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About krtshv

  • Rank
    Boob Grabber

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    Interests include but are not limited to: Photoshop, Photography, Cycling and Gaming.

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  • Bio
    Served in the IDF for a couple of months, released later due to medical reasons.
  1. krtshv

    Having a big issue..

    Trust me, there are tricks out there that make vehicles so damn easy to spot. Not to mention the hacks that simply mark the vehicles on the map. Solution? Deal with it and wait for the Standalone.
  2. Yes. We have enough douchebags completely blocking off buildings now.
  3. It's not a bug, it's a feature. It's supposed to mimic the periphial vision humans have in real life.
  4. Depends who you refer to. Script kiddies would need to get the password for the server (which isn't that hard), log in and do their crap. Hackers, however, can hack into the server regardless if they have the password or not, and they don't have to be ingame to cause problems.
  5. No. The same scripts that can run on official servers can run on non-official servers as well. The hackers just usually don't bother attacking small, meaningless communities of password-locked server. Getting a password for a server with 5-10 people inside is not worth the 5 minutes of giggles the script kiddie will experience. Anyone who tells you otherwise is bullshitting you. The private servers use the same engine and same DayZ code as official servers.
  6. While the mod assets themselves may belong to BIS, the code for DayZ is Rocket's, people who use private servers use Rocket's code without his permission.
  7. Alt F4'ing in combat will get you banned in most servers and is a pussy move.
  8. krtshv

    DayZ for Counsoles :]

    Minecraft is an indie game based on Java. The Xbox version was not even developed by Notch. It has limitations (smaller world, different GUI, less crafting). It's just another PC port, and the xbox version is fairly limited comparing to what the PC version can do.
  9. krtshv

    DayZ for Counsoles :]

    Someone else would probably have to develop it, then. I don't think Rocket has much knowledge with Console development.
  10. krtshv

    DayZ for Counsoles :]

    Developing games on consoles is different than making them on the PC. It's not the same and it's hard to port (which is why all console-to-pc ports suck ass). ArmA would have to come out to the consoles for DayZ to be available, and as far as I know, consoles don't allow mods. Even if it were to come out to the consoles.. They won't be able to handle it.
  11. krtshv

    Just how rare is the SVD camo?

    I have found pretty much every weapon in DayZ except the SVD and the M240 (I found 1 SVD on a dead sniper, but that's about it).
  12. krtshv


    Are you new here? It's called script kiddies.
  13. krtshv

    weapons and sights.

    In ArmA 2 you can't attach anything to weapons, weapons come pre-made. This will only be possible in ArmA 3.
  14. krtshv

    Two helis on one server?

    After helis were removed from the script, they were probably removed from servers as well. Unless some server decided to not update their script until DayZ brought them back, in which case, they will not respawn whenever they're destroyed (I think, maybe they will just disappear and 1 will remain).
  15. krtshv

    Ban Appeal!

    Too late for you. Your CD Key is gone, Battleeye will not unban you. Either buy a new copy or leave the game. Learn not to hack next time.