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Hiding bodies a Dick move?

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I want to ask everyone if you kill someone is it a dick move to hide their body? So they can't get their stuff back? I was killed by satchel charge while driving a bus with 3 friends, weren't mad we just laughed at what just happened so I said lets just loot our bodies and get off the server before the hacker can get us again. (Hacker blew up half of Elektro and we saw 18 other satchel charges on different parts of the road, and there's no freaking way a non scripting player can have THAT many satchel charges) any ways we laughed it off and than I was the first out of all 3 of us to get to the blown up bus I had an MK 43 Mod 0, my friend had an M4A1 CCO, and my other friend had a coyote and M107 he took my friends backpack took my gun and hid our bodies and the worst part is he wasn't even a hacker he was just some fucking lucky player that spawned near our bus and looted and hid out bodies like a little bitch. Back to the point is hiding a body a dick move?

P.S we killed him afterwards after he killed me after i respawned and my friend distracting him as he shot him and healed him while my other friend dropped him with a lee Enfield :)

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Myself, I hide bodies when it is appropriate. Corpses that have a bandage and box of painkillers on them shouldn't just be lying around, so I hide those. I also hide the bodies of bandits that I killed. Otherwise, I usually just check the bodies and move on.

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No. Perfectly legit I think. I would do the exact same. The less weapons you have, the less of a threat you are to me.


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Usually always hide bandit bodies. This is often because i get to them first after death trying to take out more than one person.

Occasionally i'll hide random dead people (say if i'm on a loot route and theirs one of those freakishly weird standing up dead people) just so it stops creeping me out.

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How is it a dick move preventing high tier dupers from getting their gear right back? Go to your dupe tents and gear back up like everyone else who's been playing for more than a month.

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I think hiding any body you come across is a good idea because:

if you need to kill a zombie, leave no trace

If you need to kill a player, leave no trace

If you come across one, leave no trace

A dead body draws attention, gives away your general location and if a player corpse then whatever they have can be used against you in someone else's hands. At the very least someone else was just aiming right where you are!

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Hide, definitely. Especially if they are geared well.

It would be folly to leave a corpse full of loot and with the way things are going just now, you can almost guarantee they will be a dupe tent waiting to be emptied anyways.

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I'll leave the body if they earned it, after taking what I need.

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I will be honest and say I do hide bodies strictly to be a dick. No justification needed here.

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sometimes bodies instant disappear when people die. Had it today with my mate, wanted to loot his m249 after he died, but before i cud get to him i saw him sinking in the ground.

I never hide bodies, but the reason is i dont want to be in the open so long. As for me it always takes ages before the body goes. If that goes quicker i might start using it more.

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  On 9/3/2012 at 9:34 PM, Onmyson said:

sometimes bodies instant disappear when people die. Had it today with my mate, wanted to loot his m249 after he died, but before i cud get to him i saw him sinking in the ground.

I never hide bodies, but the reason is i dont want to be in the open so long. As for me it always takes ages before the body goes. If that goes quicker i might start using it more.

once you input the hide command you can leave. sometimes its instant, sometimes its not. But once you do it, its going to sink. eventually.

as for OP, i hide bodies alot because of reasons people explained before. It's better then me just waiting for the people to come back to there bodies and keep rekilling, thats even more of a dickmove (that i don't do)

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Typically I hide bodies, especially if its high quality stuff and I'm already geared. Ill take what I want, and hide it. If its in a populated area or somewhere on the coast I dont want to linger long as he could easily spawn nearby, find an Enfield, and plop me. Last time I was being a dick with an L85 I was Enfield-Sniped, and the guy took my stuff but didnt hide my body, leaving his Enfield there. I spawned nearby, found my body, grabbed the Enfield, saw him running back towards my body, and I ended him. He didnt even have the L85 out, instead he had a pistol. Got everything back except my Ghillie.

I know the same can happen to me, so I *usually* hide all bodies of people I kill.

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Zombies attract flies. Flies attract looters (and dead people who come looking for their stuff and aren't exactly sure where they died). Safer to just hide the body.

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"Hide body" needs to be taken out of this game.

Think about it in real life terms. What are you going to do, just make a peson's body disappear? Are you going to melt down his gear so nobody else can take it?

It makes no sense. This game is supposed to be realistic. You can't just make bodies disappear in real life.

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I hide bodies as much as possible and I don't think it's a dick move. Dead zeds or other players announce to anyone in the area that someone is there or was recently. I also don't want anyone else getting kitted up off a dead body to use on me.

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I always hide the body, if that dick I killed thinks he can just walk up and get geared again he is WRONG those MY beans I will let them go to waste before him or anyone else can eat them.

Edited by Zyklon p

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If they shoot on sight, I hide their bodies every time. AS50/L85/Coyote Backpack? Hide every time. Friendly guy trying to fight off a horde and loses, I'll guard his body from a safe distance or use it as bandit bait.

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depends on the situation.

but i do think it should be removed from the game. or rather, i think you should need an entrenching tool and 5 minutes to dig a bloody grave.

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I don't mind hiding bodies, I just wish hiding a corpse meant dragging it off somewhere secluded rather than just magically making it sink into the ground.

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  On 9/3/2012 at 9:29 PM, thunderpimp said:

I not only hide bodies, if I find guns in a city, I'll go toss them in a bush just so no one else gets them.

I put them on a dead Z's and then bury them, do the same with loot at crashed helos - kill all the Z's that spawn as you approach, then hide any loot that is no use to me on them and bury them.. bit risky throwing them inna bush..

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