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Admin abuse US1320, restarting the server after vehicle is stolen

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And we can shut down our server as much as we please. If I can't access admin control panel I can shut it down as much as I need to to regain access, Nothing wrong with that.

looooooooooool, Good luck with that with the Day Z Devs + Admins.

So mad that you stole a chooper? Our chopper has been gone for the past week+ I have been playing a lot the past 3 days and Our chooper has never been at the camp once since before I left over a week ago. I killed your buddy Chad after he went down to our camp I was their the entire time you were flying it.

Uh, Quit lying. We found the chopper at your camp. Quit trying to play this game like you had no idea where it was.

Might I direct you to this:


11. As a server admin you must not:

You are not permitted to ban players for killing yourself or clan members.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when your killed.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when you lose a vehicle.

You are not permitted to kick or ban for smacktalk.

You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs.

Edited by xbamaris
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I didn't ban anyone first of all, I can turn the server off If I am going to bed. You were not shooting at me when I finally turned it off.. I gave you guys your fun time with the chopper and I shut it off WHEN I WAS DONE FOR THE NIGHT. And to XBamaris, Obviously I can't shut if off when I am killed or whatever but I can shut if off if I am told there is a suspected hacker period. I was dead for a while before I restarted the server but don't know how long since I was taking a smoke break I banned no one and seriously our chopper has been gone for the past week! This game is so buggy vehicles have been reappearing and disappearing especially with this new patch including our off road truck, bike, and uaz.

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well, right ... please close this server, this guy doesent know the first thing about beeing a server admin, do a little research next time 'Dez' and you know fully where your logs are, look at the active Server prompt and perhaps use a 3rd party server admin tool...

there are plenty of reasons to restart a server, but ... this isnt one of them.

OP you're welcome to roll with me on LU 1337 where you can freely loot and kill whatever you want, on the house... and if you manage to kill me then i eaven have a prize for you ;)

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So mad that you stole a chooper? Our chopper has been gone for the past week+ I have been playing a lot the past 3 days and Our chooper has never been at the camp once since before I left over a week ago. I killed your buddy Chad after he went down to our camp I was their the entire time you were flying it.

Is that why your helicopter was not even 200m from your camp?

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You know what, I am done wasting my time in hear bullshitting on and on with you guys. We will apparently see what the devs have to say and if they blacklist the server, it is a damn shame. You guys are seriously not worth my time you all heard my side and you can think however you want. (Cheese,Bamaris, etc). All we do is buy a server so us and the community can use it. I have had enough of you guys but don't be too butthurt since its not like we banned you. It is just so amazing that you have nothing better to do but bust peoples balls when it could have been many reasons for restarting earlier, how do you know what really happened? YOU DO NOT. Just because you think you know what was going on does not mean it is true from my perspective and I obviously know what happened since it is MY SERVER!

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One more comment. If your buddy tells you your server is being hacked, who is going to sit around and browse through logs, etc while leaving the server running? The first step for almost anyone would be to immediately stop the server.

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You know what, I am done wasting my time in hear bullshitting on and on with you guys. We will apparently see what the devs have to say and if they blacklist the server, it is a damn shame. You guys are seriously not worth my time you all heard my side and you can think however you want. (Cheese,Bamaris, etc). All we do is buy a server so us and the community can use it. I have had enough of you guys but don't be too butthurt since its not like we banned you. It is just so amazing that you have nothing better to do but bust peoples balls when it could have been many reasons for restarting earlier, how do you know what really happened? YOU DO NOT. Just because you think you know what was going on does not mean it is true from my perspective and I obviously know what happened since it is MY SERVER!

all i heard was 'nag,nag,nag,nag,nag this is MY SERVER, NAG'


Have a nice day.

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One more comment. If your buddy tells you your server is being hacked, who is going to sit around and browse through logs, etc while leaving the server running? The first step for almost anyone would be to immediately stop the server.

I have had to deal with hackers many times, UNLESS THE SERVER IS BEING THUNDERDOMED OR EVERYONE DIES INSTANTLY OR BEING TELEPORTED, That is when I shut down the server. Never do I restart it for vehicles being stolen. We were circling your camp for a good 15-20 minutes and we were laying suppressive fire in the area. After we left the area for no more than 2 minutes you decided to shutdown your server. You have already lost dude, You cant honestly expect anyone to side with you. If you think you did nothing wrong, then you shouldn't be hosting any server.

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One more comment. If your buddy tells you your server is being hacked, who is going to sit around and browse through logs, etc while leaving the server running? The first step for almost anyone would be to immediately stop the server.

what i do, is that if someone is hacking i start my fraps, and then seek the hacker out get my proof then POOF ban, items in the game can ALWAYS be relooted.

as i said, if you're going to be an Admin you need to be Prepared, but clearly you are not fit to be one.

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Then go back to your own server. What I did broke no rules since I couldn't access the control panel and hackers have been known to screw people over with script restriction kicks and the like.

You call your self a admin and server owner and you dont use a Rcon tool? Game have bin kicking you for scripts trying to use in game panel login for ever. If you want to login you have to type it in not use the pannel.

You talk to much bs, your just trying to save your ass.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express

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Also trying to ban with in game pannel is just pure stupid. Its a bitch to guid ban someone which you know sence you banned hackers before, right?

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express

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Why the fuck Alucardi do you think you are so high and mighty? This has nothing to do with you number one and I have only owned this server for 2 weeks 1 of which I was gone and no I have not banned anyone yet.

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For those of you who are admins on other server I have a question. At the risk of not obtaining any proof would it not be better to prevent the entire server from dying or from a town being bombed? You guys wait until after an event happens to act, if someone says there is a hacker, its only natural for an admin to shut down the server. Instead of letting the hacker do there thing, prevent it the first time.

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Also, if I am not being shot at currently, it is not against the rules to shut it down cheese.

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For those of you who are admins on other server I have a question. At the risk of not obtaining any proof would it not be better to prevent the entire server from dying or from a town being bombed? You guys wait until after an event happens to act, if someone says there is a hacker, its only natural for an admin to shut down the server. Instead of letting the hacker do there thing, prevent it the first time.

Let it happen get your evidence end of story, THEN you can restart your server to fix eventual disturbances.

and this is at the risk of loosing evidence, since you always have your logs.

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I played on that server before. I never saw any form of admin abuse and I have seen dez get killed a few times and never had he decided to restart the server for it. This seems to just be a pure attack. You guys just don't seem to be considering the fact that maybe he was mislead into thinking it was an admin. If I was running a server and someone said hacker...I wouldn't want to risk EVERYONE losing stuff because someone decided to ruin everyone elses fun.

The video doesn't show any surpressive fire...and doesn't show any evidence he knew the truck was being stolen. I mean if he died...he would be on the coast. And if he died...he would be idk...NOT seeing the truck get stolen?

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So just let it happen? Take no steps in trying to prevent it? You can still get proof without fucking the entire server over. Don't just sit back and watch as the supposed hacker has his fun with you. Yes in the end the hacker does get banned but the effects of what he did are unnecessary if given the opportunity to prevent them in the first place.

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I played on that server before. I never saw any form of admin abuse and I have seen dez get killed a few times and never had he decided to restart the server for it. This seems to just be a pure attack. You guys just don't seem to be considering the fact that maybe he was mislead into thinking it was an admin. If I was running a server and someone said hacker...I wouldn't want to risk EVERYONE losing stuff because someone decided to ruin everyone elses fun.

The video doesn't show any surpressive fire...and doesn't show any evidence he knew the truck was being stolen. I mean if he died...he would be on the coast. And if he died...he would be idk...NOT seeing the truck get stolen?

1 post ?... seems fishy.

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So just let it happen? Take no steps in trying to prevent it? You can still get proof without fucking the entire server over. Don't just sit back and watch as the supposed hacker has his fun with you. Yes in the end the hacker does get banned but the effects of what he did are unnecessary if given the opportunity to prevent them in the first place.

Yes let it happen, get your evidence, then reboot the server, poof all the items tents and vhiecles are back, end of argument.

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Proof is still obtainable without the event occurring, you seem to have the motivation to reboot your server and review your logs but would it no be so much easier to prevent it in the first place? Letting the hacker do what he does is letting him win, he walks away with a smirk on his face while you clean your server up and have a lot of pissed off players.

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Upon reviewing the video...dez sat idle for 3:40 of the video before the video shows the restart. The video WAS tampered with to show passing of time which dilutes the evidence. You can clearly see dez sitting there in front of the truck not moving. He was killed and took no action for 3:40 of the video. Normal human instinct to cheat would be to restart IMMEDIATLY after death... Nothing HAPPEND he was killed at like 1:23. THATS 2 mins of him NOT RESETTING THE SERVER. Video time. Mind you it was tampered to show passing of time. How much time really passed...?

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I support Dez in this argument, until you provide sufficient proof to back up your story I will remain on Dez's side in this. The video recorded proves nothing and your posts are meaningless.

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