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IF this was an actual game...

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Kickerstarter will help you raise funds.

I'd prefer it was a single payment game.

I'd like to have both community and your own servers.

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Game purchase ( I'd pay 100$ or more for it just no DLC, etc. plz )

Studio Developed

Both community and official servers

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Shit is gettin serious.

If this was made as a stand alone game, or as part of some particular existing game, what kind of consumer model would you want to play it on?

How would you rather pay for it?

- Game purchase with Monthly fee? (WoW stylez)

- Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)

- Free to play, buy your shit?

- Something else?


- Community developed or studio developed?

- Community or studio servers? or both?

- Kickstarter? or not?

Please try and stick to short sentences, its much easier for me to get broad feedback.

Slower Zombies, increase the total amount of zombies ten fold so that cities are literally filled with them, and make them linger around other players. Also Game Purchase, Studio/Community Kickstarter, alot of games should avoid community advice since it can make the game easier, but you should have a good balance between studio and community, like Guild Wars 2, their game is in a great direction and the feed back they get from players is actually helping complete the game.

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Shit is gettin serious.

If this was made as a stand alone game, or as part of some particular existing game, what kind of consumer model would you want to play it on?

How would you rather pay for it?

- Game purchase with Monthly fee? (WoW stylez)

- Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)

- Free to play, buy your shit?

- Something else?


- Community developed or studio developed?

- Community or studio servers? or both?

- Kickstarter? or not?

Please try and stick to short sentences, its much easier for me to get broad feedback.

game purchase only. i dont like the wowpayment, its so much money when you playing it a 1year or more.

i think this game could be more awesome as it is yet when the where Community developed. you have tons of millions feedback that you maybe not have with a little team.

so keep up the good work

Edited by highAdventur

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-Game model: Game purchase only. + maybe skins or stuff (League of Legends stylez)

I loved it at GW and Arma 2 so far too.

I really got rid of the monthly fee model, so it would be very sad, since i wouldn't play dayz than.

With monthly fee i feel cheated, cause noone can tell me Blizzard or any other monthly fee game dev needs 13 Million $ / month to keep the servers running + do some bugfixes and stuff.

And you still have to buy an expansion or other games for full cash like all the other games.

Maybe 5€/month would be much better than 13€/month and i'd think about it, but i'd prefer just buying the game.

But i would buy expansions or skins or things like this to keep the servers running and the game developing like in League of Legends things that don't affect gameplay in any way.

And hell no! I don't like F2P + it would make cheating so easy... "What i got banned? *Create an other Account* Yay! I'm in again :D" -.-

-Studio or Community: Umm... what is better :D

Depends on the Studio i guess. I know both, studios creating a great Game everyone loves or Studios creating crap out of a good idea.

But i don't know how community dev would work?

-Servers: Official or P2P (Community if it would fit the payment model better)

I personally don't like community Servers at most games :/

It's often a complete jungle of rules and restricions, on every server different.

Just an example from other games: Pistols only Servers, only Sniper Servers, no Grenades Servers, no Vehicle Servers, Clan Servers, Deathmatch Servers, FFA Servers, Whatever rule you just mind Servers^^

Often there are more Servers with different rules/mods that it's actually hard to find a Server where you can play the game it's meant to be.

Also you have to deal alot with "i am admin, i am the rul0r of the w0rld" admins and you can't check every Server and every Case as dev.

Official Servers would give more control from dev side i think. But if it's too expensive i would be fine with Community Servers overwatched and with clear rules (or blacklist) like now too.

An other thing i loved was the Peer 2 Peer model of COD:MW3.

Group up with your friends or play solo, click join, wait, play. Simple.

Someone leaves? Gets replaced by the system = Full game all the time.

Would be cool for DayZ too cause i think it adds much to the game if the slots are full all the time and you don't have to search for a Server manually "oh wait i got one! *showing 35/40* *click* *connecting... the server is full* O_o *repeat 10 times*"

-Kickstarter: wait...what the heck is this? °_° I leave this topic to someone who knows^^

Doing a great job so far and i'd love to buy a standalone DayZ.

Love you Dev Team <3


Edited by Aira

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Purchase only; that monthly crap is ridiculous, and most of the community wouldn't care for it.

Studio development; I love consistent quality.

I really want it to be an ArmA 3 DLC. I'd pay $50.00+ for that.

Edited by Captain Q

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In DayZ's case I would point towards the Minecraft model, pay a one time fee to get registered in the database and get access to login.

If the success continues growing like we're seeing now, that model should be sufficient to cover a small teams expenses.

This! It worked out pretty good for Notch, Mojang, and the entire minecraft community really... =)

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Game Purchase only.

Studio develeped with community help

Community and studio hosted servers would be great.

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I would gladly pay 60 US dollars for an Arma 3 Dayz expansion.

No monthly fee. Thats just dumb.

Studio develeped with community help.

Community and studio hosted servers.

Focus on realism as much as possible for the expansion.

Win Vs Everything.

PS also kickstart as well.

Edited by killashrub

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I'd do a monthly sub, or Game purchase. Just please no Pay to Win B.S.

I'd like to see Studio/Community developed. As long as the community part had checks and balances.

Kickstarter most def. Hell I am a poor old bastard and I'd even give some of my hard earned scratch to see this become a standalone.

Ever since the hay day of a certain "Ultima" game I've longed for a game to make me shit bricks and wollow in it! DayZ does just that and I am in heaven! So please consider it seriously. I think as soon as you get some "big business" types involved they will just ruin your vision. (they have a habit of doing that to great titles) The thing I love about this mod is it is made by a gamer, and it shows!

Thanks you.

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as a eve player i dream of this becoming played on a gigantic map hosted by studio with a permanent devlopment over years

so i would say :

monthly fee

studio devloped with community help

kickerstar why not

and studio server

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Free to play is crap.

Players don't have anything invested in the game

Hackers get caught.... get new key... rinse and repeat.

Arma 2 Free completely destroyed Arma 2 vanilla servers with a flood of morons who download it to just cause shit and theres no way to block them other then requiring addons to play, which the A2F can't do.

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I don't know how feasible this is, but it would be neat if you could to a monthly sub fee and create a mega server. Something like the east coast of the United States, from Boston to DC, and keep tweaking the content.

So, I would like:

Monthly Sub

Developed by whoever isn't gonna screw it up

Servers privately controlled (possible only 1 or 2)

Kickstarter it for sure


This guy beat me to it ;)

as a eve player i dream of this becoming played on a gigantic map hosted by studio with a permanent devlopment over years

Edited by Thestarling

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Shit is gettin serious.

If this was made as a stand alone game, or as part of some particular existing game, what kind of consumer model would you want to play it on?

How would you rather pay for it?

- Game purchase with Monthly fee? (WoW stylez)

- Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)

- Free to play, buy your shit?

- Something else?


- Community developed or studio developed?

- Community or studio servers? or both?

- Kickstarter? or not?

Please try and stick to short sentences, its much easier for me to get broad feedback.

  • Game purchase only with character model skins to buy ( low prices ), no imbalance items selling ( all start and play with the same weapons and stats ) or join as any awesome FPS game's DLC (awesome features, graphics, gameplay, community, etc). I prefer a dedicated standalone sandbox zombie survival game.
  • If you want to go monthly fee, keep it in low price like $3 - $5 per month ( You have more than half a million people already wanting to play your full standalone game so, low monthly fee will increase the "interested people" chart. ) and do daily maintenance just like EVE Online ( it is a space sandbox game but it's still the same sandbox-type game as Day Z where people can be whatever they want to be as long as it's still in the game concept and rules ).
  • Studio developed with some community involvement ( feedbacks and suggestions ).
  • Both community and studio servers. ( Community servers preventing heavy lagging for people who lives at the opposite side of the globe of the studio servers' location a.k.a far far away land ) If you can provide a single gigantic server ( just like EVE Online ) for people all around the globe and able to maintain it ( so all people can play with very low ping ) without any problem, it will be better.
  • Go for Kickstarter.
  • I also want to see more contents like making a secure village and start farming, etc. Making a life during the apocalypse is also a possible thing in RL. It won't be same as before the outbreak, though. In short, much more interesting contents so it won't be boring after playing for a long time. I'm okay to pay monthly fee as long as the game quality deserves it ( not only PvP and killing zombies, awesome graphic quality with low-spec computer-friendly requirements, and some other awesome features ).
  • Make a huge world with multiple continent and cities in a single gigantic server if possible.

Edited by Jean Jacques Serrault

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as a eve player i dream of this becoming played on a gigantic map hosted by studio with a permanent devlopment over years

I would love a single shard, persistent server system like Eve. Ah, the impossible dream.

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Financial model

Anything but free-to-play (with a game store)

The free-to-play model *can* work, in games where it makes sense. Games that have a functioning society and market to begin with!

It would be idiotic in an apocalyptic game.

I would pay subscription fees for this game, but the buy-once model is a more attractive option.

As huge as this mod is now, Kickstarter would probably go through the roof. So definitely do that.

Server model

I believe the goal of the standalone game should be to somehow implement a single-shard server like EVE Online. Obviously, Chernarus is not big enough for 500,000 or a million players, and it's not like you or anyone else have the art manpower to create an entire frickin' continent, let alone one that would actually run on a cluster.

How about having each server be a different Chernarus island, and linking them through some sort of inter-server travel mechanism? Sort of like Perpetuum Online.

This way you could, with some effort, travel to a different island if you didn't like the locals. You could *not*, however, simply disconnect and appear in the same place on a different island. You would have to physically go there.

Edited by wartzilla

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Game Purchase Only

Studio developed - But please use the community to get respons!

Both community and studio servers

Kickstarter - Why not? Never hurts right?

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- Game purchase only (Guild Wars stylez). And maybe discounts during alpha/beta, minecraft stylez.

- Community developed. Stick to the current model.

- Both community AND studio servers. I'd rather play on studio, myself, as they would probably be more stable, but I reckon it might make the game's pricing go way up.

- Kickstarter yes, I'd support that.

So basically Kickstarted to get the first few thousand dollars (or a couple million, if we're lucky), sell it with discount during dev phases, and sell at full price when complete.

I'd be OK with buying additional official maps (just like Guild Wars, the first, did with additional campaigns)

Edited by takfar

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Game purchase only. (I'd never pay for a subscription service, and F2P with purchased items is purely imbal.)

Studio developed. (Professional. There's no need to involve a community in the development process.)

Kickstarter. (Extra cash on the side never hurt.)

(Super excited to hear that it's gettin' serious, you deserve it entirely. :D)

I endorse this message!

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Game purchase only.

Studio development, tied in closely with community feedback.

Community servers, as it is now.

Kickstarter, sure, but none of that pre-order, special edition, super-awesome-elite-weapon-becuase-you-paid-in-advance bullshit.

Develop for the community, based on the community. Keep it all equal.

Edited by Dokrane

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Game purchase only.

Otherwise I won't be able to continue supporting the game.

Rocket, you should make this a poll so it is easier to gather the statistics.

Edited by soapmak3r

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