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DayZRP.com - role playing servers [DayZRP Mod|Roleplaying|Events|Strict Whitelist|Player Camps|Trade Post]

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DayZRP is private DayZ community focused on role playing, player cooperation, increasing the player interaction and group combat. In the post-apocalyptic world of DayZRP we have our own lore all players have to follow as well as rules that regulate the role playing gameplay.

All our servers use a strict whitelist system and only the best applicants who show knowledge and will to role play are accepted into our ranks. Our dedicated staff team monitors the servers and punishes any kind of abuse, cheating attempts or non fair play activities. Through in-game events we create plot twists and balance the power on the server to make sure everyone - even those not in the biggest groups - can enjoy the experience. We are also much more than simple DayZ server with rules and a whitelist, we are an active role playing community with forums that have over 600 000 posts and over 11 000 registered members.

We are striving to create an unique DayZ experience and go back to the atmosphere of the first days after the DayZ was released. This is how DayZ was meant to be played - as a cooperative zombie survival game.

If this sounds interesting, register on our website: www.dayzrp.com and apply for the whitelist in order to join. All instructions are on the forums.

We do not have anything to do with other servers calling themselves DayZRP and copying our ideas, the only REAL and ORIGINAL DayZRP servers are available on DayZRP.com!

Community Information
Location: Sweden
Established: July 2012
Website: www.dayzrp.com
Server names:
DayZRP.com -  S1/S2/S3 (DayZRP v1.3.4/Beta 103718) -  www.dayzrp.com

Difficulty: Veteran (3DP:ON CH:OFF)
MaxPing: 500
TeamSpeak3: ts.dayzrp.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DayZRP
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/DayZRP
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DayZRP


Three dedicated game servers, each consisting of:
CPU: Intel i5 4670K @ 4.5GHz
HDD: Samsung SSD 120GB

Dedicated database/web server:
CPU: Intel i5 3570K @ 4.5GHz
HDD: Samsung SSD 250GB

Connection: 1000/1000 Mbit optic fibre

  • 97.27% hack free servers with active admins monitoring the game
  • Strict rules - in character required at all times, no killing on sight, rules of engagement
  • Roleplaying events
  • Over 5000 whitelisted players
  • Strict whitelist - every new member has to pass a rule check and write a roleplaying background for their character
  • Loot tables revamped to make the experience more realistic
  • Tons of new weapons like FAMAS, Steyr Aug, SV-98, USP, AN-94, SVU and lots of russian sidearms and new revolvers like TT30, Beretta M93R and Raging Bull.
  • Lots of new player models available in game and in the donation exchange
  • Changed game mechanics like disabled hiding of bodies, enabled dragging of corpses
  • Zombie damage increased by approximately 50%
  • Variable view distance, can be set individually by players
  • You spawn with a random civilian skin
  • Custom scripts and tweaks
  • Custom made map enhancements like survivor camps and event areas
  • Trade post is back! A safezone where no hostile actions are allowed!
Your story begins here, on DayZRP! Edited by Rolle
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I love the idea of this!! If it was situated closer to Australia I would definitely be keen. Kudos to the idea!

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RP1 is a private DayZ server focused on cooperation and group combat. You can expect to see faction bases, trade posts and join custom events made by the staff. You can also join a group and fight for the control of your clans territory! Here on RP1 players will be generally more friendly than on normal HIVE servers, we also have a no Kill on Sight rule, which means that you have to interact with another player before taking a hostile action. You can find more role-playing rules on our website.

Thanks to a passworded server and frequent database backups you no longer have to worry about hackers. Our admins do their best to stop cheaters, deathmatching and will punish players that use exploits like disconnecting in combat. This is how DayZ was meant to be played - as a cooperative zombie survival.

Some of you might think that it is another try at creating a carebear server - but it's not. Killing is NOT forbidden on RP1 and we do have bandits. We only forbid Killing on Sight, as most of us are tired of snipers camping beaches and players killing each other without any apparent reason.

Wrong. It's meant to played however anyone wants to play it. Who told you it was meant to be a 'cooperative zombie survival'?

Rocket has consistently said it is for the players to decide how they want to play it. The only way it is NOT meant to be played is for admins to dictate how people should play in accordance with their own preferences.

Duck you carebare noob.

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Wrong. It's meant to played however anyone wants to play it. Who told you it was meant to be a 'cooperative zombie survival'?

Rocket has consistently said it is for the players to decide how they want to play it. The only way it is NOT meant to be played is for admins to dictate how people should play in accordance with their own preferences.

Duck you carebare noob.

You are of course welcome to have your opinion, but if you haven't played DayZ first days after the release then you wouldn't understand. My vision is to create something similar to first days of DayZ - where people didn't shoot on sight and instead tried to survive together.

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You are of course welcome to have your opinion, but if you haven't played DayZ first days after the release then you wouldn't understand. My vision is to create something similar to first days of DayZ - where people didn't shoot on sight and instead tried to survive together.

In the nicest possible way, and with the greatest of respect: 'Fuck your vision!'

'You vision' is a utterly seperate concept from 'how the game was meant to be played'. 'You vision' is an irrelevance. That is why it is on a private hive.

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In the nicest possible way, and with the greatest of respect: 'Fuck your vision!'

'You vision' is a utterly seperate concept from 'how the game was meant to be played'. 'You vision' is an irrelevance. That is why it is on a private hive.

Exactly, and that's why nobody is forcing you to play if you don't like the concept! Bye!

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Exactly, and that's why nobody is forcing you to play if you don't like the concept! Bye!

Just correcting you on your incorrect usage of the phrase 'how the game was meant to be played'.

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Even if I disagree with a lot of things that Rolle says/does (sorry, Boss - you can't post about a private server in here, it's forbidden!), I feel that I need to reply to a few points:

Would sign up, if it had a better location.

A few of our members connect from USA and they said that they get better performance compared to a lot of USA servers.

Just check and see if your ping is really low or not.

The hardware is really overpowered and hosted on a good connection.

I can confirm that this is the fastest server I ever played on.

I love the idea of this!! If it was situated closer to Australia I would definitely be keen. Kudos to the idea!

See previous reply. ;)

Duck you carebare noob.

I can assure you this is not a carebear server.

In the last 2 weeks I died 2 times because of bandits, 1 due to a zombie horde I wasn't able to manage, and 1 because I fell off a mountain.

If you are not a Pro-Player (just like me - I'm a noob), the experience on a "standard server" over a span of 2 weeks is... what? 10 deaths? KOS, right? Where's the fun, exactly?



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sounds intriging...

have to look into this more over the weekend.

as a RP player this server interests me greatly.

even thou i play from the West coast of NA. perhaps the ping will be tolerable. i have played euro servers before just fine.

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Please remember that this uses a private hive, so there is nothing that can be really done. Any shitposting will either be warned or deleted, if you don't like it try to be civil and constructive about it.

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playing on this server for the most part is how dayz should be. I fully reccomend it.

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I agree, playing on this server is how DayZ is supposed to be. Not being killed on sight is great, I've met a few friendly people and also helped some out, give and take!

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This server is amazing, I love that the cooperative play doesn't destroy the gaming experience. If I see a player I don't just shoot i try to get closer to see what kind of gear he has then evaluate the situation if its worth shooting him or not.

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This server is totally great. The players and the Admins are really nice. Really recomends this server to all of you!

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I have a question:

If 'shoot on sight' is not allowed, how do people end up killing each other? Do they have to exchange words first? Is there a secret handshake?

EDIT: I'm not trying to be snarky, I ask because I am interested.

Edited by Max Planck
Max 'Not snarky' Planck
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I agree with Max...how are there bandits if you can't KoS? Do they run up to you, shout "Hello" through direct comms and shoot you in the face? I'd be interested to play but was just wondering how this worked lol

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I will register in a minute and try this out. I just cant let all that flaming negative posts uncommented.

How can you even dare to flame someone who spends effort and money on creating and maintaining a server and try to create HIS vision. He just wants to share it with others, you dont need to pay for it, you dont need to do it if you dont want. Its so ridiculous to flame on this.

Im looking forward to this, i like the refreshing experience private hive servers give.

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Take it outside, you two.


Any news on how the anti-KoSsystem works?

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