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Admin abuse US1320, restarting the server after vehicle is stolen

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Hey guys, I just wanted to say I was the guy in the ghillie suit who, luckily/unluckily, before you started shooting (thank you for waiting for me to leave, haha!)

Now I just joined these gentlemen 3 days ago, they are pretty chill guys.

Here is what has happened while I have been with them for the 2 days:

A hacker came on 2 days ago, and spawned a dog (I just updated to so i thought they implemented dogs)

So I was like wow this is awesome, he started running ahead and naturally i followed it; then that is when it happened.

A helicopter spawned right beside the dog (north of cherno) and I was given a ghillie and a AS50; immediately I knew a hacker was on, I told these guys to restart but they were kicked from the admin ui thing (I am completely forgetting the name of it)

So it took them about 2 min or so to finally get in and restart the server; which really sucked.

But hey, hackers/scripters gonna hack/script.

Later that day we found the helicopter was MIA, we thought the hacker moved out helicopter to cherno so we went down and looked, but found nothing.

While we were down there we grabbed car parts + medical supplies and looked for other things.

That night, like they told me they do most nights, they turned off the server while none of them are awake. Reason being; if a hacker was to go on while they are all MIA then the server would be torn to shreds, so I understand why they do that.

And yeah, that is give or take my story with them.

TL;DR I have seen a hacker on 50% of the days I have played.

EDIT: Poor grammar, I apologize.

Edited by Zetti

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Dez, please stop engaging your accuser. All you are doing is fueling his angst. You believed hackers had found your camp and killed you. Due to the latest BattlEye script restriction issue, you were unable to log back into the game to kick/ban the alleged hackers. So you had to use the control panel to shut down the server instead.

You did nothing wrong. You were somewhat ignorant about the problem at hand, however. This whole thing with crying hackers doesn't make for much of a defense to be honest. Because a true hacker would have dropped a parachuting cow on your camp with a nuclear bomb attached. They very likely would not travel by foot to your camp and snipe you.

Either way, relax man. You acted out of emotion and that's ok. You now know that you shouldn't have done that and should have instead approached the situation with a level head to see exactly what had happened and why it happened.

Now, the issue of shutting off your server when you go to bed. While this isn't written in the rules, you have to understand it is considered a breach of conduct. You see, the entire idea of this game is for players to engage in real life scenarios such as backstabbing, murdering, colluding with the enemy and basic general douchbaggery to each other. When you shut down the server and only have it up to play on, you are removing the ability for others to play on it. By doing do you are keeping the server as a playground only for you and your friends. And this is blatantly wrong.

To save yourself a great deal of hassle, reverse any bans you made upon the players involved as it's clear no one was a hacker. Then put your server online and allow the player base to continue with whatever the hell they want to do in the DayZ game world. Because that's the right thing to do.

Do you know what locking the server does for you?

It provides a safety net, where you cannot die, and you can hoard items and vehicles to your hearts content.

Do you know why we don't have any "safe" zones, and why we have tents that can be raided and destroyed?

So people can kill you and do as much griefing as they want, that's PART of the game.

Do you know why they did a vehicle and tent cleanup on the entities that were placed outside of the map boundaries?

Because people were using it as a "safety" net that prevented people from finding their vehicles and or tents.

What does this all mean?

If you are unable to lock the server to prevent people from killing you or raiding your tents and stealing your vehicles...if you are unable to hide those vehicles and tents outside of the map....and since there is no "safe" zone......what makes you think it's okay to shut down the server when you are not playing?

You cannot do that.

That is called exploiting the game. How? You're shutting the server down so that nobody can come and destroy your tents, take your items or vehicles. You're doing it to prevent griefing and to "SAVE" your items.

Rocket has stated numerous times that things like this WILL get your server blacklisted.

Some rules don't need to be posted. There's a bit of common sense needed to know what you aren't supposed to do in this situation. I mean come on, if you can't lock it, what makes you think it would be okay to shut it down while you sleep or dont play?

Edited by Ped
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Last time I checked, "acting out of emotion" isnt a reasonable excuse for restarting the server numerous times. If you actually watched in the video, He shot at him a couple times, then he either rage-quit or whatever, then he starts driving away, after that, the server restarts, then it restarts again, He keeps restarting it to prevent the vehicle from being stolen.

If you REALLY want him to upload the full feature then he will, Hes not afraid, We don't have to prove we didn't hack, HE has to prove that WE did. Which, I can tell you straight up, There is no evidence of hacking because we didn't hack. We had an inside source on where the camp was, That's how we found it. Blame a disgruntled teammate that exposed the camp location. All we did was take advantage of the information. We are the victims not him.

Edited by xbamaris
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Way to start your post by saying he did nothing wrong then continue to say how he did stuff wrong, Hypocritical, And funny thing is, none of us hacked,

Last time I checked, "acting out of emotion" isnt a reasonable excuse for restarting the server numerous times.

If you REALLY want him to upload the full feature then he will, Hes not afraid, We don't have to prove we didn't hack, HE has to prove that WE did. Which, I can tell you straight up, There is no evidence of hacking because we didn't hack. We had an inside source on where the camp was, That's how we found it. Blame a disgruntled teammate that exposed the camp location. All we did was take advantage of the information. We are the victims not him.

I understand that English may not be your first or even second language, so I will forgive that you clearly didn't comprehend what I wrote. Perhaps you would do well to read it again?

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I understand that English may not be your first or even second language, so I will forgive that you clearly didn't comprehend what I wrote. Perhaps you would do well to read it again?

Sorry, I did actually missread your post, I'm tired, the rest of my post is actually speaking to the people who say the video doesnt prove anything.

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I honestly can not believe this. I know Brad gave our position away to you guys and WE will never make that mistake again.

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I played on that server before. I never saw any form of admin abuse and I have seen dez get killed a few times and never had he decided to restart the server for it. This seems to just be a pure attack. You guys just don't seem to be considering the fact that maybe he was mislead into thinking it was an admin. If I was running a server and someone said hacker...I wouldn't want to risk EVERYONE losing stuff because someone decided to ruin everyone elses fun.

The video doesn't show any surpressive fire...and doesn't show any evidence he knew the truck was being stolen. I mean if he died...he would be on the coast. And if he died...he would be idk...NOT seeing the truck get stolen?

Dude, the video of us shooting at him in the chopper wasnt obviously included in this, this was way after this video was posted. We have all of what we did in the chopper recorded too. As well as "shutting down the server" after we flew away 2 minutes after we were still shooting

Edited by xbamaris

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Dez, some personal advice. You have to divorce your feelings for loot and vehicles. The more you invest in them emotionally the more torn up you'll be when they are taken away from you. And yes, they will be taken from you. It's part of the game, man. You cannot hold onto gear and vehicles forever. This Mod isn't a personal playground for you and your friends to play in. It's a public space where people harass and kill each other for funzies. Put up your server and let em go to town on your stuff. Accept that this happens and move on buddy.

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How would it be possible to know exactly where a camp is?

Was server hopping involved? If so why even look for vehicles and not just loot?

You had plenty of time to shoot to kill and loot but you did not do this.

Was there some sort of plan already decided upon?


Where was the said helicopter in this video?

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Ok. so you get shot, instantly assume its a hacker because this is Dayz mod and 'everyone' hacks nowadays.(maybe he fucking hunted your camp down, or followed you guys?) so, you rage shut down the server, like 5 times.... and this is to prevent the 'hacker' that decided to hack a 5 man server? who the fuck hacks a 5 man servers? not one hacker will sit there and join a server 5 times to get your pathetic ass gear or vehicles that they could spawn in a second. think about it?

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I played on that server before. I never saw any form of admin abuse and I have seen dez get killed a few times and never had he decided to restart the server for it. This seems to just be a pure attack. You guys just don't seem to be considering the fact that maybe he was mislead into thinking it was an admin. If I was running a server and someone said hacker...I wouldn't want to risk EVERYONE losing stuff because someone decided to ruin everyone elses fun.

The video doesn't show any surpressive fire...and doesn't show any evidence he knew the truck was being stolen. I mean if he died...he would be on the coast. And if he died...he would be idk...NOT seeing the truck get stolen?

Did you not take the time to watch the video? I was being shot at 5 seconds after I started to drive the Ural away and then the server shut down. So there was someone there ( his buddy ) who disconnected after I shot him and he passed out which you can see if you watched the video. He ghosted and moved to a different position to try to kill me as I looted but I had already gotten in the Ural and was leaving.

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So the "hacker" decided to DRIVE AWAY in your truck, what? He could have nuked the place. What does he need gear for? Hackers spawn gear. You shot at him, failed to kill him, then restarted the server to make sure he didn't get away and save your gear. And turning it off when your not online? wth?

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Proof is still obtainable without the event occurring, you seem to have the motivation to reboot your server and review your logs but would it no be so much easier to prevent it in the first place? Letting the hacker do what he does is letting him win, he walks away with a smirk on his face while you clean your server up and have a lot of pissed off players.

If you watched the video you would see that there was only two others on the server so there wouldn't be "a lot of pissed off players." And also, who hacks a server with 5 players on it?

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Upon reviewing the video...dez sat idle for 3:40 of the video before the video shows the restart. The video WAS tampered with to show passing of time which dilutes the evidence. You can clearly see dez sitting there in front of the truck not moving. He was killed and took no action for 3:40 of the video. Normal human instinct to cheat would be to restart IMMEDIATLY after death... Nothing HAPPEND he was killed at like 1:23. THATS 2 mins of him NOT RESETTING THE SERVER. Video time. Mind you it was tampered to show passing of time. How much time really passed...?

So because I fast forwarded the video in the non actiony parts it "dilutes the evidence." How so? You can see how much time has elapsed cause I am moving the whole time and running. I also fast forwarded it because uploading a 30 minute long video would take me 3 hours, so no thanks. The only cuts in the video were after the server was shut off and I was waiting for it to come back up, then started recording when I rejoined the server.

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That's what i said! and by the way dez, learn English, its annoying when the server admin doesn't even have a GED. its a chopper, for short. or a helicopter. Not a chooper.

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If you watched the video you would see that there was only two others on the server so there wouldn't be "a lot of pissed off players." And also, who hacks a server with 5 players on it?

In my opinion, any smart hacker would log onto a server with no one on it in order to avoid being detected, then move to a populated one and not risk being detected.. sounds like a smart hacker to me but like I said you didn't hack after reviewing the logs and that is a bullshit point that is irrelevant to this post.

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That's what i said! and by the way dez, learn English, its annoying when the server admin doesn't even have a GED. its a chopper, for short. or a helicopter. Not a chooper.

You sir are a douche... all these assholes raging against us have mispelled many word. You have forgot many capitol letters and the like as well and I for one am acutally in college unlike your uneducated self. screw off and go make your own post your point is moot.

Edited by dez

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How would it be possible to know exactly where a camp is?

Was server hopping involved? If so why even look for vehicles and not just loot?

You had plenty of time to shoot to kill and loot but you did not do this.

Was there some sort of plan already decided upon?


Where was the said helicopter in this video?

If you read the thread you would see that someone posted and said we had an inside person from their group, and you can also see (if you read the post) that I said a friend was here earlier and gave me the location. A lot of times anyone finds a camp is completely by chance. I was waiting for a good opportunity to take out three people, when the ghille guy disconnected I had my opportunity because the camo clothing was looting a tent. After I shot the camo clothed person he disconnected, without dying, so I knew he would be back soon so I didn't want to stick around long looting. Also the ghille guy (which you see in the video) disconnected as well. So there are two guys who are at the camp location but not in game so you bet your ass I am not waiting around for them to show up. Also, if you watched the video... you would see when it goes into slow motion where the helicopter is.

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By this time, I am drunk as shit(even though my typing is not too affected). I want you to know that this god damned server is up, and I am going to bed. WE have not touched our camp or taken anything from it. I am sick of this shit do what the fuck you want. I am never gonna get to bed because this shit is fuckin gay( pissed that my money could get wasted due to stupid misrepresetntaions, but do what you want. Thanks for all of this, goodnight assholes

Edited by dez

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Not being able to use the in game Admin panel is a known issue.

Look into getting RCON, better Admin tool. http://www.battleye.com/downloads/BERCon.exe

There has been a lot of discussion about is shutting down the server against the rules. the rules don't say it exactly, but most of the SA's/community believe it is against the rules.

Don't shut your server off, same as locking it.

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I have reviewed the video, and see no helicopter.

I have included screenshots here: http://imgur.com/a/NrbN8 which are the best shots I could find of their entire camp area. I do not see a helicopter.

Now, about the recording, the question you seemed to dodge. What was the the cause that made you decide to start filming?

Was the server being restarted before the beginning of the video?

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By this time, I am drunk as shit(even though my typing is not too affected). I want you to know that this god damned server is up, and I am going to bed. WE have not touched our camp or taken anything from it. I am sick of this shit do what the fuck you want. I am never gonna get to bed because this shit is fuckin gay( pissed that my money could get wasted due to stupid misrepresetntaions, but do what you want. Thanks for all of this, goodnight assholes

r-i-i-i-i-i-iiiiiight, dibs on his Military Truck :)

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I have reviewed the video, and see no helicopter.

I have included screenshots here: http://imgur.com/a/NrbN8 which are the best shots I could find of their entire camp area. I do not see a helicopter.

Now, about the recording, the question you seemed to dodge. What was the the cause that made you decide to start filming?

Was the server being restarted before the beginning of the video?

You my good sir are a Re-tard, the 'Heli' is in another incident not related to this thread, now goodaysir *takes of tophat*

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I love it that there are many people in there. Holy cheese I hate you forever enjoy our loot and fuck off for good goddamnit

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