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Ander (DayZ)

[DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

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Hey guys, I was wondering if we might be able to see the current percentage of players with rare loot compared to when you last posted the numbers. All the duped tents with dozens of rare items I come across seem to me to be a major balance issue. I created a thread with the suggestion to wipe all tents once the duplication glitch is resolved, and there are many people that simply do not have the in game experience to determine how large this problem really is. So if you have time to do it, thanks in advance!

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eg the in-game "map" is pretty much useless now, and the sense of "explore for loot" is gone as people just go to specific spots based on map loot tables.

Well, what did you expect? Fixed loot spawn system is always going to get this reaction. Also as the effort to clear or sneak into a building is roughly the same, people obviously choose "medium" or "high" value buildings - more loot spawn spots, better odds, same effort.

The only thing in game that isn't easily farmable is the helicopter crash sites and even those have a limited number of spawn points (thankfully there are so many that they take some effort to scout out)

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Well, what did you expect? Fixed loot spawn system is always going to get this reaction. Also as the effort to clear or sneak into a building is roughly the same, people obviously choose "medium" or "high" value buildings - more loot spawn spots, better odds, same effort.

The only thing in game that isn't easily farmable is the helicopter crash sites and even those have a limited number of spawn points (thankfully there are so many that they take some effort to scout out)

Not quite sure what you mean, i did not expect anything, you just trying to argue for the sake of it? I stated those are the personal reasons I do not see heatmaps coming, I am not saying they're wrong, I just think some stuff should be handled differently based on the gameplay aspect.

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So uh....that a no go on current stats? Also, is it possible to see the number of items in tents? Like the total number of ghillies, nvgs, and other "rare" items actually in the mod?

Edited by Sgt Abraham Ford

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Can we get a k/d ratio for zombies to deaths like averages zombies killed in a life? Also weapon with most kills i assume its going to be the hatchet though.

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Is there a statistic for how many hackers are in this game? I bet it's about 30%

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Apologies in advance if this has been asked and answered but my question is as follows:

Personal Statistics page (of which I saw a preview by Rocket somewhere): any eta on when it will be implemented? Also what are the stats being tracked for unique players?

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Is there a statistic on how many forum posts use the word "fuckface", "dipshit" or "fucking idiot"? Must be around 70-80% I guess...

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Was wondering if it would be possible to get a statistics on where people go in the world with different events/time, such as night time, or rain ect... Maybe get a map with dots posting where people are at those times?

I don't think that would be a good idea because then people would maybe set up sniper spots for those areas and kill them when they get to that point.

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heat map would be the most interesting info, but the sandbox idea could take damage..sure that we'd have snipers camping the freshly exposed hotspots..50% of the time in the most known(cherno elektro etc.) areas you take/hear fire

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i've read the thread about 1.000.000 unique players..

how many accounts just played something like 1-2 lives and then quitted?

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Another thing that would be interesting on our profile page is the average life expectancy of players we have killed.

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900k players... but realistically talking... how many of them play regularly? It could be intresting.

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900k players... but realistically talking... how many of them play regularly? It could be intresting.

Players in the last 24hours is unique, its how many logged in during the last 24hr period. With almost 20k+ at a single moment.

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Most important question ever asked in this thread (if not already been asked)

What part of the map has the most amount of tent put downs (Co-ordinates please)?

I will give you my beans if you give them to us :D

Seriously, figure this out on your own.

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Go to Skalka mountain and head east on any server. Actually, you could go west to the forest and run south as well. They're everywhere.

Edited by Sgt Abraham Ford

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Well, when I played yesterday it said (in Six Launcher) ~ 9000 people, on --- servers. I never paid attention to that number before. Sure Dayz has helped sell a lot of Arma copies, but at least 25% of the people jumped in the game, expecting something else. You have to admit, a lot of youtube videos show the fun, not the grinding. Imho the grinding and mostly the exploration and constant danger is fun, but it will never appeal to millions of players, on the long run.

By now, I hope the game gets harder and they incorporate child player models. If only there was some way to force underage players to use a kid-skin. That would have saved me a lot of annoying encounters and is something like an in-game age check.

Edited by S3V3N

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Most destroyed vehicle is the Ikarus.

Closely followed by bicycles.

(adjusted by frequency ratio)

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Wow, how do people destroy bicycles? You just get out and it repairs itself....

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Whats the % increase of player death's by zombies before the respawn button was taken out of the game compared to afterwards? My guess is a 10% increase.

Edited by nXs-Dream

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I'd like to know the percentage of players using a lee-enfield as their primary for more than 30 minutes.

Or just the percentage of people who keep certain firearms for more than 10m

Edited by Daedalao

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Wow, how do people destroy bicycles? You just get out and it repairs itself....

You have to hit a chicken.

Edited by Irenicus
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