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Admin abuse US1320, restarting the server after vehicle is stolen

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Also, if you watched the video... you would see when it goes into slow motion where the helicopter is.

All I was doing was providing proof on my behalf.

My previous question lies unanswered.

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Also why do u fuck with us when you have 2 servers with more gear and helicopters than you could ever want. Just don't understand the greed of you in this game.

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I have reviewed the video, and see no helicopter.

I have included screenshots here: http://imgur.com/a/NrbN8 which are the best shots I could find of their entire camp area. I do not see a helicopter.

Now, about the recording, the question you seemed to dodge. What was the the cause that made you decide to start filming?

Was the server being restarted before the beginning of the video?

4:39, down the hill dude he slowed it down for everyone to see. Watch it on 1080p for a better view.

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I love it that there are many people in there. Holy cheese I hate you forever enjoy our loot and fuck off for good goddamnit

You need to calm down, you over reacted some to the post. Just take it as a learning experience. Get the RCON that i linked, and that will help you out alot admin'ing

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Dez, man, don't go out like this. Getting angry is a good thing but use it to drive your goals in game. Rebuild your little empire on your server and shoot the fuck out of bitches. This is what the game is all about. Get some revenge! Find where your vehicles end up and get them back!

Either way, you made the right decision. Having your camp and plans ruined is far better then having your server blacklisted.

Edited by Ped
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I have reviewed the video, and see no helicopter.

I have included screenshots here: http://imgur.com/a/NrbN8 which are the best shots I could find of their entire camp area. I do not see a helicopter.

Now, about the recording, the question you seemed to dodge. What was the the cause that made you decide to start filming?

Was the server being restarted before the beginning of the video?

You see the helicopter in the first screenshot you posted in the middle right of the screen. From now on I always record an encounter if I can, especially if I find a camp like this. And also, a friend was here a couple hours prior and told me they reset the server 10 minutes after he took the helicopter.

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All I was doing was providing proof on my behalf.

My previous question lies unanswered.

How would it be possible to know exactly where a camp is?: Like I said in the previous reply.. "If you read the thread you would see that someone posted and said we had an inside person from their group, and you can also see (if you read the post) that I said a friend was here earlier and gave me the location. A lot of times anyone finds a camp is completely by chance."

Was server hopping involved? If so why even look for vehicles and not just loot?: No server hopping was involved, once again, friend gave me the location and I moved to that location which is when I started recording. I'm not sure what your second question means so idk how to answer it.

You had plenty of time to shoot to kill and loot but you did not do this. Was there some sort of plan already decided upon?: From my previous reply... "I was waiting for a good opportunity to take out three people, when the ghille guy disconnected I had my opportunity because the camo clothing was looting a tent. After I shot the camo clothed person he disconnected, without dying, so I knew he would be back soon so I didn't want to stick around long looting. Also the ghille guy (which you see in the video) disconnected as well. So there are two guys who are at the camp location but not in game so you bet your ass I am not waiting around for them to show up."


Where was the said helicopter in this video? If you watch it fully, you will see when I put it into slow motion when the helicopter is shown. But since you wont go through the video the timestamp is 4:40 in the video on the right side of the screen, watch in 1080p for a better view.

Does that answer all of your questions?

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Also why do u fuck with us when you have 2 servers with more gear and helicopters than you could ever want. Just don't understand the greed of you in this game.

If you read the other posts by maris you would have read that ours was lost to a battleye kick and it hasn't been back since in 13 days. And our second server is glitched and doesn't spawn any vehicles.

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To make the story short, butthurt admins got mad that someone found their camp, restarted the server to put their vehicles back where they were last saved at while knowing that the guy would respawn far away. guy got proof of butthurt admins abusing their admin powers. butthurt admins trying to justify by saying that they though he was hacking. the end. These admins need to man up and just accept that someone found their camp and stole their shit. You guys are going to be lucky if your server isn't blacklisted.

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The OP notified me of this (I admin a different server.) When I went to look there were only two people on 1320. Des and Kirby.

There were no hackers. You continually shut 1320 down anytime anyone logged in. Everytime I tried to enter, as "Gravel" I was kicked and the server was shut down. Blatant abuse to avoid losing your truck.

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The OP notified me of this (I admin a different server.) When I went to look there were only two people on 1320. Des and Kirby.

There were no hackers. You continually shut 1320 down anytime anyone logged in. Everytime I tried to enter, as "Gravel" I was kicked and the server was shut down. Blatant abuse to avoid losing your truck.

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you must password your server and make it works with private DB.

Because you dont want to play according to rules. Just runs it in private mode, with zeds... lol

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A classic, Words vs Hard evidence of wrong doing. Ill say it again, there are two different breeds of admins.. "I DO WHAT I WANT CAUSE I R GOT MOMMYS CRED CARD TO BUY SERVER" and "I set this server up for the soul purpose of helping this mod progress. Selfless Service."

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The OP notified me of this (I admin a different server.) When I went to look there were only two people on 1320. Des and Kirby.

There were no hackers. You continually shut 1320 down anytime anyone logged in. Everytime I tried to enter, as "Gravel" I was kicked and the server was shut down. Blatant abuse to avoid losing your truck.

Server restart does not equal kick.I kicked and banned no one.

A classic, Words vs Hard evidence of wrong doing. Ill say it again, there are two different breeds of admins.. "I DO WHAT I WANT CAUSE I R GOT MOMMYS CRED CARD TO BUY SERVER" and "I set this server up for the soul purpose of helping this mod progress. Selfless Service."

Ya no mommies credit card for me asshole, I am 21 not 12.

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Server restart does not equal kick.I kicked and banned no one.

Ya no mommies credit card for me asshole, I am 21 not 12.

You should bow out of this thread, you're just making yourself look worse as you continue to reply. Everyone makes mistakes, just say sorry, and move on.

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Hey Dez, you might want to restart your server again today. All your tents and vehicles are gone due to a bad server restart. Make sure you are updated to the latest hive version as well. So having the server running all night didn't really do much since no vehicles or tents were there.

Edited by holycheeseboy
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Dez, man, don't go out like this. Getting angry is a good thing but use it to drive your goals in game. Rebuild your little empire on your server and shoot the fuck out of bitches. This is what the game is all about. Get some revenge! Find where your vehicles end up and get them back!

Either way, you made the right decision. Having your camp and plans ruined is far better then having your server blacklisted.

Ped, I just wanted to say you seem very logical, and I love that man.

I agree with you, use emotion to seek revenge.

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WOW hold on. I was in that server!!! And your story sounds just like the one i HAD!!! I actually made a report about this server also.

I was watching a crash site for about 5mins waiting for any activity before moving in. next thing i see is a URAL blowing in there from nowhere.

A guy in a Ghillie His name was "Dez" was looting it, I was waiting for him to come to my sight till i shot him, He took 1 bullet to the head and went down instantly with my camo.

10 secs later the server goes offline for about 30mins, it comes back up finally and as soon as i login he turns it back off, This went on for a good ol while. I will not play on this server anymore.

I have screenshots, And my post should be up soon about it all. But holycheeseboy the server thing happend to me the same time and everything.

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Here is a solution that I would use if I was the admin in this spot.

"Sorry, I was wrong. I am just a little paranoid with all the hacking. You know where all the stuff is, you found it legit, so take 10 minutes and do/take whatever you want. It would be cool if you don't blow up everything, but if you want to that's your call"

This would solve 99% of these "mix ups" that seem to happen all the time. However we all know kids like this will already have all their stuff moved to a new save location and would never give up their stuff to the mean guy who calls them out on the forums. Maybe I'm just dreaming with this idea, but it seems a little better than the admins idea:

"]Whatever, I do what I want. FU BRO! Anytime I get shot it must be a hacker.. Its my server, me, MINE.. Go away so my mature 21yo friends can play in peace"

Edited by syncmaster

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Well everything is disconnected and apparently gone for good. Some reason our server switched to a new number and I have no idea what is wrong with 1320

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Actually I thought HolyCheese was Killer777s' forum name. Apparently not.

Killer777s is actually the person who reported this to me. Same server. Same people. Same situation.

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Actually I thought HolyCheese was Killer777s' forum name. Apparently not.

Killer777s is actually the person who reported this to me. Same server. Same people. Same situation.

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