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New UK Private Hive Server With Password - cheese4gaming

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Today I will be doing runs between Cherno and Elek giving lifts and fixing people up who are in need.

It's a trap!

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HA AH HA HAAA , Love It! , Doc J , remind me never to call you if I`m in trouble!

On another note , had a great game last night , found 2 buses and four of us formed "Bus force" , riding around the countryside (albeit rather slowly) righting wrongs , killing zombies and being a force for good in this world. If your in trouble and your location has long vehicle access and you don`t mind the annoying revearsing beep then call "Bus Force"

C'mon, man. I just started playing. I won't stay this bad for long. :P

Poor Doc, that was a very bad start but to be fair it was blacker than an arabs belly button in Elektro. Today I will be doing runs between Cherno and Elek giving lifts and fixing people up who are in need.

I would be glad to help. I promise I'll try real hard not to kill anyone or damage your vehicle or even get lost anywhere :lol:

Edited by DocJenkins

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The server was pretty quiet today, so I had no one to transport. Took a nice coastal drive and had a bite to eat. Population picked up this evening I will be back online later.


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Sent a second email from a different email address but still didn't get a response - i have a feeling that whatever wording I was using has made these end up in the spam box.

I've sent cheese4gaming a PM aswell about it but it hasn't been read. If someone who speaks to him could let him know about it, I'd be really grateful.

I'm really interested in this server due to the inclusion of a green zone. Just eager to get a response so I can either play on the server or at least know that I should perhaps look somewhere else.


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Just a few screens form gameplay the last day or so...





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Had a great night tonight, ended up in some strangers heli battling with another heli but I had to bail.

One thing that I have learnt is to take care going north!

I was worried that the server would be 'to friendly' with no fire fights, I was wrong and glad I joined, tool south, fight north :)

Someone said they had 3 heli's, I just hope that's not admin abuse and someone is very lucky :)

Hoping for some more fun tomorrow night!

Edited by Smoothy

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Yeah good night with the heli to heli air battle! Recorded it on Fraps so will put it together and post, was mental! Followed by the restart to get airbourn and hunt again, good play though lads nice to see people fighting head on then just sniping from the trees.

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It was a tense fight indeed, look forward to these more.

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Yeah that heli fight was good fun. Nice to see alot more action on the server and glad my 1.5k zed kills stayed in tact.

Got a good screen shot of you as a bandit with the mk48

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Got a good screen shot of you as a bandit with the mk48

Me a bandit? don't know what your on about I'm innocent never murdered no one. Although it would be nice to see the pic when its up :P

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Wow, ok. It's shown as offline to me. My only off night wasted. That sucks.

Hey Doc, there was recently an arma beta patch update, might be worth checking you have the correct patch. Did the server just show up with a little red X next to it?

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Hey Doc, there was recently an arma beta patch update, might be worth checking you have the correct patch. Did the server just show up with a little red X next to it?

Yes, there was. But the dayz-commander confirmed that my files were up to date. Or do I actually have to manually download this beta patch? Thanks for helping, Johnny. I am still quite the noob.

Edited by DocJenkins

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I don't use the commander myself but I would imagine that it only checks the dayz files are upto date but not the beta patch.

Look here - http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php - for the beta patch, I'm at work right now so I cant check which patch the server is currently running but if you search for the server in dayz it should say which patch it is running and then just download and install the correct version. Hope this helps.


The sever is currently running the 97448 beta patch.

Edited by Johnny Squats

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