zxc (DayZ) 0 Posted June 13, 2012 Keeping a player in the game after they log out' date=' was mainly the suggestion of all the players that just suck at this game. It is not really about making it fair, in truth. It is about giving those piddly fucks a chance to get even. [/quote']I think you've got yourself a bit mixed up there. It's an exploit bad players use to avoid combat.Whenever I log out, I'm in the safety of a forest, crouching in the shadows. I doubt even a ten minute delay would kill my character. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rainbow Dash 16 Posted June 13, 2012 I can see that' date=' skip! My point still stands, though. Keeping a player in the game after they log out, was mainly the suggestion of all the players that just suck at this game. It is not really about making it fair, in truth. It is about giving those piddly fucks a chance to get even. I can see the rule bugging and keeping players in the server for longer periods of time. And 5 seconds? What does that even do? It wont solve anything if it only stays for 5 seconds and will castrate the game for the player logging out, if it bugs and keeps you there longer. This is a horrible idea, brought on by horrible newbs. Fuck them![/quote']I still don't get where you're coming from!There are a large number of people in favour of player bodies staying after a disconnect. Look at it from the point of view of guilty people - they are ambushed, they just picked up some good gear, and they have no idea where the shooting is coming from. They'd DC immediately to save their stuff. In another situation, say they attack someone else, that someone else starts shooting back, they DC out of fear of death. There are countless more situations. I see it as a bad thing that they are able to disconnect as an escape route. Now look at it from my point of view (and other supporters) - you are caught in a firefight, both of you are swapping bullets. Suddenly he disconnects - you'd be pissed right? Imagine now that you are stalking someone. Just as you are about to take the kill shot, they notice you and DC. More annoying, right? Now pretend you can't disconnect that safely. All of a sudden, it's not as easy as vapourizing yourself to save that nice new gun. You can't screw your fellow player because you don't want to risk as much as he is. What if you're in a firefight, you are wounded, but you can't DC without any fear any more? You have to run away, hide, and bandage your wounds, as any similar situation would realistically allow in real life. If anything, you're perpetuating the idea of making the game more CoD-like by not supporting a disconnect timer, as you're protecting people who just DC the moment danger is about.I still find it disturbing that your only pro-argument so far is that it will just "bug and keep you there longer". It's not even out yet. How do you know it won't work? To me, it seems that there is so little flesh to your argument, you're no better than the people whom you've described - with some very harsh and unnecessary language, I may add. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terrvik 2409 Posted June 13, 2012 ^ this is what I'm talking about. I can already see this changing to a 1 min log out state' date=' because of people like you.Go play CoD...[/quote']How does a logout counter has anything to do with CoD? :dodgy: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blasty 0 Posted June 13, 2012 * [NEW] 30Rnd_545x39_AK added to loot table^ if someone hasn't answered i think this is just an ak-74 mag - which means each ak will have different mags now, instead of two using the same. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sivart 85 Posted June 13, 2012 ^ this is what I'm talking about. I can already see this changing to a 1 min log out state' date=' because of people like you.Go play CoD...[/quote']its obviously not punishment for those that log out properly. it is of course punishment for those that disappear on sight. if you have a problem with this, you are clearly a player that dos. cod sucks. yes, people like me. because of people like you, there are people like me. i will kill you, if you dont vanish! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicraM 137 Posted June 13, 2012 Keeping a player in the game after they log out' date=' was mainly the suggestion of all the players that just suck at this game. It is not really about making it fair, in truth. It is about giving those piddly fucks a chance to get even. [/quote']I think you've got yourself a bit mixed up there. It's an exploit bad players use to avoid combat.Whenever I log out, I'm in the safety of a forest, crouching in the shadows. I doubt even a ten minute delay would kill my character.You don't get it. We are all being punished cause of what some assholes did (the meta-exploiters) But, this shouldn't be. Why am I gonna get punished and my char made vulnerable because of that? I don't even blame the people doing it. I blame the people that complain, because they are the ones that made this happen. Also, by doing this, I can see it bugging and keeping you in the server for mins if not hours. Remember, code has a weird way of doing what it wants sometimes. I have been killed well over a dozen times by meta-exploiting. You don't see me boohoo'n.You can continue to argue your non-point but the fact remains we are being all punished for something someone else has done and many others, pussies might I add, have complained about. Nerf Nerf Nerf, away! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Disgraced 1123 Posted June 13, 2012 Head near exploding. Guys. The point has been made over and over that some people want a longer log out timer. Rocket has said that for now' date=' he can't go over 5 seconds without a significant effort. Now what? Keep making the same point over and over until.... What happens? It's not going to change from 5 right now. Let it alone.[/quote']Maybe go read my original post before posting recklessly. I was proposing what I think would be an optimal long-term solution to the disconnection issue. For now, the five second delay will work more than well enough.I was responding to the next guy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 55 Posted June 13, 2012 You seem to play on shit servers' date=' brah!Play on well admined servers and this won't happen. And what is wrong with shooting on sight? I have 7 murders on this char. All of them were drop kills. Meaning, I got the drop on them and they never had a fucking chance. Why would I want to give anyone a chance? This is survival... but that is neither here nor there, we are discussing something else. My point, no matter what your argument is, still stands. Play on a well admined server and you will get decent gameplay without all the BS disconnects and such. Punishing all players with a rule that keeps you in the server, vulnerable for any amount of time after the fact, is bogus.[/quote']What if there are no admins online at the time? The group I play with are the admins of the server and still it happens a lot and we warn/kick/ban them if they keep exploiting, but anyone can join the server so there's a continuously influx of 'new' players. Besides it's not a very efficient way to counter this problem (and if you read all the posts about this issue, you know damn well I'm not alone on this). If you're unable to find a safe spot where you can leave your char idle for half a minute in this 225km2 map you're doing something wrong. The odds of you having an emergency where you need to leave the comp instantly are far less than the odds you'll encounter a disconnecter atm (at least for me). And to be fair 5 seconds is hardly a punishment, I'll go as far as 1-5 minutes isn't a punishment (except for DCers and Farmers).On a side note; there's nothing wrong with shooting on sight or getting jump kills. It's not my style of playing, but I don't judge it either. I just put it in there as a counter argument that this is a measure that caters to the so-called 'CoD kiddies'.You don't get it.We are all being punished cause of what some assholes did (the meta-exploiters) But, this shouldn't be. Why am I gonna get punished and my char made vulnerable because of that? I don't even blame the people doing it. I blame the people that complain, because they are the ones that made this happen.Also, by doing this, I can see it bugging and keeping you in the server for mins if not hours. Remember, code has a weird way of doing what it wants sometimes.I have been killed well over a dozen times by meta-exploiting. You don't see me boohoo'n.You can continue to argue your non-point but the fact remains we are being all punished for something someone else has done and many others, pussies might I add, have complained about. No you don't get it... your argument is like saying "We shouldn't hire security to check on everyone because there is a minority of assholes who rob this place." It's a real problem and it needs a fix (granted leaving you char in the game world after logging off might not be the best solution, but there should be something in place that disallows people from insta-vanishing). Also your point about it probably bugging out is nonsensical as well, you remind me of those people who judge something before experiencing it. You don't know how and if it works, so stop speculating. Also we 'pussies' don't complain, we acknowledge a problem and theory craft a solution for it; which is our 'job' as alpha/beta testers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sivart 85 Posted June 13, 2012 no, you dont get it. its not punishment for me. when i disconnect, i am hiding safely. if you get the drop on me, i face death like a man. i dont vanish into thin air. its only a punishment for the cowards. for those that do server hop to get a strategic advantage then come back to my server. think about it a bit harder. its not a nerf. how could this possibly make the game easier? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rainbow Dash 16 Posted June 13, 2012 If you're going to debate, at least refute ALL the points presented by your opposition. Don't just answer bad points with worse logic because you only end up digging your own grave. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zxc (DayZ) 0 Posted June 13, 2012 You don't get it. We are all being punished cause of what some assholes did (the meta-exploiters) But' date=' this shouldn't be. Why am I gonna get punished and my char made vulnerable because of that? ...I blame the people that complain, because they are the ones that made this happen. ...[b']You don't see me boohoo'n.Oh, this is funny!Hey, you realise if you go prone in a bush in a forest, your character will basically never die to zombies or players? I was responding to the next guy.Then why were you quoting me? You horrible, awful person. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terrvik 2409 Posted June 13, 2012 I still don't see how a disconnect timer is "catering to the CoD kids". Please explain this to me.Also, all this crap about CoD-kids is the most stupid thing I've ever seen... it's like you all (the ones who complains on their high horses) only watches live chess games on TV (or live, TV is for stupid CoD-kids) and cries whenever someone interested in football shows up to see what the fuzz is all about. Sheesh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Refried 14 Posted June 13, 2012 seriouslyi've never seen a forum instantly wear out a single phrase more than 'cod kids', especially when it was not funny/not clever/utterly inaccurate to begin with Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terrvik 2409 Posted June 13, 2012 My thoughts exactly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nexerius 0 Posted June 13, 2012 But nobody can tell me if this patch will come on normal arma 2, and not the beta, CBA to install that <. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicraM 137 Posted June 13, 2012 The term CoD kid or Kiddie is coined because these people exist. I guess you guise haven't been around for the last 7 or so years, but games pretty much suck dick now. Thanks CoD and CoD kiddies.Nevertheless, this thread is not about that. I just made mention and you guise are egging it on. You still have not made any valid arguments why the whole should be punished for the few. I would think a lock on the game for 12 hours would be a nice compromise if you were to log out during a firefight, yes? How hard would it be to have the central database lock the ID for 12 hours or so? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kobra (DayZ) 0 Posted June 13, 2012 Cant believe they fixed zombies hitting through walls! This is great, now they just have to make villages and buildings possible to be taken over as a home, with entrances and all. And fix the server resetting deleting vehicles(or the clan ppl that reset after they lose vehicles) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reuben5150 83 Posted June 13, 2012 Rough outline of what to expect in the pending update.Current Changelog Developer's Note: * Requires ArmA2 Beta. Changelog: Changelog: * [FIXED] Wire Spools' date=' Toolboxes, hedgehog (tank trap) kits not spawning * [FIXED'] Bodies still being deleted too quickly sometimes * [FIXED] No backpacks or medical boxes spawning * [FIXED] "No Speaker..." debug report spam * [FIXED] Infected spawning too close to players (minimum 30m now) * [FIXED] Infected not spawning inside buildings any more * [NEW] Infected can't attack through walls * [NEW] Infected can't see through objects any more * [NEW] Infected visibility increased (but limited by LOS) * [NEW] Infected attack range increased (but limited by LOS) * [NEW] Infected can cause greater damage when they hit you * [NEW] You can hide from an infected chasing you * [NEW] Optimized server cleanup routine * [NEW] Player body exists for five seconds after disconnect (UNCONFIRMED IF WORKING) * [NEW] Infected see based on eye direction, not on body direction as before * [NEW] 30Rnd_545x39_AK added to loot tableExcellent, thank you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
squidgyb 0 Posted June 13, 2012 But nobody can tell me if this patch will come on normal arma 2' date=' and not the beta, CBA to install that <.<[/quote']Read the first post again, please.e: Here you go:"- This update will REQUIRE the beta patch, so it is worth installing this now and getting used to it.- Read up at the BI Forums about the beta patch install. It's pretty easy." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
x0pticLukeZz 0 Posted June 13, 2012 You don't get it. We are all being punished cause of what some assholes did (the meta-exploiters) But' date=' this shouldn't be. Why am I gonna get punished and my char made vulnerable because of that? I don't even blame the people doing it. I blame the people that complain, because they are the ones that made this happen. Also, by doing this, I can see it bugging and keeping you in the server for mins if not hours. Remember, code has a weird way of doing what it wants sometimes. I have been killed well over a dozen times by meta-exploiting. You don't see me boohoo'n.You can continue to argue your non-point but the fact remains we are being all punished for something someone else has done and many others, pussies might I add, have complained about. Nerf Nerf Nerf, away![/quote']We aren't being "punished" and we aren't being made "vulnerable". Imo this should have been in from the start. If you feel like you're being hard done by by this new feature then I'm guessing you're one of the exploiters, because they're the only ones this is going to harm.I agree with you on your point that it's going to bug and stick people in the game for too long, but I always make sure I'm in a real safe spot anyway. It's not that hard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fluca 0 Posted June 13, 2012 I agree that disconnecting to avoid being killed must be prevented.However, what people are failing to recognize are the situations where you are, say, running away from a zombie (luring it away from others, so you can kill it without aggroing them) and get booted because the server considered your ping too high.Or, when you are prone in a zombie infested area and the admin kicks you because he needs space for his friends.Or, when you are in Cherno looting some house and the game and you need to bio (don't say I'm the only one playing and avoiding nature's call for way too long for it to be healthy :P).etc.These are the situations that worry me, because I often find myself in them, especially the ping boot (American servers tend, for some reason, to suck in the early hours (at least for me). Five seconds with a zombie clawing at you, especially since Rocket has said he will make them hit harder, is enough to ruin days of gaming...And, as it has been said before, it won't prevent people from ducking for cover and disconnecting.Anyways, that's my take on it and if those concerns are addressed, I'll be all for this measure.Cheers, Fluca Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
x0pticLukeZz 0 Posted June 13, 2012 I would think a lock on the game for 12 hours would be a nice compromise if you were to log out during a firefight' date=' yes? How hard would it be to have the central database lock the ID for 12 hours or so?[/quote']How's the database supposed to know when you're in a firefight or not? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reuben5150 83 Posted June 13, 2012 I would think a lock on the game for 12 hours would be a nice compromise if you were to log out during a firefight' date=' yes? [/quote']There is now a 4 second wait when you alt+f4, i think thats enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Diwwah 9 Posted June 13, 2012 It's only a punishment if you consider it one. I don't and most of the other posters here don't seem to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brothy 0 Posted June 13, 2012 is this six updater.exe safe to download ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites