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Was on today like the server :) even when it's not populated still dangerous. Definitely gonna be playing here a lot more.

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Was on today like the server :) even when it's not populated still dangerous. Definitely gonna be playing here a lot more.

Well, some people are just crazy killing machines :)

Dont think we dont have that hehe, but we also got our carebears and friendly people hehe.

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I always was skeptical about private hives but Fraggle invited me to Pl@net and I gave it a shot. After few sessions there I've changed my mind. The server is fast, no dupers, no combat loggers, no ghosting.

Overall people there are nice and friendly. Yesterday I just shot 2 of them in the face.

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We are proud to announce the launch of our DayZ Namalsk server :)

Come try it, its so awsome heheh.

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Really? I love killing campers. I bet they just sit on the highground overlooking it. I've got a decent rifle ATM so might head over there in a bit...

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They're updating tonight, I think they had to wait for Bliss to update.

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Our Celle server is up, with edited loottables! Please check our forums for more info.

Also, we are planning ahead a lot of good stuff.. Coming soon! Stay tuned on our forums and play in-game to be the first to know :)

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Our Celle server is up, with edited loottables! Please check our forums for more info.

Also, we are planning ahead a lot of good stuff.. Coming soon! Stay tuned on our forums and play in-game to be the first to know :)

I shall come check out Celle soon, im borderlining trying out any smaller maps at the moment,

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There will be a new poster up soon with some of the new changes happening.

Its been abit unstabile lately but we have settled down now and got all the duck in rows, so to speak.

Need to chat with the art mastar, but hopefully a new poster will be up soon with the correct information :)

I realise we have lost some people due to the instability lately, thats also one of the reason we made such drastical changes to our setup. But rest asure we arent dead and arent gonna go away :) RL just got in the way of some people and one thing lead to another, well... No need to dwell, lets move forward :)

Everything is updated now and rdy for action, so come join the whitelisted fun hehe.

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Glad to hear it. You guy's are great admins and deserve to have full servers 24 hours a day. I've been away for a bit too so it was good to (briefly) catch up with you yesterday. Gimme a shout as soon as you have the poster details and I'll get on it pronto (the one on the front page ATM sucks), also, I'm thinking a web-site re-vamp may be in order if I can find time, nothing too drastic but I'd like to polish up how it looks at the moment.

Edited by Fraggle

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