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When is stealing ok

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So when I play I try and be a nice guy I give food and drinks and if needed meds. Today around 10 eastern time I logged on and found myself about 10 feet away from a tent. now exciment overcame me ( I recently died) so I crept slowly to the tent the took a look at the gear. I found a side arm and sniper both with a few clips so I grabbed them and I also grabbed a blood pack for thoses needed times. what I want to know is when do you guys find it ok to loot from a random tent you find in the wild. to be honest I felt pretty guilty after I took the items I needed

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If he left it unattended then he left it up for grabs. The person who has put the tent there knows when he doesn't guard it or hides it well, items will be stolen. Don't feel guilty (;

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Im a survivor my self, I'm also a proud thief.

I wouldn't shoot you, I might even give you a hand and a weapon, but I just might follow you to your camp.

No body owns anything here, last time I checked, we found them on the ground, putting those thing in a tent does not give you ownership over them so its not exactly stealing.

Just try not to shit all over, dont ruin the camps you find, dont blow the cars, take what you need/can carry.

A car once in a while.

Edited by DancingBear

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I'm a totally super dupers nice survivor, but I take stuff from tents all the time. Consider them kind of like item libraries. If a person stores an item in his tent, the item isn't important for his survival, if it was he'd keep it on his person. This means if you need it for your survival, he basically wants youto take it.

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I always assume people put things in tents as a present for me.

People are so nice.

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I always assume people put things in tents as a present for me.

People are so nice.

I know right, they even leave us fully fixed vehicles ready to go...

this game brings out the good in people

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Stealing is bad, mmmkay?

I will steal from the environment, but I will never loot a tent or steal a vehicle.

People may have worked for those things, and I'm not one to take the fruits of someone's labor.

I usually dump extra ammo or food in other peoples' tents so I'm not as heavily loaded.

Edited by Steve.C

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don't feel guilty, everybody does it and I will happen to you to. It is their fault for not hiding the tent well enough

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I find it ok to steal, also I know if I get caught stealing from their tent and I die I figure, hell I deserved it. Last night for example me and a friend were looting a camp and he said we should log because it was late and he logged and I was gonna go loot other camps that we have the coords to, I got shot getting on the ATV to go so screw it I got caught and I got killed oh well.

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I break into someone's house and steal some food and a bottle of coke. It's not stealling though because those things help me survive and they weren't there so really they wanted me to steal that stuff.

I know the Internet has numbed your intellectual capacities but use common sense.

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Yeah well let's talk about moral problems in a f*cking game. What about shooting on people or dead people? That's ok too you?

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Yeah well let's talk about moral problems in a f*cking game. What about shooting on people or dead people? That's ok too you?


Moving on, stealing is fine. In fact, if you didn't save the tent, they won't even lose anything. I personally just loot and walk off if it's a normal tent, or toss a grenade if it's a hacker tent.

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Looting tents is even good for the game. Many people (yeah, including me) just stack all those items in tents, so they have best equip even after they die. The game is so boring for them then, so safe.

So, if you loot tents, think of it as a kindness for their owners.

(Also, when I found some newbies tent with winchester and cans, when i have some looted weapon I don't like to use but it's rare, like SAW, i place it to tent sometimes.)

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Stealing is fine. Wait until you get a tent so people can do it to you and the cycle completes itself!

Also, stealing a fixed up car is so much better than fixing up one from scratch. I've actually killed someone who just hopped on their ATV for the first time after fixing it. I had it for days before I flipped it (ATVs kinda suck). He got to sit on it for no more than two seconds. You do the math.

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As for my previous comment concerning tent theft that was only to refute the logic that other people presented. I haven't definetly made an opinion regarding it yet. But if it's completely alright and accepted to steal people's things then why is it then accepted to shoot people who do that? It's kind of hypocritical.

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