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Ander (DayZ)

[DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

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Alright everyone. I'll be posting a bit of statistics gathered from database.

(I wont be posting the statistics already available on the main website or things we cant record at the moment)

For example:

After removing empty tents from servers (they will despawn after next server restart) there are currently 21952 total tents.

Current tents where the owner is still alive: 5747

Out of the 206511 players at the time of this post, about 19% of the total players play as a female survivor.

The top 3 most commonly destroyed vehicles are the:

Ikarus (the bus)



Ever wondered the kill/death ratio of your clan/corp/alliance/group? I can probably help you out with that.

Ask and be answered!

I would leave to see a "heat map" of all players overlayed on the map! Something like their locations for x duration with x radius. Or maybe a "heat map" of bullets fired by all players? Would be totally awesome to visualize that data!

Edit: Meh I should have read more. Already brought up. :/ To lazy.

Edit2: No alive players. How about player deaths/zombie deaths?

Edited by shinjuma

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I would leave to see a "heat map" of all players overlayed on the map! Something like their locations for x duration with x radius

I'd like all players and tents and vehicles and loot spots and Zombies and oh everything, visible on my in game map so I don't have to do any work finding anything, that would be coool!!! :D

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Only 521 characters have a mountaindew in their inventory, and 738 have one in their backpack.

there's mountaindew?!!

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I have about 12 friends in my group and they all have nvg's, gps, rangefinders. 2 of us have the L85A2 AWS. The rest of us have m107's, MK 48's, and AS50's. Most of this stuff was found at other camps on other servers.

Check out my screenshots on steam. Screenshots for my current character start on June 14th. http://steamcommunit...420/screenshots

I'm on day 25 and I'd like to know how many KM I've driven. Also would like to know how many hours I have been alive and what place am I in the top 10? I think I should be around 100 hours by now.

Nice off map hoarding, dear sir.

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I'd like to know how many people have a satchel charge and/or an AT4 (m136) in their inventory or backpack.

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Here's a good one. A map of Chernarus with yellow to red killing thermal spots. More red = more people died there. More yellow = less people died there.


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I'd like to see the kill ratio of each weapon, against zombies and players. Especially among the various pistols/revolver, and the two melee weapons.

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There is every reason to go to places in the middle of nowhere: lighting fires so as not to been seen; hunting animals; logging out; pitching tents; hiding vehicles; etc.

Nearly all my in-game time is spent as far away as possible from buildings/hotspots and there are many other players who do this.

A heatmap is a cumulative map showing data over several days, it's a trend map, not a single moment snapshot, so it will show all the places that players go.

and as anders stated non of that would be shown it would only be where people died so unless you died in the middle of nowhere alone, which is a feat unto itself, you have nothing to worry about

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Can you do a duped item vs picked up item list.

As in 5000 players carry NV goggles, 2000 of those are duped

And this for all the the rare loot.

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Can you do a duped item vs picked up item list.

As in 5000 players carry NV goggles, 2000 of those are duped

And this for all the the rare loot.

Wow. udumb

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and as anders stated non of that would be shown it would only be where people died so unless you died in the middle of nowhere alone, which is a feat unto itself, you have nothing to worry about

Actually, I have died in middle of nowhere/away from civilisation: shot in woods by Bandit; shot in a Deer Stand; killed by rock glitch; killed by zeds in remote barn.

It is actually pretty common.

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How about a tents heatmap? B)

I'm a tent hunter, but I veto this idea.

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How many players have sh*t their pants? Not IRL but in the game ( meaning DC to avoid death )

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and as anders stated non of that would be shown it would only be where people died so unless you died in the middle of nowhere alone, which is a feat unto itself, you have nothing to worry about

Actually, I have died in middle of nowhere/away from civilisation: shot in woods by Bandit; shot in a Deer Stand; killed by rock glitch; killed by zeds in remote barn.

It is actually pretty common.

If you'll read Alone was the keyword in that sentence which means the only one of those deaths that counts is the rock glitch, a bandit means you werent alone, and same for zombies. Also if you read the comment i was replying to he uses places to pitch tents, and leave vehicles and also says "as far away for buildings/hotspots as possible" inside a barn is not a where he was talking about, nor was I. Every barn is listed on the map at dayzmap.info so again the only legitamte death you listed is the rock glitch one which i personally do not know anyone who has experienced although it could be more common then i believe, to show up on this heatmap many people would need to die in the same spot to make a mark, which in the wilderness is unlikely.

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If you'll read Alone was the keyword in that sentence which means the only one of those deaths that counts is the rock glitch, a bandit means you werent alone, and same for zombies. Also if you read the comment i was replying to he uses places to pitch tents, and leave vehicles and also says "as far away for buildings/hotspots as possible" inside a barn is not a where he was talking about, nor was I. Every barn is listed on the map at dayzmap.info so again the only legitamte death you listed is the rock glitch one which i personally do not know anyone who has experienced although it could be more common then i believe, to show up on this heatmap many people would need to die in the same spot to make a mark, which in the wilderness is unlikely.

I understand your points and I was wrong. However, I'm still totally against any kind of heatmap due to it being against the mod's core principles.

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No heat maps please. Heatmaps completely goes against the nature of this mod.

No point in grouping up and forming camps in remote or hidden areas anymore (I'm talking about within the map boundaries). While it would be a good tactic for survival, there's no point if a heat map is just going to lead every sniper & bandit to you. Let people find camps by looking for them, following players returning from loot runs, running search grids, etc. Not by giving them a magic treasure map.

Please reconsider the heat maps.

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I want to see stats on zombies, not players :D

Avarage life expectancy

longest life

km walked

cause of death

If crawlers have a better chance of making it to despawn, instead of being killed, than walkers

etc etc

why not? ^^

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The stats would be really interesting to see but like others on this thread I don't want to see heat maps or any information which could be of use to bandits/hackers and griefers. I have spent a few weeks now setting up a base with some friends, nearly 10 tents crammed full of gear and in such a good place that we haven't been raided once. Would I like even a suggestion of this location showing up on a heat map? No I would not. We spent a good deal of time looking for a decent campsite, which everyone who plays this game should be doing and if people want to find where other players are spending their time then they should be running around looking not taking shortcuts.

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