both osx and windows 7. So I have best of both worlds while any Microsoft machine can't accomplish.

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I play DayZ on a MacBook Pro and have no issues whatsoever. I was looking at buying a gaming laptop so the Alienware series was an interest. Too bad Microsoft machines cannot handle the power inside them and melt down. Literally. My Mac runs both osx and windows 7. So I have best of both worlds while any Microsoft machine can't accomplish.

Quite interesting, you play on one overpriced product and considering moving to another.

I'll give you some tips;

Laptops are bad for gaming.

Alienwares are "Microsoft machines".

Macs use the same hardware as "Microsoft machines" nowadays.

You can build a far superior system to any Mac (when comparing specs and price) for a price substantially lower and install any OS you want onto it, Windows would likely be the first choice because of simple compatibility. This is a irrefutable fact, and yet people still waste large amounts of money on Macs. Or maybe Apple charge so much because business isn't so good any more?

I run windows 7 and Linux on my pc, quite comfortably. I could run OSX but there's really no need to (inferior OS in my opinion).

Edited by Cerbo Knight
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I have a laptop with 12gb of ram and 660m NVIDIA graphics card. I run max settings on dayz at over 50 fps. My laptop cost me about $1200, I bought it from a dealer online called xoticpc and it is MSI brand. Don't say that laptops are bad for gaming cause if you load it up with the right stuff it can run just as well as a desktop. As for my opinion on macs...if you are a complete dumbass with computers and do not know how to take care of them, get a mac. Seriously it isn't hard, keep your drivers, os, and everything else updated. Use antivirus, and if you have any other questions google it or call a tech support line.

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I have a laptop with 12gb of ram and 660m NVIDIA graphics card. I run max settings on dayz at over 50 fps. My laptop cost me about $1200, I bought it from a dealer online called xoticpc and it is MSI brand. Don't say that laptops are bad for gaming cause if you load it up with the right stuff it can run just as well as a desktop. As for my opinion on macs...if you are a complete dumbass with computers and do not know how to take care of them, get a mac. Seriously it isn't hard, keep your drivers, os, and everything else updated. Use antivirus, and if you have any other questions google it or call a tech support line.

But desktop with same performance would cost you around 800$ (not sure about American/British prices, I am counting with Czech prices, which should be a bit higher) + monitor (same size as notebook would cost around 100$) + mouse (20$) + keyboard (30$) + headset (40$). Thats nearly 1000$. You could buy more expensive stuff, but for this you could have average gaming gear.

In the end, you paid 200$ for ability to carry it around from one socket to another (because the battery is simply incapable of running games for longer than one or two hours) and it is still terribly heavy. And dont forget overheating.

So, yeah, notebooks are pretty bad for gaming.

P.S. Sorry for OT

Edited by rancor1223

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I really would like to see "How many died while they screaming -Friendly!! Friendly!!" statistics.

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What would be an interesting stat and im sorry if someone has already posted this, is how the player growth from when the mod was started, For example. Mod is up only 10 people playing. 1 Week l later 70 people. 1 month later 200 people playing. If you see what I mean.

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I have a laptop with 12gb of ram and 660m NVIDIA graphics card. I run max settings on dayz at over 50 fps. My laptop cost me about $1200, I bought it from a dealer online called xoticpc and it is MSI brand. Don't say that laptops are bad for gaming cause if you load it up with the right stuff it can run just as well as a desktop. As for my opinion on macs...if you are a complete dumbass with computers and do not know how to take care of them, get a mac. Seriously it isn't hard, keep your drivers, os, and everything else updated. Use antivirus, and if you have any other questions google it or call a tech support line.

Don't get me wrong, you can game with a laptop. They're just bad options to do so.

You can't move the screen where you want it in relation to your eye level, without moving the keyboard too and touchpads are useless (yes, you can use a mouse but the point remains).

I find it a little bit of a stretch that any mobile graphics card can run DayZ at maz settings, but if you say it does then I'll take your word for it.

Like Rancor said, overheating is probably the worst problem laptops can have. Apart from the ridiculous price you're paying.

Also you can't replace parts in the same way you can with a desktop, if you want a bigger screen or different keyboard... well better luck next time, unless you want to get rid of all portability.

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Gaming laptops, I bought mine for what, 1,000$ and less. And it runs my game smooooooooooth. Dont know what you're talking about point of view on these fokkers'. It looks perfectly, you dont have to use the touchpad if you dont want to, but it's good to use when you're in a car. Even with electricity out laptops still work(battery ftw.) And lots more good qualities come from a 'gaming' laptop. You just have to get used to it. I had a PC and I know how it was, but mine had 2GB ram back when I had it and it overheated when I tried playing Medal of Honour Allied Assault XD

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Gaming laptops, I bought mine for what, 1,000$ and less. And it runs my game smooooooooooth. Dont know what you're talking about point of view on these fokkers'. It looks perfectly, you dont have to use the touchpad if you dont want to, but it's good to use when you're in a car. Even with electricity out laptops still work(battery ftw.) And lots more good qualities come from a 'gaming' laptop. You just have to get used to it. I had a PC and I know how it was, but mine had 2GB ram back when I had it and it overheated when I tried playing Medal of Honour Allied Assault XD

Laptops are great if you're not at home and want to play for an hour (thats how long the battery will last). This is all fine for this purpose. But if you're thinking about only using it at home, a normal pc is cheaper, has better specifications, you can get a better monitor and so on... A laptop uses the power my graphics card alone needs, so obviously it can't be as good for the money even if it runs DayZ just fine.

Not arguing with the whole mobility thing though, if thats the reason you bought it fine.

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Gaming laptops, I bought mine for what, 1,000$ and less. And it runs my game smooooooooooth. Dont know what you're talking about point of view on these fokkers'. It looks perfectly, you dont have to use the touchpad if you dont want to, but it's good to use when you're in a car. Even with electricity out laptops still work(battery ftw.) And lots more good qualities come from a 'gaming' laptop. You just have to get used to it. I had a PC and I know how it was, but mine had 2GB ram back when I had it and it overheated when I tried playing Medal of Honour Allied Assault XD

Laptops are quite good using one right now the problem with laptops is there a bit spec low meaning they cant go to there full potetional like normal Fat computers also you cant change parts in laptops otherwise they will fuck up also who takes computers around not me laptops are realy for work not gaming.

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The amount of Mountain Dews looted would be interesting to know.


And how many people died around that mountain :3

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I swear to God... If one more person screams about not making a heat map...


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Well i have screamed "friendly! firendly" 4-20 times and still get killed! You are almost forced to kill on sight if you see somone

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