crockett (DayZ) 41 Posted August 14, 2012 (edited) Much like the number of active players that keeps going up we also now see this fictitious number of hackers banned that goes up each day.. Yet do we really see any less hackers?I don't even try to play on larger serves because anytime I have it's been full of hackers. Now they are even hitting low populated servers.. I've died and had to start over 3 times in the last 2 days 2 times from hackers teleporting right on top of me and the 3rd due to a game glitch that sent me rocking into the air to my instant death just because I stepped on some rocks. Honestly after this, what is the point so I can get killed again by some pimple face 12 year old using a script?I'm playing on servers with only 4 to 8 players at max and I've been killed/lost all my stuff 2 times since yesterday by hackers and once by the glitch. What is the point of playing this game if it takes me hours to build up a decent kit only a hacker take it away in 2 seconds. I can deal with the glitch but the hacking is game breaker and ends the game for me.TBH I think the onlyt thing I will bother doing now is run around the starting beaches and axe people until that gets boring then I'm likely done if the hacking isn't stopped.. It's not worth spending time & effort actually playing the game because it takes zero effort & time for a script kiddies to kill you.Seriously if there were actually 12k players banned & losing their accounts we would see a decrease on the hacking not an increase. There would still be some, but overall it would become a lot more rare so I call BS on the fictitious number of so called hackers banned as I think it's just a PR line. Edited August 14, 2012 by crockett 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MitchRan91 25 Posted August 14, 2012 ..or just bad luck? I've seen 1 hacker in my entire play time.. and even then, all he had done was "carpet bomb" cherno 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stripes 92 Posted August 14, 2012 Yea out of 1.2 million players I'd hazard a guess theres at least 24k hackers playing the game.kthxbye Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Northyy 12 Posted August 14, 2012 ..or just bad luck? I've seen 1 hacker in my entire play time.. and even then, all he had done was "carpet bomb" chernoyou must be new then. In the last 4days I've seen at least 5-10 hackersJust today I was walking near elektro and 3guys in boat were gliding in the air pass me.Its out of hand, Once I get good gear like as-50, gps, night v, etc ill just die by a hacker the next day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted August 14, 2012 The internet is neverending army of retards with money to blow on games, hacks and new game IDs. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 75 Posted August 14, 2012 I have come across an ammo crate once and another time I came across 2 black SUVs with TONS of loot in them, never actually SEEN a hacker though... Good luck for me maybe but never seen a hacker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NightRipper 284 Posted August 14, 2012 The title of this thread is misleading. I was expecting a story about how 12,000 hackers were responsible for you being banned. The actual thread was far less entertaining. 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buffjesus 357 Posted August 14, 2012 (edited) you must be new then. In the last 4days I've seen at least 5-10 hackersJust today I was walking near elektro and 3guys in boat were gliding in the air pass me.Its out of hand, Once I get good gear like as-50, gps, night v, etc ill just die by a hacker the next this?? PBX DUN GIVE NO SHITZ Edited August 14, 2012 by Buffjesus 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nathkrul 12 Posted August 14, 2012 Seen lots of hackers in the UK Servers to be honest, just the other day me and a friend were making our way to NW airfield, he went for a 2 min break and I heard ring a ring a roses song on global chat, I left the server before it got too " a tish you a tish you, we all fall down " but he was too late, killed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MitchRan91 25 Posted August 14, 2012 Nope, well over a month now. For a few hours a day almost every day.Maybe Im lucky and will probs reget saying this but heyho.(FYI, only play on UK serves between 2pm - 11 pm) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shadytash101 10 Posted August 14, 2012 i am UK, play on both UK and US servers. the last 4/5 days, i have seen a hacker... who disappeared before doing anything and never returned...its better now... a few remain but i believe they got quite a few, and many are running scared Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted August 14, 2012 (edited) Your mistake is in seeing hackers as a single group that gets smaller as they are banned.Most hackers are just people bored with the game who, instead of quitting and walking away, decide to "go out with a bang" and hack until they get banned because they weren't planning to play anymore anyway.It's a moving population. 12,000 banned so far doesn't stop the 25 new ones who will show up today, and all it takes is 10-20 on any given night to hop around from server to server and impact thousands of people.You overestimate their presence because of the size of their impact (kill the whole server) and their portability (jump around doing it on multiple servers).There aren't that many hackers, they're just very powerful and mobile.And there's no reason to doubt BattleEye's claims, really.Much like the number of active players that keeps going upAs for this asinine tripe, the number has actually been falling shaprly lately. It was over 200k two weeks ago and now back down to 167k which are numbers from like 6 weeks ago...If you're going to go all paranoid conspiracy theorist, at least try not to base your theories on completely false premises. Edited August 14, 2012 by ZedsDeadBaby Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmashT 10907 Posted August 14, 2012 (edited) It's a fucking conspiracy!Seriously though, I do not doubt for a second that BattlEye has banned 12k players, that's only a small drop in the ocean though, the majority of whom have probably already purchased a new copy to cheat with. Cheating is always going to exist, I'm confident most of the existing cheats we are seeing can/will simply be made impossible in standalone. Edited August 14, 2012 by smasht_AU Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 15 Posted August 14, 2012 The title of this thread is misleading. I was expecting a story about how 12,000 hackers were responsible for you being banned. The actual thread was far less entertaining.I really, really wish that 12,000 hackers had banned his ass.But yeah, up until today I hadn't directly experience one instance of hacking personally (been playing for months and months, on the Australian servers). And then in one fell swoop, I've seen a ridiculous amount just today.Got killed by a bandit faced guy who, as we unloaded into him, begged friendly and ran around a corner. He then called out saying he'd been knocked unconscious and could we please help him. We felt pretty bad, so I went around. As I got right next to his supposedly unconscious body he completely disappeared and was replaced with a satchel charge which blew me right to hell.Then, later in the day, I hatcheted 2 guys to death on the hills over Elektro, both of whom had thermal AS-50s and PDW SDs. The best part was I did it while playing the Pokemon battle music over direct chat and yelling "Hatchet, use cut!".But I wouldn't be surprised if 12k hackers had been banned. In those 2 servers today, I saw at least 5 people be banned (including the guy that satchelled us). So if that's in the few hours I played, over thousands of servers, it could easily be 12k. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DieVirulenz 5 Posted August 14, 2012 I play mostly on lowly populated servers, never seen any hacker so far. If I do and get killed...well nature of the game. I wont get angry, in the end they loose, I know they are weak persons mostly, and well if he can just find this way of gaming be it.But I would NEVER EVER complain about it. That´s just feeding them bobs the tears they so much hunger for :P 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mastiff (DayZ) 42 Posted August 14, 2012 Had our server raped by a pair of script kiddies for a few hours then a quiet time after the server emptied and then when it filled back up we were treated to thunderdome... yay. Earlier that morning with only a few people online i saw 2 choppers and a boat that teleported.Rocket/dayz staff leave admins helpless with their do not do not do not list Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crockett (DayZ) 41 Posted August 14, 2012 (edited) Had our server raped by a pair of script kiddies for a few hours then a quiet time after the server emptied and then when it filled back up we were treated to thunderdome... yay. Earlier that morning with only a few people online i saw 2 choppers and a boat that teleported.Rocket/dayz staff leave admins helpless with their do not do not do not listYea this is another issue all together the fact that many are paying their hard earned cash to run servers for this game and are left with no ability to do anything about the hackers other than go to private hives which means their servers get blacklisted banned.Also to the guy above that thinks he saw 5 guys get banned. I hate to break it to you but that is just server admins banning whom ever and they can still usually fake their info and get back in.. Server admins don't dish out battle eye bans so those 5 guys you saw get banned Vladimir were likely not banned on all servers. Edited August 14, 2012 by crockett Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maclawa 10 Posted August 14, 2012 1 month playing on high pop servers,1 hacker incident, dropped the server from the sky. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
khalim 23 Posted August 14, 2012 i have played for about a month and a half and i have only seen 1 hacker so far (thunderdomed the server i was on) and what might have been the work of a hacker (all the trees around cherno had been knocked down) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MastaOfDisasta 30 Posted August 14, 2012 200+ hours played, and I've only encountered maybe 1 hacker. I say maybe because I'm not 100% sure it was a hacker, but my friend said he put a clip in him and didn't die, and the 'hacker' was in a hanger but wasn't spawning zombies prior to our arrival. That said, we're still on edge ready to log out at any sign of a teleport. Luckily we haven't had the need.Hackers don't seem any worse in this game than in BF3 or MW3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
velyse (DayZ) 22 Posted August 14, 2012 I stay off servers with more than 25 people playing. Almost every time I'm on a server and the population climbs past 30 or so, someone comes on and fucks it all up. Two days ago myself and a buddy got instakilled in the woods in BFE.Last night I was on a server with like 12 people and someone teleported everyone to the NWAF. Hit my bitch key and got the fuck out. 4 days ago "Jason Voorhes" or a clone of his was playing that creepy song and teleported everyone 40ft into the air above the apartments in cherno then ran around with an axe killing anyone who returned for loots. A week ago I got hit by what looked like a hailstorm of gau cannon rounds off of a A10 outside elektro.I really wish I were as lucky as some of you guys who claim to only have seen one hacker in 3 months of playing or whatever but I've been playing since may and damned if I haven't seen at least 50 or so. It's almost gauranteed anymore that I'm gonna run into one any time im on a server that's like 30/50 people or better. So I just avoid them but even then it still happens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 141 Posted August 14, 2012 ..or just bad luck? I've seen 1 hacker in my entire play time.. and even then, all he had done was "carpet bomb" chernoFnially, I started to think I was the only one who doesn't get killed of by some hacker every ten seconds. Last time I saw one was a few weeks ago and he didn't do anything but teleport me around a bit, I even ended up at the same location as before. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McLovinCR 29 Posted August 14, 2012 I've been playing for around 1 month and found only 1 hacker. To teleported 5 times wherever i was and killed me. Bad luck i supposed, after that my friend and I run to Berezino and we found our backpacks intact, no harm, no foul I think. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillySil 295 Posted August 14, 2012 For I moment I thought that 12k hackers banged your ass... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crockett (DayZ) 41 Posted August 14, 2012 (edited) I think some of you might not realize when hacks are being used in this game. It's not that common or at least for me to be teleported to some thunder-dome or be dropped from the air somewhere. The most common usage is when "they" teleport to "your" location and kill you as a normal player would.Example the 1st death I had to a hacker yesterday I was running through open field outside Elektro.. It was pretty easy to see no one was anywhere near me, then bam all of a sudden guy is right on top of me with SD M4 or MP5. I went from having no one near me to having a guy right next to me out of the blue.Today I died the same way out in the woods in middle of nowhere.. I'm moving along then bam guy is right on top of me.Now some might assume this was normal PVP and think damn just unlucky but on 1st occasion I know there was no one else there and there was nowhere to hide in a open field. The 2nd maybe you might think I was in wrong spot at wrong time bu the dead give away was there were only 5 people on the server and all 5 had been killed with-in 3 to 4 mins.. I had a feeling it was a hacker and I should have logged but I didn't as I hoped for the best.I watched one of these script kiddies on his live stream on ownedTV and that was the exact tactic he was using. He was spawning "near" the other player to get the drop on them.. It wasn't every player teleported to an island and having cows dropping on our heads.. it was single guy teleporting across the map killing people. I'd be willing to be a lot of you have been killed like this and didn't realize they used a hack. Edited August 14, 2012 by crockett Share this post Link to post Share on other sites