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About JarethJams

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    Miami, Fl
  1. JarethJams

    What are your thoughts on the FNX 45?

    No pistol will ever be better than the mod g17. That weapon was a beast accuracy wise. FNX 45 is stronger than both though.
  2. Yeah lets make ammo rare that way when I see guy with the weapon I have I'll make sure to kill him
  3. JarethJams

    Idea: Ammo Handloading

    We should also get a sewing kit to make cute clothes...
  4. JarethJams


  5. JarethJams


    Any of you guys still experiencing that character wipe glitch after this new patch?
  6. JarethJams

    Put suggestions here

  7. JarethJams

    Saline > Blood Bagging. Here's why:

    Blood bags aren't even worth it. Just stock up on saline bags. They usually spawn in hospitals, prison barracks and 2nd floor schools.
  8. JarethJams

    Current Mosin "Inaccuracy" unrealistic.

    Same problem here. Nasty spread the longer I go.
  9. Server hopping is the only way to go at the moment with loot not respawning on its own. That's the only way you're going to get loot period. Not a fan of hopping but there is a risk, your character will sometimes reset.
  10. I love the medical system it's actually really fun. The only complain I have is the blood types. Let me have the same blood type on each respawn for god sakes.
  11. JarethJams

    Military loot suggestion

    What I can say is that balota offers way to much military loot. I simply make a run to the 2 story barracks after that hit up the military tents and im geared in 10 mins.
  12. JarethJams

    Loot spawn on restart only - issue

    Only solution is server hopping and pray that your character doesn't get sucked into the dark abyss.
  13. JarethJams

    Replace TTSKO Jacket/Trousers.

    This guy and his immersion rofl
  14. JarethJams

    How do oyu get out of handcuffs?

    I've heard spamming wasd works!