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Pony Vests

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About Pony Vests

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Check out the rest of the videos here: http://www.youtube.c...deos?query=dayz You won't find a better collection of hunk material on the entire net! Magic Mike's got nothing on these hunks.
  2. Chernobyl isn't far off from Chernarus... I'm sure Strelok will be more than happy to join your clan.
  3. I have the most fun while in a vehicle and there is absolutely no reason to not try for them.
  4. If I get sniped while running in a serpentine fashion at full sprint, I don't really care because that sniper actually took the time to learn how to lead his shots. I can't count the number of times I was crouch walking through Elektro and watched more than ten shots from an AS50 land all around me or watched a DMR sniper unload three mags in my general direction. It's laughable how most of the player base who camps sniper hill perceives themselves as real snipers.
  5. Pony Vests

    Hiding bodies a Dick move?

    If they shoot on sight, I hide their bodies every time. AS50/L85/Coyote Backpack? Hide every time. Friendly guy trying to fight off a horde and loses, I'll guard his body from a safe distance or use it as bandit bait.
  6. Shit, people act like they've never played a game in alpha before... This is why alpha should be invite exclusive (to weed out the morons) and beta should be limited open with limited invites (to increase the player-base and also keep the morons out).
  7. Pony Vests

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    To anyone worried about having a less-than-fighting-chance against hackers if you lose all of your gear, you don't stand a fighting chance in the first place. Any one of these script kiddies can enable god mode at any given time and if they want to start teleporting behind you with an AS50 in-hand, there is no amount of gear that will stop that from happening. It's best to just start fresh and hope BattlEye and active admins can catch and do away with all these lame-ass scripters. I've switched to private hives because of how useless it has become to play on open hives. Ten minutes worth of running on several different servers and I can be back to Chern or Elektro rocking a full sniper setup, hacked or non just because I know where a solid line of AS50/L85 tents are sitting.
  8. How can someone possess NVGs and be so ignorant about the ammo name?
  9. Pony Vests


    They were trying this on other forums. They do have a camp up there, but they fill the tents with the gear they loot off the people trying to sneak into the camp
  10. Pony Vests

    Tips for a hiding place for Huey

    An island is about the safest place for a heli (not Skalisty). Just make sure you have a friend with a boat come grab you, otherwise you will lose everything while swimming. Or you could take the ballsy route and hide it inside the church like some people tend to do.
  11. Was that your attempt at poetry? A sentence does not need a line all to itself (and you call someone else a retard... irony). Besides, I like the colored text since it directs your attention to good comparisons and information.
  12. Pony Vests

    I think I just crapped.

    http://i.imgur.com/WA33d.jpg This is what it would have looked like if you didn't get that kill.
  13. Pony Vests

    Disco in Cherno Hosted by TMW!

    Will there be guards for our party? The last one I hosted in Elektro was rudely interrupted by 15 or so AS50 snipers duking it out all on Sniper Hill. It was pretty difficult having a good time tossing chem lights and smoke grenades with all that shooting going on above us.
  14. I believe most of the guns were left out for realism purposes. The odds of finding an ordinary pistol in your average household is pretty high. The odds of finding the same oridinary pistol with a silencer attached is ridiculously high. The M9 being a favored weapon of military personnel is more likely to be found with a silencer attached. Now, I'm sure when someone saw the Makarov SD in their script list to bring over weapons into DayZ, they thought it would be cool to have a silenced Makarov and brough it over. They died, someone else found it thinking it was legit and kept the gun. That person died and the gun changed hands again, but this time into the hands of someone who knew how to dupe. Honestly, I've seen more Gold Revolvers than Makarov SDs, both of which would draw a swift and abrupt ban, but neither of which would break the game. So yes, I'm with the OP in thinking the bans handed out for using guns which offer no real advantage (with or without a SD, if your main gun is a Makarov, you aren't getting far with that alone) is a bit extreme. However, if you're an admin and you see a Makarov SD or Gold Revolver in someone's item list (or however they check for spawned gear), how are you to know they didn't just spawn some weapon crates and take the "cool looking guns" and leave the rest? As we all know, tents, vehicles, and even weapon crates are stuck on a server with this current patch, so if someone spawns in some crates, tents, and sets up shop in Kamenka, every fresh spawn on that server will have access to a plethora of unfair weapons right off the bat; which if they leave with spawned-in guns, they are likely to start getting banned from their home servers without realizing what happened (if they are new to the game). Although, if they implemented some sort of warning system for people with a spawned-in item in their pack, that would be great.
  15. Pony Vests

    Snipers in Elektro.

    I tend to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but that doesn't mean I walk up to them with my gun lowered and say "Hi" while standing still. I will circle you constantly with my gun drawn while talking on the mic. If I don't get a response and you are the proud owner of a gun, you might just get shot if you look like you're aiming at me or trying to lead me. If I get a response and you act suspicious while we are moving around or I look behind when we part ways and you go prone in my direction, you might just get shot. If you are laying on one of the many sniper hills with a DMR or .50, you will get shot on sight and looted as quickly as possible (oh, and don't bother going back for your body... I hide them). I can't count the number of people I've met, helped, shot at, and just ran by who didn't have any ulterior motives other than survival. Almost all of them are just like me and you, just trying to find a better weapon until they meet up with some friends or find that camp they've been looking for. Some of them are just there to rack up kills and will attack you on sight, even if you're carrying an AKM and they are mindlessly swinging a hatchet while screaming "im gunna keeel dis noooob!" over the mic. Moral of the story? Act like a dick and you will get treated like one. Sniping just for kills is a dick move and trying to justify your actions is laughable.