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About virusofadown

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  1. virusofadown

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    Same reason older men enjoy Adventure Time, which is fucking awful.
  2. virusofadown

    What the hell is going on on US 244

    Im actually not new, I started back in April, but well, you cant exactly side chat anymore. And anyone you run into will KoS anyway.
  3. virusofadown

    What the hell is going on on US 244

    Hmmmmm How would you go about getting their attention if you're in like Kamenka?
  4. virusofadown

    What the hell is going on on US 244

    But you would have to get all the way up there first, would you not?
  5. virusofadown

    What the hell is going on on US 244

    The concept of the Thunderdome is cool and all, but Chernarus is just too big for it to work.
  6. virusofadown

    What the hell is going on on US 244

    Can Rocket like.... Shut it down?
  7. What is going on this server? There are M4 SDs everywhere and non-stop explosions, as well as Escalade looking SUVs everywhere....
  8. virusofadown

    Heli @ us1301?

    Well from what I remember Heli's are disabled, also 1301 is where I encountered my first couple hackers.. So I bet its not legit.
  9. virusofadown

    My first encounter with hackers

    When I first saw these two I heard a guy around the corner shooting off a silenced weapon, so I hung out for a bit on the fire hall, I heard two vehicles coming by, it wasnt a veteran server and the guys driving the UAZs, I had seen them like 20 minutes prior while I was swimming to the coast after respawning, they were running from hordes of Zeds both with guillie suits, I caught a glimpse of their names long enough to match it with the two I killed 20 minutes later, They drove by twice, then came back, parked their UAZs in the middle of Elektro, got out and ran away from the Zeds then they DC'd and the Zeds diappeared, one logged back in and I was lucky enough to catch him off guard with a headshot. I heard screaming coming from behind me... Somehow one to the guys must have been relatively new because even though he had a guillie, a UAZ and a Silenced weapon that wasnt an M9 SD, M4 SD, or a MP5A5SD, was knocked down by zombies, so I shot him while he was down, Before hand I looked at them with Binocks and noticed that one of them were carrying what looked to be like a M14 aim with a silencer, it wasnt an M4... I know the difference, It was a long barrelled rifle, it was not a carbine, and it had a silencer.... If thats not hacking I dont know what is...
  10. Just gunned down two hackers with nothing but a winchester :D They were driving around with two UAZ, both with Ghillie Suits, and Silenced Weapons ive never seen before, sadly right after I gunned the second one down, I got shot by some other random guy with a silenced weapon... Man why cant people ever play fair??? Ive been playing since May and this is my first hacker experience, what was yours?
  11. I want to see atleast ONE HUGE urban city, with hundreds of open buildings and houses.
  12. I die all the time, and I still disagree with making guns do less damage to players, the game is meant to be realistic, Rocket made it as such, if you get shot by a Lee Enfield in real life you're done if its in the torso or head.
  13. Sitting in the bushes north of starty tents waiting to kill someone, and I see a person, she is in the tent, she sees me.... All of a sudden she disappears, im on skype with a friend and I hear shooting, hes in the same area as me, two shots go off and im dead, and the person wasnt even there anymore, but I saw peoplerunning in place... how is that possible? also, has anyone else notcied all the lag recently? TL;DR I get shot and I didnt even hear the two bullets it took through my audio... yes my friend hear them... and he was running in place on my screen. so he was obviously lagging out.
  14. virusofadown

    Dog tags on survivors?

    I like the idea, but you're a survivor, not a soldier. Maybe add a wallet option where you can see their ID that tells those things
  15. virusofadown

    IF this was an actual game...

    Slower Zombies, increase the total amount of zombies ten fold so that cities are literally filled with them, and make them linger around other players. Also Game Purchase, Studio/Community Kickstarter, alot of games should avoid community advice since it can make the game easier, but you should have a good balance between studio and community, like Guild Wars 2, their game is in a great direction and the feed back they get from players is actually helping complete the game.