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What is your Character's D&D alignment?

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Now for D&D alignments are right around 60% good, 30% evil, and about 10% neutral. D&D death is normally permanante but your character is generally much more powerful so many of these passive people such as me would chose good over neutral. Now that I know that barely anybody wants to fight evil in this game I will start pushing my character to the lawful good spectrum... I'm currently at my 28 day mark... well as the saying goes is living a long life worth living if you did nothing good?

Edited by Robert-_-Frost

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Lawful evil

Killing for the sake of killing is a waste of ammo and compromises your position

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Chaotic Good. I don't kill people...unless your a bandit camping out a loot spot, and consequences be damned!

Case in point. I once shot down a couple of guys that had taken over a firestation in Elektro with a Lee Enfield...and then got murdered by a horde of Zombies!

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wait wait wait, tbh I'd go for the elektro hill and all that, but with all the scripters and hackers, so far it's best to keep at bay. that's why no one is going for the bandits, because those are generally the ones most likely to hack (I mean come on, a survivor hacking, sorta contradictory)

also keep in mind not everyone is accessing the forums.

Edited by kryvian

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When I play with a more RP feel, I usually go Neutral Good or Lawful Good. If I hear bandits are terrorizing the locals in Elektro, or a sniper is fucking shit up in Cherno, I go after that guy and try to defeat them for the greater good of the people.

But if I'm going on there Pinkie Pie Random I'm-Gonna-Dick-Around-With-People style, I'll do shit like in this thread

I try to mind my own business for the most part, but I'll help people if they need it.

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Hello there

That takes me back.

Lawful Evil. All the way.

I preferred playing Traveller though. :)



UPDATE: your version of LE isn't the same as the rules I remember :) I do go back a few versions AD&D I may be thinking of.

Edited by orlok

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I know this forum is really old, not sure if anyone will ever read this. I have a lot of time on dayz. Between xbox and PC, almost 2,500 hrs. Well, truly When I started playing this game I was Neutral Good. After countless hours of running back from the coast and dealing with the community of this game, I start realizing it’s a dark game. I went from the type of person to give someone my spare gun to giving someone a bullet in their head just because they looked at me wrong. I believe this game brings out the evil in everyone, I have vary rarely met someone else who didn’t want what I have. The only way to survive is to shoot first and ask questions later. I believe now I would be Chaotic Evil. I was a good person, just got crossed too many times. - Colaga#9529 on discord

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