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  On 8/31/2012 at 9:03 PM, Griff said:

I asked a dev some questions regarding some of your concerns, here's how it went down;

These updates are KICKASS. Thank you so much Griff!

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Aye very good to hear some news! I wish the team best of luck and offer my beans to all those who made this possible. Been gaming for a long time and this is by far, even in its current state, more fun to me then anything I've gone through on my computer. Can't wait for standalone!

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can prolly lock the thread again. :)

good to have updates and such. just unlock it to post any other updates the team may have

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  On 9/1/2012 at 2:36 AM, antiskub2.0 said:

can prolly lock the thread again. :)

good to have updates and such. just unlock it to post any other updates the team may have


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Why cant you just remove the problem corpses?

We have checked the corpses and it doesn't appear to be them.

We are working on it but it is a complex problem that is alluding us at the moment.

lol it is definately something to do with the corpses, it's got something to do with the different textures or something. I think it's because I'm playing on low-medium settings but my game doesn't actually render the corpses until I'm standing right next to them. I can follow the weird geometry directly to each individual corpse as that's where the lines lead from. The artefacts disappear once I'm standing right next to the corpses and they get drawn into the game. So clearly the issue is something to do with the textures the game is trying to render from a distance...

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Finally someone from forum team gives us information instead of locking every thread.

Thx for update.

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  On 8/31/2012 at 8:45 PM, JoeDaddy92 said:

Why are people calling themselves customers to this mod? Last time I checked, the DayZ mod is free and you either bought or pirated Arma II: CO. As far as I'm concerned, I'm an alpha tester until rocket requires us to buy it.


OK try to think about it, or maybe i used the wrong words. Lets call it Future customers but to be honest they know exactly that people just spend 25 bugs for this mod because theres no other way to play it. So with this beeing said thats no way to treat there " future customers " . To speak for my self , right now i dont see anyway that i will buy the standalone.

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if you think that an older version is better, feel free to rollback with Dayz Commander...

And stop the bitching..

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  On 8/31/2012 at 10:21 PM, Griff said:

That generally can be deducted from a situation where a mod made for 100-500 people gets over a million people.

true, the coding is basically so shite, it can only handle a max of 500 people, and maybe like what.. 50 tents, and.... 100 vehicles.

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  On 9/1/2012 at 11:28 AM, Figo said:

OK try to think about it, or maybe i used the wrong words. Lets call it Future customers but to be honest they know exactly that people just spend 25 bugs for this mod because theres no other way to play it. So with this beeing said thats no way to treat there " future customers " . To speak for my self , right now i dont see anyway that i will buy the standalone.

This is self serving and only pseudo-logical. Think about it for a second. Think about what a mod is, Look at this game in context of how it was originally released to the public and the expectations of a mod released for a game with a limited and close knit community. Only since the beginning of august has rocket offically been working at BI to start work on the standalone game. He is still not getting paid to make this mod. Honestly, I wish he would drop the mod all together and just get to work on the stand alone instead of feeling like he has some kind of obligation to people who bought arma 2 to play a mod and who feel ripped off because now that mod is going on to become its own standalone.

This MOD team, The arma 2 community, and Bohemia interactive owe you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Hell, I still have no idea when Black Mesa mod for source engine is coming out. I've been waiting for that for a good couple of years now. I'm to understand that they are still working on it, and I await its release with baited breath, but I can't get angry at that team because they are not getting paid to make that mod. I can be more impatient with valve for giving me no info on when they will release the next half-life installment, but not to the point where I feel they owe me anything.

Have faith in the process my friend. If this is the kind of thing you find yourself getting overly upset about, count yourself lucky you don't have any real problems.

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DayZ Dev said:

Why cant you just remove the problem corpses?

We have checked the corpses and it doesn't appear to be them.

We are working on it but it is a complex problem that is alluding us at the moment.

Have they not played the game? Anyone playing the game who walks into certain areas with dead military soldiers can clearly tell you that they are artifacting....

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  On 9/2/2012 at 5:00 PM, Littleassassin2 said:

DayZ Dev said:

Why cant you just remove the problem corpses?

We have checked the corpses and it doesn't appear to be them.

We are working on it but it is a complex problem that is alluding us at the moment.

Have they not played the game? Anyone playing the game who walks into certain areas with dead military soldiers can clearly tell you that they are artifacting....

They are trying to fix the root cause. Barbed wire also gives artifacting during the day and has for as long as I can recall.

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AMATEURS have fixed the map (there's alternate maps on private HIVE servers) to eliminate the glitches while it will be fixed (they basically have eliminated the objects that produces the glitches, in fact on these servers you can freely go to the airports/berezino/.. whatever)... and the game developers are not able to do the same until they address the root cause?

The option then are 2:

1) They are intentionally ignoring the problem;

2) They are incompetent.

You chose.

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  On 9/2/2012 at 7:02 PM, WalkerDown said:

AMATEURS have fixed the map (there's alternate maps on private HIVE servers) to eliminate the glitches while it will be fixed (they basically have eliminated the objects that produces the glitches, in fact on these servers you can freely go to the airports/berezino/.. whatever)... and the game developers are not able to do the same until they address the root cause?

The option then are 2:

1) They are intentionally ignoring the problem;

2) They are incompetent.

You chose.

You don't understand what development testing is then. Also what would that eventually come to if they remove content to fix a bug. A flat land with nothing due to bugs? Just because a few people removed content to fix the issue doesn't mean the developers are willing to sacrifice that much for a temp fix or patch fix. Before anyone should post on a forum they should have developed at least one thing. It would eliminate half the whiners so people like me who have done something in their life wouldn't have to re-educate them time and time again.

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They aren't fixing anything by removing the corpses, they're simply hiding the problem.

The devs are actually trying to fix the problem at it's root, so it doesn't happen in future.

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Is impossible read all the topic again.. so i'm gonna ask here is the last patch for alpha? or will be released another 'final patch' for the alpha and after this just standalone?

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  On 9/2/2012 at 9:42 PM, Griff said:

They aren't fixing anything by removing the corpses, they're simply hiding the problem.

The devs are actually trying to fix the problem at it's root, so it doesn't happen in future.

why waste time though on such nothingness ?

barb wire dead zombie certain type remove that zombie remove barb wire.

it doesnt even change the game that took all of 1 minute to fix instead of two months of nothingness. thats all people are saying.

next patch say you fixed it great and what has it added to the game ? barb wire which originally worked before you broke it and nothing game changing.

two months should and could of been spent on more exiting things in game. not saying you only spent two months on those two that cause the artifacts but any one with any basic modding skills could of solved this and has in a shorter time than the dev team. this in turn generates distrust with players at when a actually game breaking bug happens then what 6 months wait ?

barbwire changes nothing in game its just an annoyance . the dead zombie do what ? nothing . so basically people have played for two months wioth some of the worst artifacting bugs i ever seen in a project for what reason ? litterally no reason other than being busy or too lazy to actually fix it.

maybe it just cause its alpha. i said it first before alpha police arrive ;)

the games great but common stop pissing about .

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I can assure you no dev is "pissing about". What you are experiencing is what many games experience during alpha. The only difference is that you have been given the chance to test it.

These constant complaints and assumptive posts are exactly why many companies don't release open alphas.

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  On 9/2/2012 at 9:42 PM, Griff said:

They aren't fixing anything by removing the corpses, they're simply hiding the problem.

The devs are actually trying to fix the problem at it's root, so it doesn't happen in future.

That's not what i was getting at, you said that they said corpses aren't a problem in which they are. I also heard that artifacting is also a problem in the regular arma game (correct me if im wrong) and if that's true, then us complaining about it in the mod is irrelevant as to the game being in alpha and their are glitches etc because it's in the actual game. ALSO, 3 different objects, barbed wire, tank traps, and military dead bodies all having the same exact problem is slim to none imho, you'd be better off just fixing them individually instead of waiting to find a solution that fixes them all at the same time

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The dev's haven't brought me milk and cookies OR a bedtime story! You guys are sooo incompetent wharblegarblegarble *foaming at mouth*

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