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SurvivalServers (DayZ)

Game Server Hosting by SurvivalServers.com *** INSTANT SETUP | CUSTOM CP | FTP | CUSTOM MODS | ANTI-HACK **

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Because they were the best, and we gave them such good reviews, They got rushed with business. What we are experiencing is something called Growing pains. Once the updates settle in, they will be back to the great customer service. I have had my issues, but knowing the IT field and working in it, you must understand it will take some tinkering to get mods to work with mods.

For one, I am having an issue with updating right now, TC admin doesnt show server status anymore so i cant shut it down to do the update. I have put in a ticket this morning and paitently will wait for them to resolve the issue.


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Guys, they are still a great server company. Being the first to dive into new waters is never easy, and even though it's been rough they are still doing great. Bear with them, and I trust they will take care of us. Also, has anyone actually studied up on the new database? It seems with the right knowledge of tables this will be much easier to customize.

tl;dr - The past few days have sucked just hold out and it will be worth it

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It looks like the DayZ Map and Vehicle tool is still showing the old database. I sent in a ticket. Is anyone else having this issue as well ? I'm also seeing inventory on the database for the vehicle types. Can I just remove the inventory from the vehicle listing in the database ? I'm sure I can but I was just wondering if this is a glitch from the migration ?

I have the same problem.

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What the hell happened? Two weeks ago you were the best server hosting and now you are like the wrost.

You need too work like before, you were the best.

Are you having an issue with your server? We are going through tickets right now and helping people fix their servers.

Just so you know what's going on, this is our to-do list.

What's being worked on / status updates:


- rMod server settings / rMod spawn vehicles (Run Task, daily task) - 90% done, ETA 2-3 days

- Vehicle spawns based on server settings (requires an update for the new v3.6) - 30% done, ETA 1-2 days

- WhitelisterPro server-side implementation (requires finishing some code) - 40% done, ETA 1-2 days

- BEC / DayZAntiHax update - 0% done, ETA 1 week

- Arma2 beta patch update - 0% done, ETA 2-3 days

- DayZTools database backup, migration, restoration tool - 25% done, ETA 1 week


Guys, they are still a great server company. Being the first to dive into new waters is never easy, and even though it's been rough they are still doing great. Bear with them, and I trust they will take care of us. Also, has anyone actually studied up on the new database? It seems with the right knowledge of tables this will be much easier to customize.

tl;dr - The past few days have sucked just hold out and it will be worth it

Thank you for your support, it really means a lot to us and we are committed to getting everything back on track.

Vehicle tool is showing old database but to me this is by the far the least concerning issue.

This is being worked on as well as the items I listed above, in my first reply to MrKalimotxo.

Edited by SurvivalServers

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My server is stuck in Unknown status, hopefully fixed soon :)

Edited by Zer0Dark

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I will recommend, Gotcha-antihacks to private hive customers, its remote, and detects hacks, and whitelist. Very usefull program.

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I will recommend, Gotcha-antihacks to private hive customers, its remote, and detects hacks, and whitelist. Very usefull program.

We use this as well; helps a great deal with teleporters! :D

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Are you having an issue with your server? We are going through tickets right now and helping people fix their servers.

Just so you know what's going on, this is our to-do list.

What's being worked on / status updates:


- rMod server settings / rMod spawn vehicles (Run Task, daily task) - 90% done, ETA 2-3 days

- Vehicle spawns based on server settings (requires an update for the new v3.6) - 30% done, ETA 1-2 days

- WhitelisterPro server-side implementation (requires finishing some code) - 40% done, ETA 1-2 days

- BEC / DayZAntiHax update - 0% done, ETA 1 week

- Arma2 beta patch update - 0% done, ETA 2-3 days

- DayZTools database backup, migration, restoration tool - 25% done, ETA 1 week


I appreciate the extra information, keeping a steady dialogue with your customers is a good way to earn back respect and keep the hordes at bay. That being said...

I'm still waiting on a fix for my server, we'll be at a full week by tomorrow. People can technically play on the server, so I'm guessing it's not a super high priority, but I honestly don't trust that it's stable enough to play on. No tents/vehicles, and dead bodies from over a week ago sticking around. Also, people are occasionally spawning in on debug island. I'm guessing there's some weird database connectivity issues. Also, TCAdmin isn't working(shows the server as stopped despite the fact that it's running).

So uh, how big is the current backlog? When can we expect to see the problem fixed entirely? I'm trying to give you guys the benefit of the doubt, and restrain the nerd rage somewhat, but we ARE still nearing a full week without a properly working server.

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Both of my servers are still down and completely unusable after the DB update script broke them. Ticket #709153 from yesterday is still sitting with no response...

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Has anyone added any vehicles with the new data base ? If so can you post what you did ? Do we need to add data to the Vehicle table first before adding it to Vehicle_instance ??? I haven't messed around with it yet but I would like to add some custom vehicles to the server and I don't feel like starting and restarting the server for testing purposes unless I have to. I just logged on to my data base and there is a new listing of World_Vehicle.

Edited by Maxxgold

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Has anyone added any vehicles with the new data base ? If so can you post what you did ? Do we need to add data to the Vehicle table first before adding it to Vehicle_instance ??? I haven't messed around with it yet but I would like to add some custom vehicles to the server and I don't feel like starting and restarting the server for testing purposes unless I have to. I just logged on to my data base and there is a new listing of World_Vehicle.

Yes, you must add the custom vehicles you want from rmod into your vehicles list. You can pick up where the list leaves off, I believe 34, and designate your first imported vehicle #35 for its id and continue down the list. Then in vehicle instances you can place them on the map, and instead of having to use class names, you only need to use id numbers. For instance after a fresh install we had 4 uh-1h spawn on map. Their id number is 15. After adding the little bird to our vehicles list, #44, we went into vehicles instances and changed the 15's to 44's and voila, little birds instead of Huey. Hope this helps

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I have now discovered why my database wasn't working.

The reason why the vehicles didn't spawn is because the migration tool only copied ONE vehicle, if other people are having the same issue I suggest you go into the vehicle_instances part of the new database and check to see if you also only have one vehicle. All other parts migrated all users and survivor information copied across to the new server fine without any problems.

Unfortunetly the fix isn't quick as it just took me a good 45 mins to do it.

What I had to do was create a new instance and then slowly copy and paste all the relevant information into the new database, so vehicle type which is now done with a vehicle ID number, vehicle location which is world_space, and then last the inventory of the vehicle.

The vehicles are now happily in the game and the inventories now appear to be in the vehicles. I know this is a slow arse way about fixing the issue I had but now I would consider my server to be finally fully working again and hopefully next time Survival Servers don't force the updates upon people.

Also now hopefully Survival Servers can now fix all the problems with the Tools which I am sure they are working hard to do and update the Map App so that it uses the new database and not the old one.

For anyone interested who is having the same issues as me here is the vehicle ID list:

  1. UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1
  2. UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1
  3. UAZ_Unarmed_UN_EP1
  4. UAZ_RU
  5. ATV_US_EP1
  6. ATV_CZ_EP1
  7. SkodaBlue
  8. Skoda
  9. SkodaGreen
  10. TT650_Ins
  11. TT650_TJ_EP1
  12. TT650_TK_CIV_EP1
  13. Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1
  14. Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1
  15. UH1H_DZ
  16. hilux1_civil_3_open
  17. Ikarus_TK_CIV_EP1
  18. Ikarus
  19. Tractor
  20. S1203_TK_CIV_EP1
  21. V3S_Civ
  22. UralCivil
  23. car_hatchback
  24. Fishing_Boat
  25. PBX
  26. Smallboat_1
  27. Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1
  28. Volha_1_TK_CIV_EP1
  29. SUV_TK_CIV_EP1
  30. car_sedan
  31. hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1
  32. UralCivil2
  33. LandRover_CZ_EP1

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Yes, you must add the custom vehicles you want from rmod into your vehicles list. You can pick up where the list leaves off, I believe 34, and designate your first imported vehicle #35 for its id and continue down the list. Then in vehicle instances you can place them on the map, and instead of having to use class names, you only need to use id numbers. For instance after a fresh install we had 4 uh-1h spawn on map. Their id number is 15. After adding the little bird to our vehicles list, #44, we went into vehicles instances and changed the 15's to 44's and voila, little birds instead of Huey. Hope this helps

Thanks Maximus, Saved me some time with a few un needed restarts. Beans to you Sir

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20 minutes, full transition done without a hitch. :) but now Dayz map tool broke :( no biggie, that was just a convinence.

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Can you guys look at Ticket #356181 coming up on 36 hours and no response. You guys really need to step it up on these ticket response times; 36 hours is ridiculous time frame for support wait time.You guys are starting to rival cable companies, there is no excuse we all are paying good money to you guys. These updates and such should not take precedence over customer service.

Edited by Pegz

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20 minutes, full transition done without a hitch. :) but now Dayz map tool broke :( no biggie, that was just a convinence.

Map tool is being worked on today :P

UPDATE: Bliss 3.6 Lingor Island may be having a few bugs, we strongly suggest using a different map until a Lingor update comes out. These are known bliss bugs and completely out of our control.

"No message received" error is no longer an issue with 3.6, anyone who is still having the issue just let us know and we will fix you up today so your 100% up and running.

All pending orders will be filled today. If you are waiting for a new order, keep checking your email.

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Map tool is being worked on today :P

UPDATE: Bliss 3.6 Lingor Island may be having a few bugs, we strongly suggest using a different map until a Lingor update comes out. These are known bliss bugs and completely out of our control.

"No message received" error is no longer an issue with 3.6, anyone who is still having the issue just let us know and we will fix you up today so your 100% up and running.

All pending orders will be filled today. If you are waiting for a new order, keep checking your email.

Not sure if this is part of the Map Tool fix or different issue, but since 3.6 update I am getting "Access denied for user 'my info' @ 'my info' (using password: YES)"

"my info" is being used in place of my personal info.

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Where are you seeing the error?

UPDATE: Bliss 3.6 Lingor Island may be having a few bugs, we strongly suggest using a different map until a Lingor update comes out. These are known bliss bugs and completely out of our control.

"No message received" error is no longer an issue with 3.6, anyone who is still having the issue just let us know and we will fix you up today so your 100% up and running.

All pending orders will be filled today. If you are waiting for a new order, keep checking your email.

Edited by SurvivalServers

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Where are you seeing the error?

UPDATE: Bliss 3.6 Lingor Island may be having a few bugs, we strongly suggest using a different map until a Lingor update comes out. These are known bliss bugs and completely out of our control.

"No message received" error is no longer an issue with 3.6, anyone who is still having the issue just let us know and we will fix you up today so your 100% up and running.

All pending orders will be filled today. If you are waiting for a new order, keep checking your email.

In web browser

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Has anyone added any vehicles with the new data base ? If so can you post what you did ? Do we need to add data to the Vehicle table first before adding it to Vehicle_instance ??? I haven't messed around with it yet but I would like to add some custom vehicles to the server and I don't feel like starting and restarting the server for testing purposes unless I have to. I just logged on to my data base and there is a new listing of World_Vehicle.

I had to write a couple quick e-mails to my customers asking about bliss 3.6 changes and I thought I'd post them here in case anyone is confused.

I commend you guys for using the latest bliss releases and keeping on top of development and supporting new features as quickly as possible!

The database structure for bliss 3.6 works like this now:

'objects' has been split into four different tables

vehicle - this contains all of the vehicles and their class names and starting inventories and default spawn details.

instance_vehicle - this contains the currently spawned vehicles, link the 'vehicle_id' to the 'vehicle' table's 'id' column.

deployable - this contains classnames of any object that is not a vehicle

instance_deployable - this contains currently spawned non-vehicle objects (you can make the owner 0 for buildings), deployable_id works the same as vehicle_id above.

'spawns' has been renamed to 'world_vehicle'


To add a vehicle you need to go to phpMyAdmin in your cpanel and click on your bliss database on the left, then 'vehicle' and 'insert' at the top, change limit_max to 10 or something and leave the rest default.. for 'class_name' type the vehicle class you want.

Class Lists:

For dayz without rMod - http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/83421-dayz-big-vehicleweaponmisc-classname-list/

For rMod: http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/index.php

Once done click 'Go' and make a note of the 'id' of the new vehicle you added then click 'instance_vehicle' on the left.

Change vehicle_id to the vehicle id noted before, instance to your instanceid (should be the only one selectable), and worldspace is a coordinate system that is kind of difficult to explain - the best way to find coordinates is to place a tank trap in game and then look in the 'instance_deployable' table and copy the position of the tank trap to the 'worldspace' section of the vehicle you are adding. (and then delete the tank trap from the database)

Finally, after all this you need to restart the server and there should be a vehicle where your tank trap used to be.

Edited by ersan191

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