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About TalkingGoats

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    North Carolina
  1. lol you should have been playing this music during the stand off. You were the one acting suspicious though. Not looting and just following him around...
  2. TalkingGoats

    Day Z Gfx Settings

    Highest everything @ 1900 x 1080 on only a Radeon HD 6750 1 GB. I turn off post processing. This game is brutal on my color blind eyes.
  3. TalkingGoats

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    I am just giving BI and Rocket some credit. I don't think they would throw their loyal following under the bus for the sake of MS or Sony. EA does though. Did I mention EA is a terrible, Evil industry destroying machine yet? Well it is...
  4. TalkingGoats

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    Arma 3 spec list guess list not too far from Bf3 or Crysis...... They have ports on the consoles..
  5. TalkingGoats

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    EA's influence destroys a lot of things. Mass Effect is the best example. "WHERES MY MONEY BITCH?" should be EA's tag line.
  6. TalkingGoats

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    24 player cap is fine for a game like this. Even 30 players feels too crowded. In my humble opinion. Some things just won't work on a console, but DayZ would be just fuckin fine.
  7. TalkingGoats

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    What the fuck ever Civ Rev was fantastic. I probably have more than 2000 hours on that shit. It just had more of a board game feel to it than the rest of the Civs. (Which also feel like fucking board games).
  8. TalkingGoats

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    DayZ as I have been playing it right now would be fine on a console with nerfed graphic settings and 24 player cap. Its cute how butt hurt you "PC Master Race" people get. There really isn't anything complicated about DayZ. No customization, very basic ... EVERYTHING. If they could trim the Arma 2 fat from it it would very easily be playable on a console.
  9. TalkingGoats

    Weapon Poll

  10. Yesterday while gather loot and running it back to my tent on US 1338, it randomly became night. Then I could hear footsteps around me and I was one shotted. Re logged onto the server and it was day time. WTF happened?
  11. TalkingGoats

    Tent items disappearing

    That is kind of weird. Sounds like the tent duped. Which would be the cause of the disappearing gear from what I have read. Can't say for sure though as I just found my first tent yesterday, after 100 hours of game time.
  12. TalkingGoats

    What kind of traps can you think of?

    I seam to fall for the old "This van only needs 2 tires and a can of gas" trick. Bring that shit back and a wookie kills you.......
  13. TalkingGoats

    Tent items disappearing

    Yeah Scheff. That second tent was a one fingered salute lol.
  14. TalkingGoats

    How do you get a dog now?

    You should also be albe to eat the dog.