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About Dr.Duff

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    Games, Music and stuff!
  1. Dr.Duff

    Loot respawning?

  2. Dr.Duff

    implement nudity/scat/piss. : THE DISCUSSION

    More realism the better. Please also add the ability to pick up poo and throw it. Also, pooing in rivers. You sure you want to drink that?
  3. There's a Z in the title of the game, they're zombies, end of story. Cool huh, would you lke me to tell it again?
  4. Dr.Duff

    Adding value to the character - not the gear.

    I have one word for you; beards.
  5. Dr.Duff

    Leather Jacket

    I need one, I don't care whether it has two slots, I need it.
  6. Dr.Duff

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I look at those screenshots and notice you all have your gamma cranked up to max, how sad.
  7. Dr.Duff

    This server hopper is so crazy and blind

    You kiss my mother with that mouth?
  8. Given the retarded KOS nature of many players in the community, it doesn't surprise me when someone wants to survive. As for logging out whilst cuffed, that won't help them (as mentioned previously.)
  9. Dr.Duff

    Tips For Gearing Up?

    Spawn at Kamenka Head north to the military base Hit Vybor on the way to NWAF ???? Profit
  10. Dr.Duff

    Pending Update Rev. 0.29.113822

    What why? No. Car battery maybe, 9V? Nope. That would be dumb.
  11. Dr.Duff

    Real life zombie apocalypse

    Given that the human being is the most dangerous and destructive creature on earth, I think an apocalypse will not change that and if anything, will make it worse.
  12. Dr.Duff

    DayZ can be very frustrating

    How are you so new to DayZ with so many posts?
  13. Dr.Duff

    Remember this gem ?

    It's so much more fun to torment people than kill on sight!
  14. Dr.Duff

    Parasitic friendship

    :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan:
  15. Dr.Duff

    What is your sidearm of choice?

    Not to mention it is a complete whore when it comes to ammo. Clips from M9, G17, PDW & MP5? It loves them all!