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New UK Private Hive Server With Password - cheese4gaming

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Just so people Browsing this forum get the full story, the admins were repeatedly asked to teleport a bike onto a roof, which they eventually replied, "just play the game ffs".

The person/squad didn't like is reply so Left the server.

Maybe I have thicker skin than duff, but that's hardy a rude message worthy of leaving the server over.

Just wanted to clarify the situation to any prospective new hive players looking in.

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Just so people Browsing this forum get the full story, the admins were repeatedly asked to teleport a bike onto a roof, which they eventually replied, "just play the game ffs".

The person/squad didn't like is reply so Left the server.

Maybe I have thicker skin than duff, but that's hardy a rude message worthy of leaving the server over.

Just wanted to clarify the situation to any prospective new hive players looking in.

Actually, that sounds more like the watered down version of someone who heard it third hand, please Mick stay out of it and do not try and perpetuate the story into something it isn't. besides that it had been forgotten until you posted about it a whole week after the occurrance, plus it has nothing to do with you either Mick. Stop talking about something you have nothing to do with or know what occurred because what you stated above is wholely inaccurate.

If people do however want the FULL story, they may PM me and I will tell them what occurred privately, again Mick, keep your mouth shut and stay out of something that isn't your business.

Edited by Dr.Duff

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What is the server name and password I whant to play on a safe server where safe zone comunities could form just like in a real apocalipse and could still be atacked by bandits but people would band together against the bandits and the idea of lots of transportation could spark trade and taxi services although it would also cause highwaymen to rain the convoys. Plz message me the server name and the password I really whant a server where people work together instead of the shoot on sight mentality that pleages the game

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What is the server name and password I whant to play on a safe server where safe zone comunities could form just like in a real apocalipse and could still be atacked by bandits but people would band together against the bandits and the idea of lots of transportation could spark trade and taxi services although it would also cause highwaymen to rain the convoys. Plz message me the server name and the password I really whant a server where people work together instead of the shoot on sight mentality that pleages the game

Read the OP.

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Actually, that sounds more like the watered down version of someone who heard it third hand, please Mick stay out of it and do not try and perpetuate the story into something it isn't. besides that it had been forgotten until you posted about it a whole week after the occurrance, plus it has nothing to do with you either Mick. Stop talking about something you have nothing to do with or know what occurred because what you stated above is wholely inaccurate.

If people do however want the FULL story, they may PM me and I will tell them what occurred privately, again Mick, keep your mouth shut and stay out of something that isn't your business.

I was online and seen it all :thumbsup:

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Actually, that sounds more like the watered down version of someone who heard it third hand, please Mick stay out of it and do not try and perpetuate the story into something it isn't. besides that it had been forgotten until you posted about it a whole week after the occurrance, plus it has nothing to do with you either Mick. Stop talking about something you have nothing to do with or know what occurred because what you stated above is wholely inaccurate.

If people do however want the FULL story, they may PM me and I will tell them what occurred privately, again Mick, keep your mouth shut and stay out of something that isn't your business.

Duff, you chose to leave the server so why do you insist on reading and posting in this thread as nothing here concerns you, you are not and do not want to be part of this community, so I kindly ask you spread your malicious rumors else where. Also with all due respect you do seem to be offended very easily and this thread could contain information that you may find offensive and I would hate for you to get upset again. Maybe you should concentrate more on being an active member of your current community and less time tryin to soil the reputation of others.

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Duff, you chose to leave the server so why do you insist on reading and posting in this thread as nothing here concerns you, you are not and do not want to be part of this community, so I kindly ask you spread your malicious rumors else where. Also with all due respect you do seem to be offended very easily and this thread could contain information that you may find offensive and I would hate for you to get upset again. Maybe you should concentrate more on being an active member of your current community and less time tryin to soil the reputation of others.

I am still subscribed to the thread and see new posts, I am entitled to read any thread I wish on these forums and I am glad I do, because Mick coming in here and trying to make as little out of it as possible is ridiculous. The admins were extremely rude to me and another community member (you in particular Johnny) and I feel this should be put out there. Don't like it, tought shit. I don't really care. You may have started your server with the best intentions but I can tell you know the way you conduct yourselves you won't last long.

If you can't see the two-faced behaviour of the admins I feel sorry for you. This server is supposed to be a good server right? So why so much KOS by the admins? Why so many short notice restarts when they know we were in flight in Helis? Why so many restarts? Why can't you announce them and have them commence at a point instead of giving us 60 seconds notice. Not only this, you reset the hhive three times in a week, that is poor server managment right there.

In any case I am not trying to soil anyones reputation, this server has no reputation as it's rellatively small and unknown. As for me being upset, no, offended, yes. I am part of my own communities forum, thanks for the advice, though I didn't ask for your opinion.

I have a right to my opinion and I have a right to state the truth about this server, don't like it, either don't read what I type or do what most people in the world do, be ignorant.

Edited by Dr.Duff

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I am still subscribed to the thread and see new posts, I am entitled to read any thread I wish on these forums and I am glad I do, because Mick coming in here and trying to make as little out of it as possible is ridiculous. The admins were extremely rude to me and another community member (you in particular Johnny) and I feel this should be put out there. Don't like it, tought shit. I don't really care. You may have started your server with the best intentions but I can tell you know the way you conduct yourselves you won't last long.

If you can't see the two-faced behaviour of the admins I feel sorry for you. This server is supposed to be a good server right? So why so much KOS by the admins? Why so many short notice restarts when they know we were in flight in Helis? Why so many restarts? Why can't you announce them and have them commence at a point instead of giving us 60 seconds notice. Not only this, you reset the hhive three times in a week, that is poor server managment right there.

In any case I am not trying to soil anyones reputation, this server has no reputation as it's rellatively small and unknown. As for me being upset, no, offended, yes. I am part of my own communities forum, thanks for the advice, though I didn't ask for your opinion.

I have a right to my opinion and I have a right to state the truth about this server, don't like it, either don't read what I type or do what most people in the world do, be ignorant.

To be honest Duff I'm glad you have left te server after seeing your behavior here I can see you are clearly not mature enough to be part of this server and maybe we should rethink our application stratergy. I'm not quite sure where you are getting your information from but it is all fabricated. Why are you saying the admins KOS when did this happen? As far as I'm aware I have only shot one person on sight and it was a full squad with chopper raiding my camp, I'm sure you would of just let them take what they want.....yeah right! You can read what you want I never said you couldn't but I did say you are not part of this community so why bother posting ridiculous comments that everyone know are untrue. Why me in particular? If you can seive through all lies in your brain I think you will find that I didn't say anything offensive to anyone at the time of the incident, I think maybe you mean Ricky.

The hive resets have even explained to our members and they could not have been helped. You seem to think the admins just sit back and watch what everyone else Is doing....we DONT, we want to play the game as much as everyone else, so we don't have time to answer stupid questions which involve breaking the server rules! You have that many lies that you are fabricating you seem to forget what actually happened.

We even gave you another chance after you killed a player in the green zone, which we all know was not an accident. You were seen taking aim at the car tyre and shooting (not at a zombie as you stated) obviously you didn't realise this would make the car explode but you still engaged in PVP in the green zone but as you had been perfectly fine before we were willing give you another chance but apparently that was not the right choice to make.

Your opinions are based on fabricated information, I'm not sure why you would do this but please grow up and play some DayZ.

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On a serious note if any of our members feel they have been treated unfairly or feel that the admins are too aggressive on the server please speak up now and we will try to resolve this.

Thanks guys.

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Why so many short notice restarts when they know we were in flight in Helis? Why so many restarts? Why can't you announce them and have them commence at a point instead of giving us 60 seconds notice. Not only this, you reset the hhive three times in a week, that is poor server managment right there.

You post this asif the restarts and hive resets were a personal attack against you, both of those affected EVERYONE on the server and yet only you seem to constantly complain about it.

DayZ is currently a mod in beta stage this means it has bugs and issues that can cause unforeseen problems that are for the most part out of our control. You do not run your own server so how can you comment on something you don't have any experience with?

Do you really think we thought "Duff's in a chopper, quick let's restart the server?" maybe you do think that but I can assure we didn't.

The hive reset was due to a BLISS update and the following resets which occurred a short while after the first was the result of us spending time trying to restore everyone to before the update, but we were unsuccessful.

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Just so you know duff it was me that sent the "just play the game ffs" message. I have no idea why you got so offended because I wasn't even talking to you!

Like johnny has stated before it makes no sense what so ever for you to post on here as you are no longer a member of the community. This post is a advertisement for this server, not where we discuss community matters, that is done on our forum (which you know full well as you are a member of it). The only reason you are posting hate in here is just you being spiteful because you didn't get your way, the same spite that offers a pm of the "truth" and the spite that got two of our members killed in the greenzone (not one johnny). You were trying to loot a body in cherno and some other people told you to leave, when you didn't they led some zeds your way (I am not condoning this behaver just stating facts) you then tried to shoot out a tire and ended up blowing up the car, after that you legged it rather than help the guy who was bleeding out (awesome doctor btw). After this incident I was going to outright ban you but both Ricky and Johny said you deserved another chance.

Now I know Johnny has spoke on this topic but I want to just clarify that a few things you have said are outright lies;

1. KOS by admins. When have we ever killed on sight? How could you possibly know this?

2. So many restarts without notice. What that one time where I did a manual restart and my warning message didn't get displayed? Mistakes happen, get over it. We are certainly not infallible and are prone to make mistakes like anybody.

3. Reset the hive 3 times in a week. As we explained in OUR FORUM, dayz.st the guys who host are server upgraded our database to the latest version of bliss which for whatever reason wiped everything. This upset me because it was a let down for our player base (which you wasn't even a part of because you left), However its dayz shit happens you spawn on the beach and play the game again. By my count that's 1 time in a week not 3.

It is such a contradiction that you tell Johnny that you didn't ask for his opinion whilst forcing yours on everyone. I suggest you go back a few pages on the forum where you said that you wasn't going to post and it was the end of the matter. Or was that another famous dr.duff "truth"?

Also a massive contradiction to call most of the word ignorant, you met them all?

Edited by melvindorf
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I never attacked the server, just gave my honest opinion, don't like it, as I said, don't read it. I came back to put right what I felt Mick had watered down as the truth. Sorry you feel so hurt I do not see your server in a good light, I wonder why that could've been?

At the end of the day, good luck with your server, I hope you're all very happy playing together. Now stop comingback here to try and prove a point that is long gone.

Also, if you expect me not to reply to posts directed at me, you're very stupid.

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I don't think Mick watered down the truth, but even if he did at least he didn't lie and make false accusations like you did.

Now stop comingback here to try and prove a point that is long gone.

Yeah ill stop coming back to the thread I started, i'm sorry how rude of me.

Also, if you expect me not to reply to posts directed at me, you're very stupid.

As stupid as not knowing when a question is rhetorical or when a matter doesn't concern you?

If you still feel the need to get the last word go ahead i'm done talking to you.

Edited by melvindorf
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Well put Melvin. This just show's how idiotic Duff is. He constantly criticises other peoples work and when it is directed back at him he just ignores it.

Good riddance, since he decided to get upset and leave, the server has been running fine, no problems, no complaints that I have been made aware of, I see a pattern emerging.

As I have said, there will always be one or two bad eggs in the basket but as soon as they are smashed all you are left with are the good ones.

Edited by Johnny Squats

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Yes, insult me more, please. You're just proving what an ignorant bunch of arseholes you really are.

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Yes, insult me more, please. You're just proving what an ignorant bunch of arseholes you really are.

You really do have no one else to blame but yourself.

I urge you to run your own server as I'm sure it would be the greatest server in all of DayZ

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Why is this carrying on? Duff doesnt even play the server anymore, go find someone else to bother, everyone else, stick to having fun and ignore other posts, story has been repeated so many times, we all know what happened even if duff wants to bend the truth!

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Yes, insult me more, please. You're just proving what an ignorant bunch of arseholes you really are.

Come on Duff there's no need to for language like that, no one else here has used profanities towards others on here and as we all know children do have access to this forum. Please show some consideration for others.

Edited by Johnny Squats

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Disclaimer: My opinions are my own and may not agree with those of the server admins..... BUT.......

I think the server is a better place without this tart :D

Clearly posting in here to sully the name of the server, when the conversation had already been completed in the other forum. Piss off elsewhere please duff, or come into the game so we can keel yoooo. :thumbsup:

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I think Johnny, melv etc you need to write the rules more clear on the first page as you changed the rules on the dayz.st forum about 24hr bans for pointless use of tank traps and barb wire, now I didn't put them in buildings but I will admit I have set up a road block in the greenzone (before this new rule was mentioned in the other forum) which allows people to avoid it if they take care in the GZ if not they crash. In my eyes I don't see the harm in that because stealing is allowed in the GZ and people loot dead bodies when a game bug has killed that person so in my eyes not killing someone in the GZ but pushing them to make a mistake resulting in their death I don't see the problem with, also bit like how you mention creative kills in the OP but this isn't applied so should be removed or watched more in the game as there are a few and I won't mention here but they know who they are who just camp at Stary and places of high value loot and just snipe who ever goes near the tents, not flanking and using direct comms just sniping so far away you don't even hear the bullet.

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We set up the green zone for positive interactions between players and to give fresh spawns a fighting chance. We didn't do it to give bandits a place to steal all they want without the fear of death. We have previously stated that if players find any unattended vehicles or dead body's in this area they are fair game, however we treat a road block in this area as pvp because that is one player actively trying to harm or rob another player. We encourage this kind of banditry rather than a mindless KOS but not in our greenzone. New players should know this as we direct them all to our forum in there acceptance email.

As for players not being creative in there methods of banditry. It is not a server rule but rather the personal preference of the admin that people are more creative in there banditry. We would love to see someone break the cycle of this sniping for gear attitude but no one has stepped up to the plate yet. I suggest that players take a stand against this kind of behaviour in-game with some kind of anti-bandit squad as any players sniping in theses areas usually do it in the same mindless spots and are not hard to find. Failing that I suggest using your judgement to make a risk assessment on the areas you visit as dayz is a game that rewards you for thinking about your actions and planning every location you visit and the route you take to get there.

The Op is going to be edited now to make it more accurate to the server rules. We would really appreciate any of our current players discussing these kind of matters in our forum as we are more active in there and would like to see more activity in there from the community.

Edited by cheese4gaming

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