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About martin_sonderegger@bluewin.ch

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  1. martin_sonderegger@bluewin.ch

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    I'm probably preoccupied on Sunday, so whenever the meetup takes place, I can't guarantee to show up this time.
  2. martin_sonderegger@bluewin.ch

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Given the fact that about 50% of the male population are gay, chances are that 50% of us are gay. But we also have to consider the fact that no-one on the internet has sex anyway, so it doesn't matter.
  3. martin_sonderegger@bluewin.ch

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    I've still got some special brownies here, but I doubt they will enhance your concentration.
  4. martin_sonderegger@bluewin.ch

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    I'm lef behind too. I think we should stop spamming the thread when you're not around. :D
  5. martin_sonderegger@bluewin.ch

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    If I manage to get somewhere near civilization (or what's left of it) I'll hit you up, but right now I feel I shouldn't touch anything. Four of my buddies were banned and I'm pretty sure they weren't scripters. ^^ Time to play some Dark Souls again, maybe I won't die within the first 5 seconds this time.
  6. martin_sonderegger@bluewin.ch

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    I'm on the road on the north-west side of the map, the one that goes up to Russia, with no vehicle what so ever. ^^
  7. martin_sonderegger@bluewin.ch

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Sorry, but I have to ask this: How many of you still have a valid CD key? :D I just tried to join a server with 4 other guys and I'm the only one who didn't got a global ban. Now I'm all alone and scared and nobody I know is still able to play the game. I could live with that, better than trusting anyone with 1 post.
  8. martin_sonderegger@bluewin.ch

    Mass ban wave

    Join a regular DayZ server and check the message, if you get kicked. If it's something along the line of "BE global ban #15181" (some kind of number), it's a legit ban and you have to contact BE. If you don't get this kind of message, than Lingor was fucked up again you shouldn't have any problems.
  9. martin_sonderegger@bluewin.ch

    Mass ban wave

    "So i was playing lingor" Sounds familiar? Nobody here can do anything about BE bans anyway, contact the company directly.
  10. martin_sonderegger@bluewin.ch

    How Do i use ArmA 2 DLC (PMC) for DayZ

    And don't forget to make sure that PMC (or any other expansion like BAF) is listed in the "Expansions" thingy in the main ARMA2 menu.
  11. martin_sonderegger@bluewin.ch

    Mass ban wave

    And nobody gives a shit about Lingor Island in the DayZ forums anyway. It's like writing a formal complaint to EA because you were banned from CoD.
  12. martin_sonderegger@bluewin.ch

    Mass ban wave

    I didn't know about this show. Now I've looked it up and I will probably loose 2 weeks of my life again. Off to the pirate bay! I want to be burried with it.
  13. martin_sonderegger@bluewin.ch

    Mass ban wave

    So this is the spot to post stuff not related to DayZ? Great! I want to complain about Dark Souls, I die the whole time and I feel ashamed about it.
  14. martin_sonderegger@bluewin.ch

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    I was at the last two events and I can safely say I would fail most questions just because my memory is realy bad.
  15. martin_sonderegger@bluewin.ch

    Which shooters did you play before Dayz

    This should be multiple choice. I've played Quake, UT, Counter Strike, Operation Flashpoint, Battlefield, ARMA, CoD and a bunch of good singleplayer shooters (Stalker etc.) and I enjoy all of them for different reasons.