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Ander (DayZ)

[DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

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I don't see why everyone is crying about heat maps. He's going to take the info from a bunch of servers/the main hive, and then turn it into colors on a map. It won't show exact positions and it won't show tents, vehicles, or current locations of players. The fact of the matter is, unless you have a giant clan and are operating the same camp site on multiple servers, it likely won't show up on the heat map that much. You have to remember that the map is made as an average, and isn't very precise either. It's going to be colored rings, not specific blobs that follow the exact path of a single player.

In fact, the heat map would help everyone. It's a bit of a mind fuck, but imagine this; You see your camp is in a heated location across all servers. You're going to move it away from that spot, and thanks to this map, you'll know where a nice cool spot is. But of course (unless the map updates instantly), there's a very small chance that survivors and people actually go through the cool spots on the right server to find you. If this is the situation, suck it up and actually stay close to a heated spot. If there was some hidden place close to Cherno, I would use that as my camp, just because it's less likely to be found.

Edited by theSovietMaster
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noun \-ˈtī-təl-mənt\

Definition of ENTITLEMENT

1 a : the state or condition of being entitled : right

b : a right to benefits specified especially by law or contract

2 : a government program providing benefits to members of a specified group; also : funds supporting or distributed by such a program

3 : belief that one is deserving of or entitled to certain privileges

Number three is quite relavant dont you think?

Edited by SixSpeedDemon
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:beans: :beans: :beans: :thumbsup: I like heat maps! :thumbsup: :beans: :beans: :beans:

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You see your camp is in a heated location across all servers. You're going to move it away from that spot, and thanks to this map, you'll know where a nice cool spot is.

And this is exactly my point, you will do something different in the game because of the information on the heatmap rather than finding it out in game. Nuff said.

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On "established" players, e.g. >10h alive, I'd like to have some stats,

  • on how many different servers do they play
    • e.g. as histogram of percentage of time spent on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, >6 servers

    [*]how many personal tents do they have

    • on how many different servers

    [*]infected kills


    [*]bandit kills

    [*]how often did they successfully log in to a server

    [*]a histogram of the duration of their sessions (e.g. <5mins, <15mins, <30mins, <45mins, <60mins, <90mins, <120mins, <180mins, >180mins)

How long do virtual lifes last,

  • as a histogram, <15mins, <30mins, <1h, <2h, <3h, <5h, <10h, <20h, <50h, <100h, >100h
    • overall
    • currently alive

(taking high risks early, to starvation, to "established" survivor)

On servers (maybe separated by small, medium and big servers),

  • how many different players log in successfully (not stuck on loading) on a given server
    • in 1 day
    • in 1 week

    [*]with how many successful logins (same players log in multiple times on the same server, be it vile disconnects, or just lunch breaks...

On tents,

  • how many tents total
  • how many tents of all active players
  • average of how many pitched tents per server
  • for any tent, how many tents are in a vincinity of 100m/1km
    • on the same server (camps)
    • on all servers (favorite camp sites)

Edited by WhoCares

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Hey guys, Just speaking from a personal point of view as discussion is still very up in the air about this.

I don't think it would be an good idea to do heat-maps based on vehicle locations or tent location, it would ruin a lot of the discovery and you would become reliant on it, like a cheat-sheet in an exam, you have a guideline of where things are, every location and you can just run to those spots hoping to find a vehicle or tent without just discovering yourself. It is something that has to be handled carefully, that's my personal view of it.

As for "Deaths", on a global scale of 13-14million characters and climbing, you will see a lot of high heat around the coastline and of course Electro, Cherno, Airfields, do you really need a heatmap to show you what you already know? Plus there is so much scale in that the amount of deaths in these locations would out ratio the deaths in more "random" locations that their "blip" would be hardly noticeable or even visible.

Both can be done, it is just a matter of how much needs to be shown and how to show it, plus there is higher up devs who need to decide as it can affect gameplay, so it comes down to their choice.

In the web team, we would like to have "personal heat-maps" on your profiles, so you can see your own activity, privately. This would be based on where you die, but it will come with plenty more character/profile features soon.

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You should provide a heat-map that highlights every area that isn't an airfield or Starry. People need to spread out a bit more.

Edit: or Cherno and Electro. Thought that would be obvious though. :P

Edited by Zipper -82ndAB-

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Ill had another post to this. This is a Zombie Apacolypse sim. We start off with basically nothing. We scavenge for food, for weapons, for tools. We scavenge or fight, or steel or murder for everything, not knowing where anyone might be at anytime.

Having a magic heat map just doesn't fit the scenerio.

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I'd like to see a heat map of the past months deaths or past 1 million deaths. Would be far more interesting to see a month of month heat map like that.

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How about how many times people have been killed by zombies versus players?

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how bout anymore statistics all this talk and no statistics y make a thread?

A lot of the team are very busy right now, so haven't been able to get statistics. Also as stated things like heatmaps are still under discussion.

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Accuracy would be interesting stat because efficient use of ammo is key to survival.

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could you show how many hatchet's have spawned in military bases on average per week? i am just curious as i am wondering if i am beating the odds in some way.

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you could show a heat map but based on old data, like google earth does, so you'll respect player privacy and also show an interesting piece of info..maybe monthly and see what changes..i think that these areas won't be the same because if you get killed in a place that you thought it was safe, next time you'll avoid it

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Some of the requested statistics are not possible right now in the current setup, so it may take a while before some of these are posted!

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Probably not even possible.. But would be an amazing stat in my opinion.

WHAT IF!? You guys could gather the statistic of how many bullets one man has taken!

As in whom out there has absorb the most bullets thats still alive and breathing! ;)

A Crazy Thought.

Edited by Sethen

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That would be an awesome statistic, though probably easily exploitable :( lol.

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you could show a heat map but based on old data, like google earth does, so you'll respect player privacy and also show an interesting piece of info..maybe monthly and see what changes..i think that these areas won't be the same because if you get killed in a place that you thought it was safe, next time you'll avoid it

No its a terrible Idea, because it would show up all the common clan camp sites, then forming a decent size camp would be impossible!

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That would be an awesome statistic, though probably easily exploitable :( lol.

Very true Vekien but would be sweet in general. ;)

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This goes to show that DayZ is just a game for people to kill other people that are distracted.

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