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Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

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He is developing it with a large corporation (BIS)

So, if you think this one man is actually in control of everything and that Bohemia interactive are giving Rocket a blank cheque to do this project...

BIS large corporation? BIS have around eighty people total divided into 3 teams.

From my experience with BIS i think Rocket has pretty big freedom (he's the lead developer of dayz afterall) and they won't talk how it should be made and i doubt it was them who suggested make dayz on consoles as they have almost no experience with that.

Edited by Starngere

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I agree, but money allways goes before fanbase in this buisness

Fuck consoles

Only reason i own a 360 caus of halo and gow

Tsk Tsk, you speak on behalf of EA, Activision, and Blizzard. Rocket will not fall prone to greed after putting so much hard work into this project and reaching close to 1.1 million players on a mod alone.

Rocket is his own developer. His own boss essentially, do you really think the developers made any of the decisions related to games being console ports and dumbed down?

Cause I'm pretty sure the decisions are made by the guy upstairs (CEO's. , VPs etc.) counting their money at the end of the quarter, not the devs.

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The mess with modern games DESIGNED for multiple platforms is entirely based on lowest common denominator controls.

I HATE the controls in Skyrim because I can tell that they are designed to accommodate the limitations of a console/controller environment thus ignoring vast swaths of control available through my keyboard.

then mod it, there's plenty out there and plenty more being developed, that's the beauty of PC gaming.

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Cause I'm pretty sure the decisions are made by the guy upstairs (CEO's. , VPs etc.) counting their money at the end of the quarter, not the devs.

I doubt that it was because of BIS as they are mainly PC devs. Btw BIS CEO helps rocket with development he and Rocket recorded some animations for Dayz. ;)

Operation flashpoint & red river worked well on the xbox. Dont these games use the Arma 2 engine or something similar?

no they do not use same engine

Edited by Starngere

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then mod it, there's plenty out there and plenty more being developed, that's the beauty of PC gaming.

thing is bro, BF went like this:

PC Only -> Multiplatform -> No more modding

yea, its beautiful alright

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I am just giving BI and Rocket some credit. I don't think they would throw their loyal following under the bus for the sake of MS or Sony. EA does though. Did I mention EA is a terrible, Evil industry destroying machine yet? Well it is...

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Agreed with OP, NO CONSOLE.

It's the best way to ruin the game.

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•Wrong, Xbox 360 and PS3 are on DX9. Yes, PC is on DX11, but that's not the point here.

Yes it is because it means that the graphics will look way better on a PC rather than on a console.

•Wrong, BF3's framerate is 30fps with vertical sync for both consoles, and can be put in 720p if you have an HDTV.

Personally I can't really say anything to this since I don't have any facts, but I have a friend who played it who says it was a bit laggy and that he dropped in fps sometimes.

•I wasn't saying COD is worth discussing. Ignore COD for now.


•Wrong, as not all game trailers are filmed on the pc. How would they film console exclusives?

/Facepalm ? You do realise that all games are made ON a pc right?

•Wrong, PS3 is 6 years old, and both PS3 and Xbox 360 can run every game made nowadays. Proof that they are not outdated. Outdated wold mean that they cannot run it at all. And 100% + stronger doesn't make sense.

No it only proves that the companies are sacrificing quality so they can sell the games on consoles, games like arma 2 will not be able to run on todays consoles BECAUSE their hardware is outdated...

•Wrong, both Crysis 1 and 2 run well on Xbox and PS3, as will Crysis 3.

Look at the point above

•Plenty of games have daily/monthly updates. Example: Halo Reach.

Okay that is good I guess

•Wrong, toning down some features (which they aren't going to do) when putting DayZ on console has nothing to do with the PC version of DayZ. Useless point you have.

Yes they are and it is a vary valid point, why should they make features for the PC version if they are not going to be in the console version that is a waste of programming resources if you could make features that can be run on both. Hence it will result in a dumbed down version to be able to run on a console.

•Wrong, the Xbox 720 is coming out Christmas 2013, and PS4 is coming out either end of this year or middle of next.

Okay while they will be able to run arma 3 for sure we will sooner rather than later have computers that have way better hardware and the same problem will arise again.

•Wrong, if DayZ doesn't expand, it will die. PC-only games die out quickly, unless they have a console port. The War Z will suffer a similar fate, because that will be a PC-only game. Name a PC-only game other than an MMORPG that is still popular today. DayZ is not an MMORPG, so do not even try to say that it is.

Haha are you serious? Counter-Strike which is still played today (yes I'm talking about 1.6), arguably the last year anyone will play it remotely serious but it is still a 12 year old game. Then we have Starcraft (1) which is also the last year that will be played but yet also a VERY old game. Name one game that have survived for that long on a console... well you can't because the console it self is not old enough ^^.

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Everyone here seems to forget that we'll have PC DayZ way before we have the console version and there's no talk about cross-platform compatibility so there would be absolutely no reason to change the PC version

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People said the same thing about BF3 on consoles. It runs fine. Never lags, no FPS frops, nothing. And the graphics look amazing! But yeah I'm pretty sure my PS3 could easily handle that game on 720p no prob. 50 frames average.

errr I very much doubt that, and 720p is very low res for a PC and looks like poo once you're used to a PC. No way any console could run DayZ as it is now, no matter what res. 50 FPS? Pfffffffffft try 15 if you're lucky, and on lowest settings. Oh and it certainly would not handle a badly optimised engine like the one used for DayZ. Even people with monster rigs have massive slowdowns at time. Anyways point is moot, DayZ is the kind of game that should remain PC only thank you very much! :)

You people almost make me ashamed of being a PC gamer. The second I tell someone I play a lot of PC games too they immediately think "wow, I bet that guy's a dick".

PC elitists smfh... you guys are like Nazi's. Glorifying Germany and the Aryan race and all that like it's something special.

Good way to get your forum account banned. Pro Tip for you: Never ever call anyone a nazi or use the terms you just did, it's nasty, makes you sound like the dickhead racist you probably are and makes people ignore everything else you say.

You're the one who SHOULD be ashamed and of course you're going to come across like a dick when you make dickish remarks like that. Not to mention the fact you completely NULLIFY everything that might have had some credibility, by being such a wanker in the next phrase/paragraph.

People said the same thing about BF3 on consoles. It runs fine. Never lags, no FPS frops, nothing. And the graphics look amazing! But yeah I'm pretty sure my PS3 could easily handle that game on 720p no prob. 50 frames average.

And now you just make yourself look like a complete idiot attempting to sound like you know something. That comment alone just blows everything else you said to smithereens due to the fact it is complete fabrication

THere is NO game that NEVER lags or drops FPS....and no the graphics don't look amazing, so add to your resumé "extremely poor taste and no eye for visual quality".......seriously you have made a lot of people ROFLMAO with this last comment :D Thanks for the lulz bro

Edited by Irenicus
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What a bunch of wierdos, get out ya tunnel vision and stop acting like consoles shouldn't be around.

Of course it's gonna be dumbed down but not everyone is a PC nerd that buys £100+ graphic cards just to play afew games.

Plus if u guys don't even play on consoles then why the hell do u guys even care??

Again if u don't want hackers buy a PS3 cuz every game on a PC can be hacked.

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What a bunch of wierdos, get out ya tunnel vision and stop acting like consoles shouldn't be around.

Of course it's gonna be dumbed down but not everyone is a PC nerd that buys £100+ graphic cards just to play afew games.

Plus if u guys don't even play on consoles then why the hell do u guys even care??

Again if u don't want hackers buy a PS3 cuz every game on a PC can be hacked.

So you're posting on a forum from your PS3 then off to play some PC games on your console are you? No didn't think so. And btw you are completely fooling yourself if you think that every game on the PS3 or Xbox doesn't get hacked too.

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This would be a disaster. The dayz I want to play would not be possible on consoles. How can Dean say he wants to have 150-200 players per server if its to be ported to console? We all know that consoles cant even support modest numbers in MP games.

Maybe Dean is just tired of all the hackers and console is the only way to keep it to a minimum.

Consoles are meant to be a toy for kids. The reason consoles have huge sales is because of the ease-of-use. Stick in a disk, maybe have to download something, and play. That's it. While the argument would come up about "I have a life/job/sexual responsibility" would come up, it's always the same tired argument.

As for the hacking issues, no game is hacker-free. Not even on the consoles. Consoles have a far less percentage of hackers, yes. But that's due to the limits of the consoles themselves. You won't find an XBox or PS3 user ever whine because the hackers and script-kiddies are ruining their game. Consoles are under tight control due the the Sony attacks about a year ago.

Basically, the person who buys/writes a hack is the problem. NOT the game itself. NOT the platform, be it console or PC. The fact that the PC has more hacks/scripts per capita than the console kids is because the PC gaming crowd actually learns how to use their system effectively, albeit for good or evil.

For Rocket and team to go to a standalone game I feel is a right choice. It gives them the freedom to build up DayZ without having to worry about the intermediate issues involving ArmA, such as the artifacting wire/glass/dead soldiers. Nor would they be outrightly blamed for nerfing the weapons (see the 1.62 ArmA patch). The Engine would be theirs, to do with as they will.

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Nope off my IPhone at work.

I played counter strike source for years on my PC but I also play PS3.

Plus i didn't say xbox I said PS3 games don't get hacked unless it's glitches in the game.

I don't understand why u guys are moaning, it's great news for DayZ and the people who work there butts off for it.

So you're posting on a forum from your PS3 then off to play some PC games on your console are you? No didn't think so. And btw you are completely fooling yourself if you think that every game on the PS3 or Xbox doesn't get hacked too.

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Your post is completely true, and yet irrelevant in this particular case as Rocket has stated it will be developped for PC, and THEN ported to the consoles.

DICE said that too and look how that turned out

definately going to wait on this one now rather than instant buy

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Don't be so selfish, not everyone can afford a high spec PC to run games like ARMA...

Errrrrr you hardly need a (by today's standard) high spec pc to run Arma but you indeed need some knowledge of tweaking/optimisation and troubleshooting. My PC was the shizz bizz when I built it 5 yrs ago and it still runs most games on very high to max graphics, but only because I know how to get the most out of it and because I bought top notch hardware. But it is FAR from being a high end pc and arma 2 runs great on it. DayZ is a bit more tricky and performance varies but with tweaking, trial and error I have it running nice and smoothly 90% of the time :)

Edited by Irenicus

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Throw it on the newest consoles coming out next year or after that then I'm happy. But if it does realy go to consoles then you can kiss sidechat and the like goodbye since consoles don't ship with keyboards.

Edited by Recaldy

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Throw it on the newest consoles coming out next year or after that then I'm happy. But if it does realy go to consoles then you can kiss sidechat and the like goodbye since consoles don't ship with keyboards.

LOL sidechat is extinct anyway and is only used on servers for noobs. Any veteran or hardcore gamer/DayZ'er stays away from sidechat servers since it's a complete annoyance and waste of bandwidth; hence why you only find it on a few rare servers (thankfully!).

So your point? I don't get because of the above. Sidechat is a function that we can all (and should) live without.

Don't be so selfish, not everyone can afford a high spec PC to run games like ARMA...

We heard you the first time, and you were wrong then, so posting it again isn't going to make you right lmao

Edited by Irenicus

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BIS large corporation? BIS have around eighty people total divided into 3 teams.

From my experience with BIS i think Rocket has pretty big freedom (he's the lead developer of dayz afterall) and they won't talk how it should be made and i doubt it was them who suggested make dayz on consoles as they have almost no experience with that.

Depends what you determine the size by, the EU uses staff count and turnover to gauge the "Size" of an enterprise. The amount of games BIS have sold recently ontop of that past performances I wouldn't be surprised if their turn over launched them quite high up.

On top of that, they're both game companies... both companies are in the console and PC market. I'd be surprised if BIS didn't see this an opportunity to milk it and gave Rocket something nice and special to ensure he stayed with them for the stand alone game.

Plus if u guys don't even play on consoles then why the hell do u guys even care??

For maniacmike or probably others that haven't actually seen the point of this I'll reiterate it...

Consoles are under powered compared to PCs, therefore the amount of stuff in a game (Map Size, Player count, engine capabiltiy etc) will need to be limited to allow it to be a console port. Now the problem is and using BF3 as a prime example. Apparently the PC was the lead platform but it shifted to the console market... what happened? The PC version also had to suffer some of the limitations of the consoles and since they were producing the same game they didn't alter the maps for both platforms. BF3 has the same maps but just more control points on the PC, not much different, key bindings are screwed up, destruction is terrible.

So basically, next time... open your eyes and read.

TLDR: Console ports tend to limit the content, quality and overall satisfaction of a PC game due to limitations of said console.

Again if u don't want hackers buy a PS3 cuz every game on a PC can be hacked.

Seriously what a retarded point to make, Tell me again how your credit card details are safe with PSN...

Edited by Mastiff

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obviously arma 2 would not run on a console , but everyone is pretty sure the nexgen console will be released in the next year or the year after probally about the same time DayZ will be ready to be ported to consoles so if it can handle it sure why not, if you play a game designed for a console and complain it is shit on pc what do you expect, the point is that it is being made for pc so why should pc fanboys care if it goes to console

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Every. Single. Time. a gaming company ports something to console they say "Don't worry, the PC version won't suffer, it'll still be super awesome!".

Every. SIngle. Time. They are fucking lying.

Guess rocket just see's dollar signs in his eyes now, if he goes ahead with this.

Which I find unlikely.

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i completely agree. just hearing of a console release lowers my expectations for the game on pc, it could even effect my decision to purchase the game, considering i have already paid £25 for it.

please make a proper pc version, and fill it out with new ideas and content, and charge $60 for it. this will be much better than releasing the game almost as it is for $15, and then going to work on console versions.

just please set your efforts on making a great pc game with alot of depth, and you will have plenty of support and money in the end.

Edited by tfninja

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