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players are dropping real low

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OK I logged in the other day after filtering off my private server and saw heaps of servers out there that were empty or close to empty. I mean the max 1 server had on it was 35 people and this was only 1 server. nearly all others had 0 players. I remember a few months ago it was hard to find 1 server where you could get on and play they were all full.

I suggest the game developers add something to the game fast. I mean in a sandbox game like this people get bored fast because once you done it all there is no more to do. we need server events or quests otherwise its got no substance.

think, what do you do after you have all the best gear, 2000 zombie kills, a camp set up, veihcles, and a few murders or bandit kills in self defence. what else is there to do. sit in chern and snipe people. BOOOOORING! thats what COD is for.

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Lotta players that hang around come to realize fuller servers attract the skiddies. I for one won't join a server with more then 25-30 on it. Its too tempting for hackers still. Eventually they'll get bored and move on. Though most of us are just playing other games and waiting for the stand alone.

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Reading the title, I figured this would be some unintelligent rant or suggestion... Boy was I right.

Edited by Forceflare

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If i want to do a quest i go buy subscription to World Of Warcraft.

. BOOOOORING! thats what COD is for.

No, now its DayZ.

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THis is my view on what should be introduced; Control Old Industry

Sorry its a long thread, but youll probably get the gist pretty quickly. I think this would make the game far more interesting in terms of interactions and group dynamics.

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I haven't played in almost two weeks... it's not because I got bored of the game... really I'm just tired of all the hackers.. from my experiences you've got about a 75% chance to run into a hacker on any server with more than 10 players... Tents/Vehicles not saving right, Tears from the barbed wire etc... I realize it's in alpha/beta, but after a while the frustrations from these thing build up.. So for now, I've moved on to another game, same has happened with several of the people I play with as well... we're just gonna wait for the stand alone.... Oh and another factor was suddenly not being able connect to any servers... so.. Tired of the headache of troubleshooting once a week, tired of hackers, tired of bugs.. I'd say a lot of people are getting to the same point.. nothing against the game, but now that there's gonna be a stand alone, only the hardcore beta testers are gonna stick around for all of it

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This is just a testing phase for different game mechanics and ideas. It's not supposed to be feature rich or in any way a complete game. The reason the numbers have gone down is because many of the people that jumped on board because of the media hype have now left. Also, the people playing on private hives aren't included in the player numbers. Many people have tried it and moved on to either play something else or wait for the standalone. The hacking has driven many people away, again this problem won't really be solved until the final game is released.

Edited by Fraggle
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Private servers a lot more popular now. I just think have gotten smart about it and try to avoid high pop servers on the main hive. I'm pretty sure the player base is still pretty active. Our clan gets at least 1 new applicant a day.

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It's not supposed to be feature rich or in any way a complete game.

That is the main reason I'm pretty much convinced open Alpha is a bad idea. It looks to me more and more like developing a game is like making sausage. Most people don't want to see what it looks like at the beginning, they just want the finished product.I'm quite enjoying the experience, but I think the bad word of mouth generated by people who don't understand what an Alpha is might hurt the game in the long run.

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Without the open alpha, we'd never have gotten the standalone.

I feel like we're in a transition phase, I'm a little busy with Guild Wars 2 atm, I still play DayZ, but I needed a change of scenery, so I put it on the back burner.

Edited by Dallas

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That is the main reason I'm pretty much convinced open Alpha is a bad idea. It looks to me more and more like developing a game is like making sausage. Most people don't want to see what it looks like at the beginning, they just want the finished product.I'm quite enjoying the experience, but I think the bad word of mouth generated by people who don't understand what an Alpha is might hurt the game in the long run.

Without the open Alpha they would have never got the backing to make the standalone. This would still be a tiny mod running off 1 server and this forum would have about 20 members.

Edit, Dallas Ninja'd me :(

Edited by Fraggle

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I'm sick of these fucking CoD and DayZ comparisons, holy shit.

And you go and help other players. I've been at endgame several times, as I am at it now, and I do whatever the fuck I can to help others.

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Good point. Maybe I'm putting too much weight on the noisy people who are expecting a completed game and going away disappointed. I guess in the end, the only thing that will determine whether people will play the finished product or not is if it's good.

I know the vision of this game I have in my head (based on a LOT of speculation) when it's completed is awesome. ;)

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Speaking of backing for the standalone! I'd be willing to do anything to help, donate a voice for a character model or anything. I'd love to see this thing done right and perfect. I think WarZ is gonna get rushed out I don't want DayZ to come out unfinished.

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Private servers a lot more popular now. I just think have gotten smart about it and try to avoid high pop servers on the main hive. I'm pretty sure the player base is still pretty active. Our clan gets at least 1 new applicant a day.

A lot more than one, unfortunately for me.

As for the topic at hand....just look at the month of the year. The kids needed to call it quits at some point.

Edit: Oh wait, there's college as well.....grown up kids?

Edited by Deetwo

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If you're bored at End Game, make a camp, help people, perform operations to take out bandit groups and find more vehicles. Learn to be creative.

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If you're bored at End Game, make a camp, help people, perform operations to take out bandit groups and find more vehicles. Learn to be creative.

Or in you're case, script.

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lol yes lets kill a group of bandits who use hacks. = fail. you can emty 10 50cal rounds in to them and they dont die. but first of all you have to sneak up on them hoping they dont look at the map where they see where you are.

bandits have ruined the game because most of them are hackers. what hacker wont pvp. you really think a hacker will hack so they can get a zombie kill?

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"Add something to the game fast" is not a proper suggestion, please read the sticky on the top of the forum page.


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