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Files “c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2

operation arrowhead\expansion\beta\expansion\dta\bin.pbo” ,

“c:program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2


Arrowhead\expansion\beta\expansion\dta\languagecore.pbo” are

Not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this

server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys


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With the said HUD/Monitor bug/issue. I´m actually thinking that this is not a bug, as the Non-debug Monitor HUD is working.

Maybe Rocket wants us to come along without that info, we actually have, for example the blood level.

Is it really important to know/read how many zombies are alive, how bad or good i am? I think he will delete this info in near future, because it makes us a bit more careless than without this information.

We have to get a kind of feeling of what we are and where we are and what we need, there is no need to read it in the debug monitor, and thats why i think he did it on purpose.

If he did because of this, than "Rocket" is a bit like Dr. Freud, he plays with our fears and thats what this game makes it stronger and stronger.

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If I choose "debug" from options the normal icons don't work.

You can see icons but they don't work.

If chosen default, icons work but debug doesn't show,naturally.

Almost bled to death for icon not showing bleeding :(

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- Getting hit by invisible/silent zombies. Standing in the forest away from buildings an invisble hand just slams me.

- Zombies can now hit from 40 feet away.

Edited by jblackrupert

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My friend is still getting artifacts but they are brown in colour and harder to see through. This is not from dead soldiers though, that seems to be fixed, but from barbed wire still.

that's what I was thinking. it's probably the barbed wire and tank traps again. those artifacts aren't nearly as bad as the dead soldier artifacts, but yeah...

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I'll confirm tent / vehicle saving after first server reset un two hours.

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hey i am completely new to this... do i have to update my dayz mod so i can play? or does it auto update through the game? or is this just a server side thing?

thanks for the help. I love this game and cant wait till the standalone

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If I choose "debug" from options the normal icons don't work.

You can see icons but they don't work.

If chosen default, icons work but debug doesn't show,naturally.

Almost bled to death for icon not showing bleeding :(

Do you not read before you post? Rocket clearly stars this would be a problem till next fix.

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Vehicles now save OK, BUT, they lose all fuel after a server restart :(

Debug monitor breaks the indicators, so only use it to check kills etc.

Artifacts are gone.

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I never believe the notes on what is fixed... Tents will probably still not save..

You gaming on a serv? And a 1.62.96584 build?

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Moderator Notice: User was suspended for this post.

cant tell why your too much of an asshole to tell us why u had to mess up the monitor so you just try and troll people?

get off your high horse you fucking goof and quit breaking shit that was working fine.

Edited by Legacy

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If I choose "debug" from options the normal icons don't work.

You can see icons but they don't work.

If chosen default, icons work but debug doesn't show,naturally.

Almost bled to death for icon not showing bleeding :(

Same here, almost bled to death as well...

Just like new year these sooo called updates "out with the old bugs and in with the new bugs lol"

And please dont say "its an alpha" its a lame excuse for not fixing shit in this mod, surely even on a testing machine they must have seen the hud bug.. tut tut tut..

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Thanks for all the fixes. BUT

I don't wanna sound like an asshole, but for each new fix, another bug/glitch appears. The artifacts are gone now and tents are saving, but the most important thing in the game, our hud, is fucked.

Now I have to go through pages of menu browsing each time i wanna open the debug monitor and see whats my blood status, how many zombies are spawned (to see if ppl are around cities) or if I got a kill when I shot someone down (and most likely while I'm browsing my hud menu that guy will be conscious again and pop my head) ...

And me being a dumb fuck did download and install this right away before checking on peoples reporting the results here. Gonna switch back to

I anyways got rarely artifacts with the previous version and I don't care about tents saving or not since I don't got any myself, I plunder other tents when I come across.


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Need non-torrent version plz

Seeded 5.05 GB and counting :) Also torrent is the best thing... ;)

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What about humanity and bandit/skin changes causing backpacks to dissappear and reset to patrol pack?

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From what i understand soon the HUD will go completely and you will need visual and audio cues to tell when you are hungry/bleeding etc.

Treat this as a test run. Surely you can tell when you are bleeding without needing the flashing cross? That red stuff pissing out of your arse - that's blood.

As for the Debug - this was always going to go - why should you know how many zombies are around?

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Developer's Note:

* To change your DayZ UI options, go to OPTIONS > GAME OPTIONS > DayZ UI. This will only affect the DayZ UI elements, unfortunately it is not saving to the config file so each time you restart ArmA2 you will need to change this setting.

* You will receive a serialization warning in game when changing the DayZ UI option, just ignore it by clicking continue it will be gone in next update.

* DayZ UI Debug option is not working properlly (no debug indicator at the moment). deal-with-it.jpg

Do people read those notes or what? lol ;)

Edited by HeyTikO
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how many zombies are spawned (to see if ppl are around cities)

I'll just point out that is basically an exploit, and I wouldn't expect too much sympathy with that one

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