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What is your Character's D&D alignment?

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Hello there for those of you not familiar with what D&D go google it. It's basiclly the first rpg game based hugely on J.R.R Tolken. Now asside from that Dungeons and Dragons had one of the most in depth alighnment systems I have ever seen and most games base their alignment systems on it now. Here is each alignment and a description.

Chaotic Good- This alignment is one that fights evil at every front and never follows any rules. This is your typical vigilante/ superhero alignment

Lawful Good- This alignment is one that fights evil as well but where they differ is that this one fights in the name of order and puts the law first. This is your typical military/ police/ priest alignment.

Neutral Good- This is an alignment that passively fights evil. They won't go out looking for evil to crush but instead go out of their way to give aid to the needy and so forth. This is your typical righteous person who has a high moral standered and will refrain from killing unless it's a necessity.

Lawful Neutral- These guys believe in morals and will give help only if spoken to. These guys don't go out of their way to hunt evil they just don't get involved.

True Neutral- This is basically your dayz hermit. He doesn't shoot on sight or go talk to the stranger. He basiclly just minds his own business.

Chaotic Neutral- These guys will shoot on sight and put their own survival over anothers. That aside they don't look for trouble and try their best to avoid interacting with people. Basiclly this is your basic shoot on sight person.

Neutral Evil- these guys are selfish and don't mind killing someone if they get in the way of their objective. Generally speaking they don't hunt people but they won't help people either.

Lawful Evil- These people create their own society aka bandit clans. They are cruel ruthless and murderous to anyone outside of their clan. But they will loot bodies and don't just kill to kill... basiclly anyone who is a member of a bandit clan.

Chaotic Evil- These guys lie, cheat, kill, steal, hoard, rape, pillage exetra... They are your ruthless bounty hunters, your serial killers, and your bandits who kill to kill. These guys are the ones who will quickly betray their leader if they sense he is weak.

Now what D&D alignment do you find yourself under? I fall under the neutral good alignment as of now.

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Neutral good. I kill only when the situation deems it a necessity. I only take a shot when the opportune moment arises.

EDIT: Oh, also, I'm sort of a mixture between some as I do steal, etc.

Edited by Inception.
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Fable was good..

I wish they would bring in cannibalism the more you eat your skin goes all fucked up n shit. that would be some good alignment haha.

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On further thought I'm actually more of a mix of lawful neutral and true neutral.

Edited by cfnz

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Lawful Neutral. Mofos don't bother me and I don't bother them.

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Neutral evil. Won't kill you as long as I don't need to. I won't help you if I get nothing out of it.

Every action I make has a purpose.

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Lawful Evil

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True Neutral: I try to avoid other players at all opportunities to prevent any possible violence, if I hear a fight, ill dwell on the outskirts and observe for any loot that I can scavenge safetly, but otherwise; ill only fire upon others in self-defence or in extreme circumstances.

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I'm pretty Chaotic Neutral. When I'm down by the coasts scrounging medical supplies, I swing a bit more towards lawful, but when I'm up north doing my loot cycle, things start to veer towards SOS.

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I oscilate between Chaotic neutral and lawful neutral, with true neutral in between.

I am by definition a hermit, 0 player kills and a ton of zombie kills when needed/helplessly pulled a bunch of zombies that needed putting down.

If surprised with an interaction where the opponent has the means to kill or wound me fast, I will gun down on instinct, if I see a player far away that sees me, depending on his action I either back away or get ready to snipe

if surprised with an interaction where the opponent doesn't have the means to kill me I just mind my own business but keep my distance.

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Chaotic Neutral

Neutral because I won't shoot unless shot upon

Chaotic because no-one knows exactly when BattleEye will kick me for high ping >.>

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Chaotic evil except that I'm a lone wolf so I don't lie or anything I just cause mayhem. I have many tents full of satchel charges you can probably guess what I do with those.

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So far this is what the gaming population looks like this

33% evil about half (19% are lawful and chaotic evil)

19% good( important to note that no goods have been chosen above neutral good)

42% various forms of neutral excluding the goods/ evils

75% of players identify themselves as some sort of neutral all kinds

From what this very small group tells me about 42% are true survivors, 33% of guys are the wolves eating the sheep, and 19% of the guys will help people for no reason but 0% will hunt bandits. From what this tells me nobody wants to fight evil they just don't want to cause it. So just like in reality a true appocolypse is a bandit's paradise... this reflects pretty poorly on humanity however... thoughts?

Edited by Robert-_-Frost

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I can't imagine anyone really being good. I understand that people have said they are good, but they will still shoot people even though the guy isn't shooting at them yet.

I realized I am more of a neutral player, not as evil as I previously thought. Encountered a sniper outside of Zelenogorsk one time. He had an m107, and I was in range to kill him (we were both looking at eachother, I had the gun to do it too, an m249). I had the time, but I hesitated (trying to understand his intentions), and he went prone on the ground and disconnected immediately. It all happened within the course of a few seconds, but I think it really highlights what sort of player I am. I agonize killing innocent people, like this one guy who yelled friendly and I shot him. Only later my friend said he yelled friendly, and I felt bad about it.

Lawful neutral. However, I still shoot people who are threats (aka they see me, shoot me, or actively trying to kill me).

Edited by whitetigerofmichigan

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Chaotic Neutral. If I don't know you, or if you can see me and have a gun, I'm going to take you out just because I would rather not die. Plus I want your loot.

So I don't kill on sight because someone might not have a gun/might not see me/might be a known ally, but if you are just some mook wandering around with a gun, you are an immediate threat.

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